Linode, LLC

Application Filed: 2018-10-15
Trademark Application Details
Trademark Logo LINODE

Mark For: LINODE® trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of computer software and hardware for accessing, acquiring, administering, analyzing, compiling, connecting, controlling, creating, destroying, distributing, logging, integrating, maintaining, managing, monitoring, obtaining, orchestrating, organizing, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieving, securing, sharing, storing, transferring, testing, transmitting, using, and virtualizing data, databases, and data processes; Computer software and hardware for administering and managing data, databases, and data processes to, through and from local, intermediary, remote, and cloud networks and servers; Computer software for accessing, administering, automating, connecting, distributing, managing, networking, synchronizing, and using local, intermediary, remote, and cloud compute applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools; Computer software for creating, deploying, developing, implementing, provisioning, sharing, synchronizing, transferring, and using dedicated virtual machines and shared virtual machines; Computer software for creating, deploying, developing, implementing, provisioning, sharing, synchronizing, transferring, and using dedicated containers and shared containers; Computer software for single and multi-user access, administration, distribution, integration, maintenance, management, mapping, monitor, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieval, security, storage, transfer, and use of data, databases, and data processes; Computer software for single and multi-user access, to enable sub single and sub multi-user access to the administration, distribution, integration, maintenance, management, mapping, monitor, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieval, security, storage, transfer, and use of data, databases, data processes, virtual machines and containers; Computer hardware and software for accessing, acquiring, administering, analyzing, compiling, connecting, creating, destroying, distributing, logging, integrating, maintaining, managing, monitoring, obtaining, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieving, securing, sharing, storing, transferring, transmitting, using, and virtualizing of remote and cloud compute applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools via shared marketplace and ecosystem; Computer software for the development and implementation of data, databases, and data processes for administration, amorphous computing, artificial intelligence, automation, cluster computing, containerization, direct computing, distributed computing, machine deep learning, machine learning, management, orchestrating, organizing, persistent next generation computing, predictive machine learning, remote computing, speculative machine learning, virtualization, visualization, and internet of things; Computer software for development and implementation of application programming and command line interface processes for administration, amorphous computing, artificial intelligence, automation, cluster computing, containerization, direct computing, distributed computing, machine deep learning, machine learning, management, persistent next generation computing, orchestrating, organizing, predictive machine learning, remote computing, self-healing infrastructure, speculative machine learning, virtualization, visualization, and internet of things in relation to data, databases, and data processes; and computer software applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools relating to developing, testing, and implementation of data compute, hardware, and software. [all]


2021-05-30 UTC
The trademark application has been registered with the Office.

Research OneLook Acronym Finder
Serial Number88155293
Registration Number5855243
Mark Literal ElementsLINODE
Current LocationPUBLICATION AND ISSUE SECTION 2019-09-10
Class StatusACTIVE
Primary US Classes
  • 021: Electrical Apparatus, Machines and Supplies
  • 023: Cutlery, Machinery, Tools and Parts Thereof
  • 026: Measuring and Scientific Appliances
  • 036: Musical Instruments and Supplies
  • 038: Prints and Publications
Primary International Class
  • 009 - Primary Class
  • (Electrical and scientific apparatus) Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus.
Filed UseYes
Current UseYes
Intent To UseNo
Filed ITUNo
44D FiledNo
44E CurrentNo
66A CurrentNo
Current BasisNo
No BasisNo
Attorney NameRichard P. Gilly
Attorney Docket NumberLIN159.15001
Law Office AssignedS10
Employee NameCARL III, FRED


2003-06-16Date of First Use
2003-06-16Date of Use In Commerce
2018-10-15Application Filed
2019-06-25Published for Opposition
2019-09-10Status: Live/Registered
2019-09-10Status: Registered. The registration date is used to determine when post-registration maintenance documents are due.
2019-09-10Trademark Registered
2019-09-10Transaction Date

Trademark Parties (Applicants & Owners)

Party: Linode, LLC
Address249 Arch Street Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA UNITED STATES 19106
Legal Entity TypeLimited Liability Company
Legal Entity StateNEW JERSEY


Attorney of Record

SUITE 3500

Good, Services, and Codes

IC 009. US 021 023 026 036 038. G & S: Computer software and hardware for accessing, acquiring, administering, analyzing, compiling, connecting, controlling, creating, destroying, distributing, logging, integrating, maintaining, managing, monitoring, obtaining, orchestrating, organizing, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieving, securing, sharing, storing, transferring, testing, transmitting, using, and virtualizing data, databases, and data processes; Computer software and hardware for administering and managing data, databases, and data processes to, through and from local, intermediary, remote, and cloud networks and servers; Computer software for accessing, administering, automating, connecting, distributing, managing, networking, synchronizing, and using local, intermediary, remote, and cloud compute applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools; Computer software for creating, deploying, developing, implementing, provisioning, sharing, synchronizing, transferring, and using dedicated virtual machines and shared virtual machines; Computer software for creating, deploying, developing, implementing, provisioning, sharing, synchronizing, transferring, and using dedicated containers and shared containers; Computer software for single and multi-user access, administration, distribution, integration, maintenance, management, mapping, monitor, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieval, security, storage, transfer, and use of data, databases, and data processes; Computer software for single and multi-user access, to enable sub single and sub multi-user access to the administration, distribution, integration, maintenance, management, mapping, monitor, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieval, security, storage, transfer, and use of data, databases, data processes, virtual machines and containers; Computer hardware and software for accessing, acquiring, administering, analyzing, compiling, connecting, creating, destroying, distributing, logging, integrating, maintaining, managing, monitoring, obtaining, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieving, securing, sharing, storing, transferring, transmitting, using, and virtualizing of remote and cloud compute applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools via shared marketplace and ecosystem; Computer software for the development and implementation of data, databases, and data processes for administration, amorphous computing, artificial intelligence, automation, cluster computing, containerization, direct computing, distributed computing, machine deep learning, machine learning, management, orchestrating, organizing, persistent next generation computing, predictive machine learning, remote computing, speculative machine learning, virtualization, visualization, and internet of things; Computer software for development and implementation of application programming and command line interface processes for administration, amorphous computing, artificial intelligence, automation, cluster computing, containerization, direct computing, distributed computing, machine deep learning, machine learning, management, persistent next generation computing, orchestrating, organizing, predictive machine learning, remote computing, self-healing infrastructure, speculative machine learning, virtualization, visualization, and internet of things in relation to data, databases, and data processes; and computer software applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools relating to developing, testing, and implementation of data compute, hardware, and software. FIRST USE: 20030616. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20030616
IC 035. US 100 101 102. G & S: Industrial, commercial, and consumer business consulting in the fields of acquisition, administration, analysis, control, distribution, logging, integration, management, organization, provisioning, reporting, securing, sharing, and use of computer software applications as a service, cloud computing, cloud services, information security, information services, information technology, infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, marketing as a service, and risk management as a service. FIRST USE: 20030616. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20030616
IC 042. US 100 101. G & S: Computer programming and data migration services in the fields of applications, application as a service, cloud computing, cloud computing as a service, cloud hosting, cloud hosting as a service, computer services, computing and data infrastructures, computing and data instances, computing and data platforms, computing and data resources, computing and data tools, information technology services, infrastructure as a service, platform as a service; Computer software development and implementation and data migration services for of computer hardware, and software; Application service provider, namely, providing and hosting computer software applications of and for others; Cloud, local, remote and virtual computer software development featuring software and processes for administering and managing data, databases, and data processes to, through and from local, intermediary, remote, and cloud networks and servers; Cloud, local, remote and virtual computer software development featuring software and processes for accessing, administering, automating, connecting, distributing, managing, networking, synchronizing, and using local, intermediary, remote, and cloud compute applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools; Cloud, local, remote and virtual computer software development featuring software and processes for creating, deploying, developing, implementing, provisioning, sharing, synchronizing, transferring, and using dedicated virtual machines and shared virtual machines; Cloud, local, remote and virtual computer software development featuring software and processes for creating, deploying, developing, implementing, provisioning, sharing, synchronizing, transferring, and using dedicated containers and shared containers; Cloud, local, remote and virtual computer software development featuring software and processes for single and multi-user access, administration, distribution, integration, maintenance, management, mapping, monitor, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieval, security, storage, transfer, and use of data, databases, and data processes; Cloud, local, remote and virtual computer software development featuring software and processes or single and multi-user access, to enable sub single and sub multi-user access to the administration, distribution, integration, maintenance, management, mapping, monitor, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieval, security, storage, transfer, and use of data, databases, data processes, virtual machines and containers; Cloud, local, remote and virtual computer software development featuring software and processes for accessing, acquiring, administering, analyzing, compiling, connecting, creating, destroying, distributing, logging, integrating, maintaining, managing, monitoring, obtaining, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieving, securing, sharing, storing, transferring, transmitting, using, and virtualizing marketplace and ecosystem of remote and cloud compute applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools via shared marketplace and ecosystem; Cloud, local, remote and virtual computer software development featuring software and processes for the development and implementation of data, databases, and data processes for administration, amorphous computing, artificial intelligence, automation, cluster computing, containerization, direct computing, distributed computing, machine deep learning, machine learning, management, orchestrating, organizing, persistent next generation computing, predictive machine learning, remote computing, speculative machine learning, virtualization, visualization, and internet of things; Cloud, local, remote and virtual computer software development featuring software and processes for development and implementation of application programming and command line interface processes for administration, artificial intelligence, amorphous computing, automation, cluster computing, containerization, direct computing, distributed computing, machine deep learning, machine learning, management, persistent next generation computing, orchestrating, organizing, predictive machine learning, remote computing, self-healing infrastructure, speculative machine learning, virtualization, visualization, and internet of things in relation to data, databases, and data processes; Platform service provider, namely, providing and hosting computer software platforms of and for others; Technical support services relating to data, databases, and data processes in the fields of application services, cloud computing services, cloud hosting services, computer services, information technology services, infrastructure services, and platform services. FIRST USE: 20030616. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20030616

International Codes:9
U.S. Codes:021,023,026,036,038
International Codes:35
U.S. Codes:100,101,102
International Codes:42
U.S. Codes:100,101
Type CodeType
GS0091Computer software and hardware for accessing, acquiring, administering, analyzing, compiling, connecting, controlling, creating, destroying, distributing, logging, integrating, maintaining, managing, monitoring, obtaining, orchestrating, organizing, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieving, securing, sharing, storing, transferring, testing, transmitting, using, and virtualizing data, databases, and data processes; Computer software and hardware for administering and managing data, databases, and data processes to, through and from local, intermediary, remote, and cloud networks and servers; Computer software for accessing, administering, automating, connecting, distributing, managing, networking, synchronizing, and using local, intermediary, remote, and cloud compute applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools; Computer software for creating, deploying, developing, implementing, provisioning, sharing, synchronizing, transferring, and using dedicated virtual machines and shared virtual machines; Computer software for creating, deploying, developing, implementing, provisioning, sharing, synchronizing, transferring, and using dedicated containers and shared containers; Computer software for single and multi-user access, administration, distribution, integration, maintenance, management, mapping, monitor, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieval, security, storage, transfer, and use of data, databases, and data processes; Computer software for single and multi-user access, to enable sub single and sub multi-user access to the administration, distribution, integration, maintenance, management, mapping, monitor, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieval, security, storage, transfer, and use of data, databases, data processes, virtual machines and containers; Computer hardware and software for accessing, acquiring, administering, analyzing, compiling, connecting, creating, destroying, distributing, logging, integrating, maintaining, managing, monitoring, obtaining, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieving, securing, sharing, storing, transferring, transmitting, using, and virtualizing of remote and cloud compute applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools via shared marketplace and ecosystem; Computer software for the development and implementation of data, databases, and data processes for administration, amorphous computing, artificial intelligence, automation, cluster computing, containerization, direct computing, distributed computing, machine deep learning, machine learning, management, orchestrating, organizing, persistent next generation computing, predictive machine learning, remote computing, speculative machine learning, virtualization, visualization, and internet of things; Computer software for development and implementation of application programming and command line interface processes for administration, amorphous computing, artificial intelligence, automation, cluster computing, containerization, direct computing, distributed computing, machine deep learning, machine learning, management, persistent next generation computing, orchestrating, organizing, predictive machine learning, remote computing, self-healing infrastructure, speculative machine learning, virtualization, visualization, and internet of things in relation to data, databases, and data processes; and computer software applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools relating to developing, testing, and implementation of data compute, hardware, and software
GS0091Computer software and hardware for accessing, acquiring, administering, analyzing, compiling, connecting, controlling, creating, destroying, distributing, logging, integrating, maintaining, managing, monitoring, obtaining, orchestrating, organizing, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieving, securing, sharing, storing, transferring, testing, transmitting, using, and virtualizing data, databases, and data processes; Computer software and hardware for administering and managing data, databases, and data processes to, through and from local, intermediary, remote, and cloud networks and servers; Computer software for accessing, administering, automating, connecting, distributing, managing, networking, synchronizing, and using local, intermediary, remote, and cloud compute applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools; Computer software for creating, deploying, developing, implementing, provisioning, sharing, synchronizing, transferring, and using dedicated virtual machines and shared virtual machines; Computer software for creating, deploying, developing, implementing, provisioning, sharing, synchronizing, transferring, and using dedicated containers and shared containers; Computer software for single and multi-user access, administration, distribution, integration, maintenance, management, mapping, monitor, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieval, security, storage, transfer, and use of data, databases, and data processes; Computer software for single and multi-user access, to enable sub single and sub multi-user access to the administration, distribution, integration, maintenance, management, mapping, monitor, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieval, security, storage, transfer, and use of data, databases, data processes, virtual machines and containers; Computer hardware and software for accessing, acquiring, administering, analyzing, compiling, connecting, creating, destroying, distributing, logging, integrating, maintaining, managing, monitoring, obtaining, processing, provisioning, reporting, retrieving, securing, sharing, storing, transferring, transmitting, using, and virtualizing of remote and cloud compute applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools via shared marketplace and ecosystem; Computer software for the development and implementation of data, databases, and data processes for administration, amorphous computing, artificial intelligence, automation, cluster computing, containerization, direct computing, distributed computing, machine deep learning, machine learning, management, orchestrating, organizing, persistent next generation computing, predictive machine learning, remote computing, speculative machine learning, virtualization, visualization, and internet of things; Computer software for development and implementation of application programming and command line interface processes for administration, amorphous computing, artificial intelligence, automation, cluster computing, containerization, direct computing, distributed computing, machine deep learning, machine learning, management, persistent next generation computing, orchestrating, organizing, predictive machine learning, remote computing, self-healing infrastructure, speculative machine learning, virtualization, visualization, and internet of things in relation to data, databases, and data processes; and computer software applications, infrastructure, instances, platforms, resources, and tools relating to developing, testing, and implementation of data compute, hardware, and software

Trademark Filing History

DescriptionDateProceeding Number
ASSIGNED TO LIE2019-04-0370884
NEW APPLICATION ENTERED IN TRAM2018-10-18 is an independent third-party trademark research tool that is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or any other governmental organization. The information provided by is based on publicly available data at the time of writing and is intended for informational purposes only.

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