Nuvo Instrumental (Asia) Ltd.

Application Filed: 2021-03-24
Trademark Application Details
Trademark Logo NUVO

The mark consists of the word NUVO inside an oval ring with a boomerang shape on the left and right sides of the oval.

Mark For: NUVO® trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of musical instruments; flutes; clarinets; oboes; saxophones; piccolo saxophones; tenor saxophones; alto saxophones; baritone saxophones; trombones; English Horns; harmonicas; piccolos; recorders; trumpets; bassoons; contra-bassoons; cornets; tubas; euphoniums; fifes; chanters; single-reed musical instruments; double-reed musical instruments; woodwind instruments; brass instruments; pianos; parts for musical instruments; accessories for musical instruments.


2021-03-27 UTC
LIVE APPLICATION Awaiting Examination
The trademark application has been accepted by the Office (has met the minimum filing requirements) and has not yet been assigned to an examiner.

Research OneLook Acronym Finder
Serial Number90598961
Registration Number6840686
Mark Literal ElementsNUVO
Mark Drawing Type-
Mark TypeTrademark
Standard Character ClaimNo
Current LocationNEW APPLICATION PROCESSING 2021-03-27
Class StatusACTIVE
Primary US Classes
  • 002: Receptacles
  • 021: Electrical Apparatus, Machines and Supplies
  • 036: Musical Instruments and Supplies
Primary International Class
  • 015 - Primary Class
  • (Musical Instruments) Musical instruments.
Filed UseNo
Current UseNo
Intent To UseYes
Filed ITUYes
44D FiledNo
44E CurrentNo
66A CurrentNo
Current BasisNo
No BasisNo
Attorney NameTheresa Conduah
Attorney Docket Number51298.7


2021-03-24Application Filed
2021-03-27Status: Live/Pending
2021-03-27Status: New application will be assigned to an examining attorney approximately 3 months after filing date.
2021-03-27Transaction Date
2022-09-06Trademark Registered

Trademark Parties (Applicants & Owners)

Party: Nuvo Instrumental (Asia) Ltd.
AddressUnit 7A, Tower 1, The Merton 38 New Praya Kennedy Town HONG KONG
Legal Entity TypeLimited Company (ltd.)
Legal Entity StateHONG KONG



Design Search Codes

260301Ovals as carriers and single line borders
261709Bands, curved; Bars, curved; Curved line(s), band(s) or bar(s); Lines, curved

Attorney of Record

DALLAS, TX 75219

Good, Services, and Codes

International Codes:15
U.S. Codes:002,021,036
Type CodeType
DM0000The mark consists of the word NUVO inside an oval ring with a boomerang shape on the left and right sides of the oval.
DM0000The mark consists of the word NUVO inside an oval ring with a boomerang shape on the left and right sides of the oval.

Trademark Filing History

DescriptionDateProceeding Number
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