Admar International, Inc.

Application Filed: 2019-09-27
Trademark Application Details
Trademark Logo NUBY

Mark For: NUBY® trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of aloe vera gel for therapeutic purposes; Aloe vera preparations for therapeutic purposes; Anti-bacterial soap; Anti-cough drops; Anti-inflammatories; Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic preparations; Anti-inflammatory gels; Anti-inflammatory ointments; Anti-inflammatory salves; Anti-inflammatory sprays; Anti-itch cream; Anti-itch ointment; Antibacterial hand lotions; Antibacterial hand soaps; Antibacterial handwash; Antibacterial handwashes; Antibacterial liquid soap; Antibacterial liquid soaps; Antibacterial skin soaps; Antibacterial soap; Antibacterial spray; Antibacterial wipes; Babies' diaper-pants; Babies' diapers; Babies' diapers of paper; Babies' napkin-pants; Babies' napkins; Babies' swim diapers; Baby diapers; Baby food; Baby foods; Breast pads; Calamine lotion; Disposable sanitizing wipes; Disposable training pants; Haemorrhoid preparations; Hemorrhoid preparations; Hemorrhoid treatment preparations; Hemorrhoidal ointments; Herbal supplements; Homeopathic supplements; Hydrocortisone cream; Infant cloth diapers; Infant diaper covers; Infant formula; Insect repellents; Insect repellents in pre-moistened towelette form; Insect-repellents; Kits comprised primarily of sanitizer gel and disinfecting wipes and also including sanitary masks, plastic gloves and hand cream used for germ prevention; Mentholated ointment for medical use; Mercurial ointments for medical use; Nail fungus treatment preparations; Non-medicated topical gel for the prevention and treatment of allergies; Non-medicated topical gel for the prevention and treatment of cold and flu; Nursing pads; Nutritional supplements; Nutritional supplements, namely, probiotic compositions; Pharmaceutical skin lotions; Preparations for repelling animals, birds and insects; Teething gels; Topical dermatological preparations that treat insect bites and stings; Topical first aid gel; Topical gel for medical and therapeutic treatment of diaper rash; Wearable insect repelling devices for attachment to clothing sold pre-filled with insect repelling preparations; Anti-insect spray; Bracelets impregnated with insect repellent; Breast-nursing pads; Dietary and nutritional supplements; Disposable baby diapers; Disposable swim diapers for children and infants; First aid kits; First aid kits for domestic or other non-professional use; Food for babies; Food for infants; Food for infants, namely, human breast milk; Gels, creams and solutions for dermatological use; Homeopathic anti-inflammatory ointment; In vitro gender prediction test kit; In-vitro ovulation prediction test kit for home use; Liquid herbal supplements; Liquid nutritional supplement; Medicated baby oils; Medicated baby powders; Medicated cream soap; Medicated creams for treating dermatological conditions; Medicated shampoos for babies; Medicated skin care preparations, namely, creams, lotions, gels, toners, cleaners and peels; Medicated soaps for babies; Medicated supplements for foodstuffs for babies; Medicinal creams for skin care; Mineral nutritional supplements; Mosquito-repellent patches for babies; Multipurpose medicated antibiotic cream, analgesic balm and mentholated salve; Nappies as baby diapers; Natural herbal supplements; Ovulation test kits; Powdered milk for babies; Pregnancy test kits for home use; Preparations to prevent nail-biting and thumb-sucking; Tissues impregnated with antibacterial preparations; Topical analgesic creams. [all]


2020-01-30 UTC
LIVE APPLICATION Under Examination
The trademark application has been accepted by the Office (has met the minimum filing requirements) and that this application has been assigned to an examiner.

Research OneLook Acronym Finder
Serial Number88634597
Registration Number6097906
Mark Literal ElementsNUBY
Current LocationPUBLICATION AND ISSUE SECTION 2020-01-29
Class StatusACTIVE
Primary US Classes
  • 006: Chemicals and Chemical Compositions
  • 018: Medicines and Pharmaceutical Preparations
  • 044: Dental, Medical and Surgical Appliances
  • 046: Foods and Ingredients of Foods
  • 051: Cosmetics and Toilet Preparations
  • 052: Detergents and Soaps
Primary International Class
  • 005 - Primary Class
  • (Pharmaceuticals) Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides.
Filed UseNo
Current UseNo
Intent To UseYes
Filed ITUYes
44D FiledNo
44E CurrentNo
66A CurrentNo
Current BasisNo
No BasisNo
Attorney NameRobert M. Chiaviello, Jr.


2019-09-27Application Filed
2019-10-03Status: Live/Pending
2019-10-04Transaction Date
2020-01-29Status: Review prior to publication completed.
2020-07-07Trademark Registered

Trademark Parties (Applicants & Owners)

Party: Admar International, Inc.
AddressIP Department 3030 Aurora Avenue Monroe, LOUISIANA UNITED STATES 71201
Legal Entity TypeCorporation
Legal Entity StateDELAWARE


Attorney of Record

MONROE, LA 71201

Good, Services, and Codes

IC 005. US 006 018 044 046 051 052. G & S: Aloe vera gel for therapeutic purposes; Aloe vera preparations for therapeutic purposes; Anti-bacterial soap; Anti-cough drops; Anti-inflammatories; Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic preparations; Anti-inflammatory gels; Anti-inflammatory ointments; Anti-inflammatory salves; Anti-inflammatory sprays; Anti-itch cream; Anti-itch ointment; Antibacterial hand lotions; Antibacterial hand soaps; Antibacterial handwash; Antibacterial handwashes; Antibacterial liquid soap; Antibacterial liquid soaps; Antibacterial skin soaps; Antibacterial soap; Antibacterial spray; Antibacterial wipes; Babies' diaper-pants; Babies' diapers; Babies' diapers of paper; Babies' napkin-pants; Babies' napkins; Babies' swim diapers; Baby diapers; Baby food; Baby foods; Breast pads; Calamine lotion; Disposable sanitizing wipes; Disposable training pants; Haemorrhoid preparations; Hemorrhoid preparations; Hemorrhoid treatment preparations; Hemorrhoidal ointments; Herbal supplements; Homeopathic supplements; Hydrocortisone cream; Infant cloth diapers; Infant diaper covers; Infant formula; Insect repellents; Insect repellents in pre-moistened towelette form; Insect-repellents; Kits comprised primarily of sanitizer gel and disinfecting wipes and also including sanitary masks, plastic gloves and hand cream used for germ prevention; Mentholated ointment for medical use; Mercurial ointments for medical use; Nail fungus treatment preparations; Non-medicated topical gel for the prevention and treatment of allergies; Non-medicated topical gel for the prevention and treatment of cold and flu; Nursing pads; Nutritional supplements; Nutritional supplements, namely, probiotic compositions; Pharmaceutical skin lotions; Preparations for repelling animals, birds and insects; Teething gels; Topical dermatological preparations that treat insect bites and stings; Topical first aid gel; Topical gel for medical and therapeutic treatment of diaper rash; Wearable insect repelling devices for attachment to clothing sold pre-filled with insect repelling preparations; Anti-insect spray; Bracelets impregnated with insect repellent; Breast-nursing pads; Dietary and nutritional supplements; Disposable baby diapers; Disposable swim diapers for children and infants; First aid kits; First aid kits for domestic or other non-professional use; Food for babies; Food for infants; Food for infants, namely, human breast milk; Gels, creams and solutions for dermatological use; Homeopathic anti-inflammatory ointment; In vitro gender prediction test kit; In-vitro ovulation prediction test kit for home use; Liquid herbal supplements; Liquid nutritional supplement; Medicated baby oils; Medicated baby powders; Medicated cream soap; Medicated creams for treating dermatological conditions; Medicated shampoos for babies; Medicated skin care preparations, namely, creams, lotions, gels, toners, cleaners and peels; Medicated soaps for babies; Medicated supplements for foodstuffs for babies; Medicinal creams for skin care; Mineral nutritional supplements; Mosquito-repellent patches for babies; Multipurpose medicated antibiotic cream, analgesic balm and mentholated salve; Nappies as baby diapers; Natural herbal supplements; Ovulation test kits; Powdered milk for babies; Pregnancy test kits for home use; Preparations to prevent nail-biting and thumb-sucking; Tissues impregnated with antibacterial preparations; Topical analgesic creams

International Codes:5
U.S. Codes:006,018,044,046,051,052
Type CodeType
GS0051Aloe vera gel for therapeutic purposes; Aloe vera preparations for therapeutic purposes; Anti-bacterial soap; Anti-cough drops; Anti-inflammatories; Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic preparations; Anti-inflammatory gels; Anti-inflammatory ointments; Anti-inflammatory salves; Anti-inflammatory sprays; Anti-itch cream; Anti-itch ointment; Antibacterial hand lotions; Antibacterial hand soaps; Antibacterial handwash; Antibacterial handwashes; Antibacterial liquid soap; Antibacterial liquid soaps; Antibacterial skin soaps; Antibacterial soap; Antibacterial spray; Antibacterial wipes; Babies' diaper-pants; Babies' diapers; Babies' diapers of paper; Babies' napkin-pants; Babies' napkins; Babies' swim diapers; Baby diapers; Baby food; Baby foods; Breast pads; Calamine lotion; Disposable sanitizing wipes; Disposable training pants; Haemorrhoid preparations; Hemorrhoid preparations; Hemorrhoid treatment preparations; Hemorrhoidal ointments; Herbal supplements; Homeopathic supplements; Hydrocortisone cream; Infant cloth diapers; Infant diaper covers; Infant formula; Insect repellents; Insect repellents in pre-moistened towelette form; Insect-repellents; Kits comprised primarily of sanitizer gel and disinfecting wipes and also including sanitary masks, plastic gloves and hand cream used for germ prevention; Mentholated ointment for medical use; Mercurial ointments for medical use; Nail fungus treatment preparations; Non-medicated topical gel for the prevention and treatment of allergies; Non-medicated topical gel for the prevention and treatment of cold and flu; Nursing pads; Nutritional supplements; Nutritional supplements, namely, probiotic compositions; Pharmaceutical skin lotions; Preparations for repelling animals, birds and insects; Teething gels; Topical dermatological preparations that treat insect bites and stings; Topical first aid gel; Topical gel for medical and therapeutic treatment of diaper rash; Wearable insect repelling devices for attachment to clothing sold pre-filled with insect repelling preparations; Anti-insect spray; Bracelets impregnated with insect repellent; Breast-nursing pads; Dietary and nutritional supplements; Disposable baby diapers; Disposable swim diapers for children and infants; First aid kits; First aid kits for domestic or other non-professional use; Food for babies; Food for infants; Food for infants, namely, human breast milk; Gels, creams and solutions for dermatological use; Homeopathic anti-inflammatory ointment; In vitro gender prediction test kit; In-vitro ovulation prediction test kit for home use; Liquid herbal supplements; Liquid nutritional supplement; Medicated baby oils; Medicated baby powders; Medicated cream soap; Medicated creams for treating dermatological conditions; Medicated shampoos for babies; Medicated skin care preparations, namely, creams, lotions, gels, toners, cleaners and peels; Medicated soaps for babies; Medicated supplements for foodstuffs for babies; Medicinal creams for skin care; Mineral nutritional supplements; Mosquito-repellent patches for babies; Multipurpose medicated antibiotic cream, analgesic balm and mentholated salve; Nappies as baby diapers; Natural herbal supplements; Ovulation test kits; Powdered milk for babies; Pregnancy test kits for home use; Preparations to prevent nail-biting and thumb-sucking; Tissues impregnated with antibacterial preparations; Topical analgesic creams
GS0051Aloe vera gel for therapeutic purposes; Aloe vera preparations for therapeutic purposes; Anti-bacterial soap; Anti-cough drops; Anti-inflammatories; Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic preparations; Anti-inflammatory gels; Anti-inflammatory ointments; Anti-inflammatory salves; Anti-inflammatory sprays; Anti-itch cream; Anti-itch ointment; Antibacterial hand lotions; Antibacterial hand soaps; Antibacterial handwash; Antibacterial handwashes; Antibacterial liquid soap; Antibacterial liquid soaps; Antibacterial skin soaps; Antibacterial soap; Antibacterial spray; Antibacterial wipes; Babies' diaper-pants; Babies' diapers; Babies' diapers of paper; Babies' napkin-pants; Babies' napkins; Babies' swim diapers; Baby diapers; Baby food; Baby foods; Breast pads; Calamine lotion; Disposable sanitizing wipes; Disposable training pants; Haemorrhoid preparations; Hemorrhoid preparations; Hemorrhoid treatment preparations; Hemorrhoidal ointments; Herbal supplements; Homeopathic supplements; Hydrocortisone cream; Infant cloth diapers; Infant diaper covers; Infant formula; Insect repellents; Insect repellents in pre-moistened towelette form; Insect-repellents; Kits comprised primarily of sanitizer gel and disinfecting wipes and also including sanitary masks, plastic gloves and hand cream used for germ prevention; Mentholated ointment for medical use; Mercurial ointments for medical use; Nail fungus treatment preparations; Non-medicated topical gel for the prevention and treatment of allergies; Non-medicated topical gel for the prevention and treatment of cold and flu; Nursing pads; Nutritional supplements; Nutritional supplements, namely, probiotic compositions; Pharmaceutical skin lotions; Preparations for repelling animals, birds and insects; Teething gels; Topical dermatological preparations that treat insect bites and stings; Topical first aid gel; Topical gel for medical and therapeutic treatment of diaper rash; Wearable insect repelling devices for attachment to clothing sold pre-filled with insect repelling preparations; Anti-insect spray; Bracelets impregnated with insect repellent; Breast-nursing pads; Dietary and nutritional supplements; Disposable baby diapers; Disposable swim diapers for children and infants; First aid kits; First aid kits for domestic or other non-professional use; Food for babies; Food for infants; Food for infants, namely, human breast milk; Gels, creams and solutions for dermatological use; Homeopathic anti-inflammatory ointment; In vitro gender prediction test kit; In-vitro ovulation prediction test kit for home use; Liquid herbal supplements; Liquid nutritional supplement; Medicated baby oils; Medicated baby powders; Medicated cream soap; Medicated creams for treating dermatological conditions; Medicated shampoos for babies; Medicated skin care preparations, namely, creams, lotions, gels, toners, cleaners and peels; Medicated soaps for babies; Medicated supplements for foodstuffs for babies; Medicinal creams for skin care; Mineral nutritional supplements; Mosquito-repellent patches for babies; Multipurpose medicated antibiotic cream, analgesic balm and mentholated salve; Nappies as baby diapers; Natural herbal supplements; Ovulation test kits; Powdered milk for babies; Pregnancy test kits for home use; Preparations to prevent nail-biting and thumb-sucking; Tissues impregnated with antibacterial preparations; Topical analgesic creams

Trademark Filing History

DescriptionDateProceeding Number
ASSIGNED TO LIE2020-01-2773797
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