Icon for a computer display

Wang , et al. August 21, 2

Patent Grant D446790

U.S. patent number D446,790 [Application Number D/120,377] was granted by the patent office on 2001-08-21 for icon for a computer display. This patent grant is currently assigned to Wells Fargo Bank N.A.. Invention is credited to Sonja Aliesch, Kristofer Chun, Steve Gustafson, Andrew Schmeling, Victor Wang.

United States Patent D446,790
Wang ,   et al. August 21, 2001

Icon for a computer display


The ornamental design for a icon for a computer display, as shown and described.
Inventors: Wang; Victor (San Francisco, CA), Chun; Kristofer (San Francisco, CA), Schmeling; Andrew (San Francisco, CA), Gustafson; Steve (Half Moon Bay, CA), Aliesch; Sonja (Portland, OR)
Assignee: Wells Fargo Bank N.A. (San Francisco, CA)
Appl. No.: D/120,377
Filed: March 17, 2000

Current U.S. Class: D14/486
Current International Class: 1402
Field of Search: ;D14/485-95 ;D18/24-33 ;D19/6 ;D21/324-33 ;D20/11 ;345/326,339-58

References Cited [Referenced By]

U.S. Patent Documents
D424036 May 2000 Arora et al.
D425497 May 2000 Eisenberg et al.
D435561 December 2000 Pettigrew et al.
D436967 January 2001 Yasui et al.
D437858 February 2001 Yasui et al.
D438873 March 2001 Wang et al.
D440575 April 2001 Wang et al.
D440979 April 2001 Wang et al.
Primary Examiner: Tung; M. H.
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Glenn; Michael A.


The single FIGURE is a front view of an icon for a display.

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