Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Mead; Carver A..The latest application filed is for "pseudo-nonvolatile direct-tunneling floating-gate device".
Patent | Date |
Pseudo-nonvolatile direct-tunneling floating-gate device Grant 8,076,707 - Hyde , et al. December 13, 2 | 2011-12-13 |
Method for storing and retrieving data from an imaging array of vertical-color-filter detector groups Grant 6,934,050 - Merrill , et al. August 23, 2 | 2005-08-23 |
Electronic view camera for tripod mounting Grant 6,853,404 - Mead , et al. February 8, 2 | 2005-02-08 |
Exposure control in electronic cameras by detecting overflow from active pixels Grant 6,833,871 - Merrill , et al. December 21, 2 | 2004-12-21 |
Aggregation of active pixel sensor signals Grant 6,794,627 - Lyon , et al. September 21, 2 | 2004-09-21 |
Intra-pixel frame storage element, array, and electronic shutter method suitable for electronic still camera applications Grant 6,741,283 - Merrill , et al. May 25, 2 | 2004-05-25 |
Method for storing and retrieving digital image data from an imaging array Grant 6,731,397 - Merrill , et al. May 4, 2 | 2004-05-04 |
Pseudo-nonvolatile direct-tunneling floating-gate device App 20040021166 - Hyde, John D. ;   et al. | 2004-02-05 |
Efficient photographic flash Grant 6,674,247 - Mead , et al. January 6, 2 | 2004-01-06 |
Focusing method and apparatus for high resolution digital cameras Grant 6,646,680 - Mead , et al. November 11, 2 | 2003-11-11 |
Aggregation of active pixel sensor signals App 20030164441 - Lyon, Richard F. ;   et al. | 2003-09-04 |
Color separation prisms having solid-state imagers mounted thereon and camera employing same Grant 6,614,478 - Mead September 2, 2 | 2003-09-02 |
Vertical color filter detector and array method for storing and retrieving digital image data from an imaging array App 20020171881 - Merrill, Richard B. ;   et al. | 2002-11-21 |
Exposure control in electronic cameras by detecting overflow from active pixels Grant 6,452,633 - Merrill , et al. September 17, 2 | 2002-09-17 |
pMos analog EEPROM cell Grant 6,452,835 - Diorio , et al. September 17, 2 | 2002-09-17 |
Intra-pixel frame storage element, array, and electronic shutter method suitable for electronic still camera applications Grant 6,369,853 - Merrill , et al. April 9, 2 | 2002-04-09 |
Method for capturing a dark frame App 20020024605 - Merrill, Richard B. ;   et al. | 2002-02-28 |
All-electronic high-resolution digital still camera App 20020015101 - Mead, Carver A. ;   et al. | 2002-02-07 |
pMOS EEPROM non-volatile data storage Grant 6,144,581 - Diorio , et al. November 7, 2 | 2000-11-07 |
Sense amplifier for high-density imaging array Grant 6,097,432 - Mead , et al. August 1, 2 | 2000-08-01 |
Hearing aid device incorporating signal processing techniques Grant 6,072,885 - Stockham, Jr. , et al. June 6, 2 | 2000-06-06 |
Digital hearing aid using differential signal representations Grant 6,044,162 - Mead , et al. March 28, 2 | 2000-03-28 |
Passive switched capacitor delta analog-to-digital converter with programmable gain control Grant 5,995,036 - Nise , et al. November 30, 1 | 1999-11-30 |
Hole impact ionization mechanism of hot electron injection and four-terminal .rho.FET semiconductor structure for long-term learning Grant 5,990,512 - Diorio , et al. November 23, 1 | 1999-11-23 |
Method for implementing a learning function Grant 5,914,894 - Diorio , et al. June 22, 1 | 1999-06-22 |
pMOS analog EEPROM cell Grant 5,898,613 - Diorio , et al. April 27, 1 | 1999-04-27 |
Autozeroing floating gate amplifier Grant 5,875,126 - Minch , et al. February 23, 1 | 1999-02-23 |
Sense amplifier for high-density imaging array Grant 5,844,265 - Mead , et al. December 1, 1 | 1998-12-01 |
Three-terminal silicon synaptic device Grant 5,825,063 - Diorio , et al. October 20, 1 | 1998-10-20 |
Integrating imaging system with phototransistor having wide dynamic range Grant 5,763,909 - Mead , et al. June 9, 1 | 1998-06-09 |
Writable analog reference voltage storage device Grant 5,629,891 - LeMoncheck , et al. May 13, 1 | 1997-05-13 |
Semiconductor structure for long term learning Grant 5,627,392 - Diorio , et al. May 6, 1 | 1997-05-06 |
Base capacitor coupled photosensor with emitter tunnel oxide for very wide dynamic range in a contactless imaging array Grant 5,566,044 - Bergemont , et al. October 15, 1 | 1996-10-15 |
Writable analog reference voltage storage device Grant 5,541,878 - LeMoncheck , et al. July 30, 1 | 1996-07-30 |
Paintbrush stylus for capacitive touch sensor pad Grant 5,488,204 - Mead , et al. January 30, 1 | 1996-01-30 |
CMOS low-power, wide-linear-range, well-input differential and transconductance amplifiers Grant 5,463,348 - Sarpeshkar , et al. October 31, 1 | 1995-10-31 |
Adaptive analog minimum/maximum selector and subtractor circuit Grant 5,408,194 - Steinbach , et al. April 18, 1 | 1995-04-18 |
Adaptive photoreceptor including adaptive element for long-time-constant continuous adaptation with low offset and insensitivity to light Grant 5,376,813 - Delbruck , et al. December 27, 1 | 1994-12-27 |
Electrically adaptable neural network with post-processing circuitry Grant 5,331,215 - Allen , et al. * July 19, 1 | 1994-07-19 |
Integrating imaging systgem having wide dynamic range with sample/hold circuits Grant 5,324,958 - Mead , et al. June 28, 1 | 1994-06-28 |
Circuits for wide input range analog rectification and correlation Grant 5,319,268 - Lyon , et al. June 7, 1 | 1994-06-07 |
Continuous synaptic weight update mechanism Grant 5,303,329 - Mead , et al. April 12, 1 | 1994-04-12 |
High-density photosensor and contactless imaging array having wide dynamic range Grant 5,289,023 - Mead February 22, 1 | 1994-02-22 |
Sense amplifier Grant 5,276,407 - Mead , et al. January 4, 1 | 1994-01-04 |
Integrating photosensor and imaging system having wide dynamic range with varactors Grant 5,260,592 - Mead , et al. * November 9, 1 | 1993-11-09 |
Writable analog reference voltage storage device Grant 5,243,554 - Allen , et al. September 7, 1 | 1993-09-07 |
Synaptic element including weight-storage and weight-adjustment circuit Grant 5,204,549 - Platt , et al. April 20, 1 | 1993-04-20 |
Writable analog reference voltage storage device Grant 5,166,562 - Allen , et al. November 24, 1 | 1992-11-24 |
Circuits for linear conversion between currents and voltages Grant 5,165,054 - Platt , et al. November 17, 1 | 1992-11-17 |
Adaptable MOS current mirror Grant 5,160,899 - Anderson , et al. November 3, 1 | 1992-11-03 |
CMOS winner-take all circuit with offset adaptation Grant 5,146,106 - Anderson , et al. September 8, 1 | 1992-09-08 |
Circuits for linear conversion between voltages and currents Grant 5,126,685 - Platt , et al. June 30, 1 | 1992-06-30 |
Synaptic element and array Grant 5,120,996 - Mead , et al. June 9, 1 | 1992-06-09 |
CMOS current mirror with offset adaptation Grant 5,119,038 - Anderson , et al. June 2, 1 | 1992-06-02 |
CMOS amplifier with offset adaptation Grant 5,109,261 - Mead , et al. April 28, 1 | 1992-04-28 |
Linear, continuous-time, two quadrant multiplier Grant 5,107,149 - Platt , et al. April 21, 1 | 1992-04-21 |
CMOS single phase registers Grant 5,103,116 - Sivilotti , et al. April 7, 1 | 1992-04-07 |
Integrating photosensor and imaging system having wide dynamic range Grant 5,097,305 - Mead , et al. March 17, 1 | 1992-03-17 |
Subthreshold CMOS amplifier with wide input voltage range Grant 5,095,284 - Mead March 10, 1 | 1992-03-10 |
Synaptic element and array Grant 5,083,044 - Mead , et al. January 21, 1 | 1992-01-21 |
Adaptable current mirror Grant 5,073,759 - Mead , et al. December 17, 1 | 1991-12-17 |
CMOS amplifier with offset adaptation Grant 5,068,622 - Mead , et al. * November 26, 1 | 1991-11-26 |
Winner-take-all circuits for neural computing systems Grant 5,059,814 - Mead , et al. October 22, 1 | 1991-10-22 |
CMOS amplifier with offset adaptation Grant 5,059,920 - Anderson , et al. October 22, 1 | 1991-10-22 |
Adaptable CMOS winner-take all circuit Grant 5,049,758 - Mead , et al. September 17, 1 | 1991-09-17 |
Dynamic synapse for neural network Grant 4,962,342 - Mead , et al. October 9, 1 | 1990-10-09 |
MOS device for long-term learning Grant 4,953,928 - Anderson , et al. September 4, 1 | 1990-09-04 |
Subthreshold CMOS amplifier with offset adaptation Grant 4,935,702 - Mead , et al. June 19, 1 | 1990-06-19 |
Scanning method and apparatus for current signals having large dynamic range Grant 4,876,534 - Mead , et al. October 24, 1 | 1989-10-24 |
Integrated sensor and processor for visual images Grant 4,786,818 - Mead , et al. November 22, 1 | 1988-11-22 |
Electronic system for synthesizing and combining voices of musical instruments Grant 4,736,663 - Wawrzynek , et al. April 12, 1 | 1988-04-12 |
Electronic musical instrument Grant 4,736,333 - Mead , et al. April 5, 1 | 1988-04-05 |
Correlating optical motion detector Grant 4,631,400 - Tanner , et al. December 23, 1 | 1986-12-23 |
High level control processor Grant 4,099,230 - Mead July 4, 1 | 1978-07-04 |
Electronic Text Display And Processing System Grant 3,810,107 - Goldman , et al. May 7, 1 | 1974-05-07 |
Logic System Grant 3,803,587 - Mead April 9, 1 | 1974-04-09 |
Electronic Text Display System Which Simulates A Typewriter Grant 3,786,429 - Goldman , et al. January 15, 1 | 1974-01-15 |
Integrated Circuit Character Generator Grant 3,656,146 - Mead April 11, 1 | 1972-04-11 |
Method For Processing Semiconductors Grant 3,650,823 - Mead , et al. March 21, 1 | 1972-03-21 |
Ohmic Contact To Zinc Sulfide Devices Grant 3,614,551 - Jenkins , et al. October 19, 1 | 1971-10-19 |
Disposable Body Temperature Sensor Grant 3,603,150 - Kurtin , et al. September 7, 1 | 1971-09-07 |
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