Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Borovsky; Andrew.The latest application filed is for "camera control application".
Patent | Date |
System and method for canceling a payment after initiating the payment using a proxy card Grant 10,885,515 - Borovsky , et al. January 5, 2 | 2021-01-05 |
Changing a financial account after initiating a payment using a proxy card Grant 10,692,072 - Borovsky , et al. | 2020-06-23 |
Controlled emulation of payment cards Grant 10,614,450 - Templeton , et al. | 2020-04-07 |
Proxy card payment with digital receipt delivery Grant 10,430,797 - Borovsky , et al. O | 2019-10-01 |
Camera control application Grant 10,171,720 - Lohan , et al. J | 2019-01-01 |
Camera Control Application App 20180376049 - Lohan; Florin Cristian ;   et al. | 2018-12-27 |
Provision of an open instance of an application Grant 9,983,771 - Martin , et al. May 29, 2 | 2018-05-29 |
Apparatus And Method For Providing A Visual Transition Between Screens App 20180059891 - MARTIN; John Hillerich ;   et al. | 2018-03-01 |
Changing a financial account after initiating a payment using a proxy card Grant 9,836,739 - Borovsky , et al. December 5, 2 | 2017-12-05 |
Apparatus and method for providing a visual transition between screens Grant 9,830,049 - Martin , et al. November 28, 2 | 2017-11-28 |
Mode switching Grant 9,733,827 - Borovsky , et al. August 15, 2 | 2017-08-15 |
Associating an account with a card based on a photo Grant 9,619,792 - Aaron , et al. April 11, 2 | 2017-04-11 |
Proxy card payment with digital receipt delivery Grant 9,542,681 - Borovsky , et al. January 10, 2 | 2017-01-10 |
Mode Switching App 20160062642 - Borovsky; Andrew ;   et al. | 2016-03-03 |
Mode switching Grant 9,182,906 - Borovsky , et al. November 10, 2 | 2015-11-10 |
Proxy card payment with digital receipt delivery Grant 9,064,249 - Borovsky , et al. June 23, 2 | 2015-06-23 |
Camera Control Application App 20140375834 - Lohan; Florin Cristian ;   et al. | 2014-12-25 |
Proxy card payment with digital receipt delivery Grant 8,892,462 - Borovsky , et al. November 18, 2 | 2014-11-18 |
Mode switching Grant 8,854,318 - Borovsky , et al. October 7, 2 | 2014-10-07 |
Simplified user interface navigation in at least first and second cursor navigation directions Grant 8,769,424 - Borovsky , et al. July 1, 2 | 2014-07-01 |
Provision of an Open Instance of an Application App 20140136986 - Martin; John ;   et al. | 2014-05-15 |
System and method for hiding latency in computer software Grant 8,726,168 - Borovsky May 13, 2 | 2014-05-13 |
Event-sensitive content for mobile devices Grant 8,589,779 - Balakrishnan , et al. November 19, 2 | 2013-11-19 |
System and method for hiding latency in computer software App 20130162654 - Borovsky; Andrew | 2013-06-27 |
Apparatus And Method For Providing A Visual Transition Between Screens App 20130147825 - Martin; John Hillerich ;   et al. | 2013-06-13 |
Mode Switching App 20130002590 - Borovsky; Andrew ;   et al. | 2013-01-03 |
Mode Switching App 20120319984 - Borovsky; Andrew ;   et al. | 2012-12-20 |
Mode Switching App 20120223890 - Borovsky; Andrew ;   et al. | 2012-09-06 |
Method, Apparatus, Computer Program And User Interface App 20120054683 - SANDS; KORT ;   et al. | 2012-03-01 |
Extensible master-slave user interface with distinct interaction models Grant 7,954,068 - Riggs , et al. May 31, 2 | 2011-05-31 |
Simplified User Interface Navigation App 20110016391 - Borovsky; Andrew ;   et al. | 2011-01-20 |
Systems and Methods for Remotely Configuring a Mobile Device App 20100317335 - Borovsky; Andrew ;   et al. | 2010-12-16 |
Method for displaying an image with search results Grant 7,844,591 - Lettau , et al. November 30, 2 | 2010-11-30 |
Simplified user interface navigation Grant 7,823,076 - Borovsky , et al. October 26, 2 | 2010-10-26 |
Simplified User Interface Navigation App 20090019369 - Borovsky; Andrew ;   et al. | 2009-01-15 |
Display screen with tabbed user interface Grant D578,543 - Ulm , et al. October 14, 2 | 2008-10-14 |
Extensible Master-slave User Interface With Distinct Interaction Models App 20080250339 - Riggs; Brian ;   et al. | 2008-10-09 |
Event-Sensitive Content for Mobile Devices App 20080222520 - Balakrishnan; Govind ;   et al. | 2008-09-11 |
User interface for display screen Grant D574,010 - Borovsky , et al. July 29, 2 | 2008-07-29 |
User interface for display screen Grant D570,866 - Borovsky , et al. June 10, 2 | 2008-06-10 |
User interface for display screen Grant D570,365 - Borovsky June 3, 2 | 2008-06-03 |
Display screen with tabbed user interface Grant D570,363 - Ulm , et al. June 3, 2 | 2008-06-03 |
User interface for display screen Grant D569,873 - Borovsky May 27, 2 | 2008-05-27 |
Rich presence in a personal communications client for enterprise communications App 20070220113 - Knight; Jerry ;   et al. | 2007-09-20 |
Adaptively predicting and modifying a communications user interface App 20070220112 - Knight; Jerry ;   et al. | 2007-09-20 |
Personal communications browser client for remote use in enterprise communications App 20070220111 - Lin; Andrew ;   et al. | 2007-09-20 |
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