Trademark FAQ

How do I fill out the TEASi forms?

Complete all fields for which information is known.  Fields prefaced with an asterisk (*) are required fields for filing purposes and must be completed. Do not use your browser’s “Back” or “Forward” buttons. 

Instead, use the “< Previous” or “Next >” buttons at the bottom of each section of the form.  As you navigate through the sections, each section is validated before the next section is displayed. If there are any errors, you must fix them before proceeding to the next section. 

To save data already entered within a section, you must first click on “Next >” prior to using the “< Previous” button, should you wish to go back.  Use the Pay/Submit button at the bottom of the Validation Page. After accessing the proper screen for payment and making the appropriate entries, you will receive a confirmation screen if your transmission was successful. 

You will also receive an e-mail acknowledgement of your submission providing a summary of your filing.  Please contact within 24 hours of transmission (or by the next business day) if you do not receive this e-mail acknowledgement.

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