NordSec Ltd

Application Filed: 2021-09-29
Trademark Application Details
Trademark Logo NORD SECURITY

Mark For: NORD SECURITY® trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; recorded and downloadable media, computer software, blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; computers and computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; software; anti-ad computer software; anti-malware computer software; anti-spam computer software; anti-tracking computer software; antispyware software; application software; authentication software; cloud computing software; security software; cloud servers; computer network server; computer networks; computer software; computer software for biometric systems for the identification and authentication of persons; computer software for controlling and managing access server applications; computer software for privacy violation detection and for informing and protecting a user's privacy; computer software for web content filtering; computer software packages; computer software which facilitates data compression; computer software which facilitates the routing of communications and data; cryptography software; data communications software; data networks; data processing software; downloadable computer software for enabling virtual private network (VPN) operation on computers; downloadable computer software for encrypting any kind of electronic data for transmission through a secure and private connection over the Internet; downloadable computer software for providing secure and private access for users to the Internet; downloadable computer software that enables users of computers and mobile computing devices to securely connect to a remote server in order to allow for secure and private transmission of communications over the Internet; encryption software; local area networks; mobile software; network access server operating software; network management software; proxy server software; VPN (virtual private network) operating software; VPN (virtual private network) hardware; email software; electronic mail terminals; electronic mail servers; software for ensuring the security of electronic mail; computer hardware for remotely accessing and transmitting data; encryption apparatus; hardware and software for managing encryption and passwords; computer software for database management in the field of cryptographic network security, website security and data security; computer software for automating a process for authentication of identity using existing databases in connection with the issuance and management of digital certificates used for authentication or encryption of digital communications, or authentication of a digital signature in an electronic transaction or communication, over the Internet and other computer networks; computer software, namely, encryption software to enable secure transmission of digital information, namely, confidential, financial and credit card information over the Internet, as well as over other modes of communication between computing devices; computer software to integrate managed security services, namely, public key infrastructure (PKI) services, digital certificate issuance, verification, management and enterprise software integration, with existing communications networks, software and services; computer software for use in analysis and reporting of firewall log data; computer software for detecting, blocking, and intercepting malware and other threats to computer hardware and software; computer software for encrypting and authenticating data; computer software for encryption; computer software for use in the encryption and decryption of digital files, including audio, video, text, binary, still images, graphics and multimedia files; computer software for identity security; computer software for authentication and identity management information security; computer software for digital information and data access; computer software and firmware for the management, transmission, and storage of data and information; computer software for use in networking computers; computer software for use in monitoring computers and websites for security purposes; computer software for use in accessing databases; computer software for use in vulnerability scanning of networks and websites. [all]


2022-02-24 UTC
LIVE APPLICATION Awaiting Examination
The trademark application has been accepted by the Office (has met the minimum filing requirements) and has not yet been assigned to an examiner.

Research OneLook Acronym Finder
Serial Number79332632
Registration Number1642488
Mark Literal ElementsNORD SECURITY
Standard Character ClaimNo
Class StatusACTIVE
Primary US Classes
  • 021: Electrical Apparatus, Machines and Supplies
  • 023: Cutlery, Machinery, Tools and Parts Thereof
  • 026: Measuring and Scientific Appliances
  • 036: Musical Instruments and Supplies
  • 038: Prints and Publications
Primary International Class
  • 009 - Primary Class
  • (Electrical and scientific apparatus) Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus.
Filed UseNo
Current UseNo
Intent To UseNo
Filed ITUNo
44D FiledNo
44E CurrentNo
66A CurrentYes
Current BasisNo
No BasisNo


2021-09-29Application Filed
2021-09-29Trademark Registered
2022-02-03Status: Live/Pending
2022-02-03Status: New application will be assigned to an examining attorney approximately 6 months after filing date.
2022-02-04Transaction Date

Trademark Parties (Applicants & Owners)

Party: NordSec Ltd
Address15 Bishopsgate 05-111w London EC2N 3AR UNITED KINGDOM
Legal Entity TypePrivate Limited Liability Company
Legal Entity StateNOT PROVIDED


Design Search Codes

26.01.21Circles that are totally or partially shaded.
060104Mountains (landscapes); Scenery with mountains
260121Circles that are totally or partially shaded.

Attorney of Record

NordSec Ltd
15 Bishopsgate 05-111w
London EC2N 3AR


Good, Services, and Codes

IC 009. US 021 023 026 036 038. G & S: Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; recorded and downloadable media, computer software, blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; computers and computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; software; anti-ad computer software; anti-malware computer software; anti-spam computer software; anti-tracking computer software; antispyware software; application software; authentication software; cloud computing software; security software; cloud servers; computer network server; computer networks; computer software; computer software for biometric systems for the identification and authentication of persons; computer software for controlling and managing access server applications; computer software for privacy violation detection and for informing and protecting a user's privacy; computer software for web content filtering; computer software packages; computer software which facilitates data compression; computer software which facilitates the routing of communications and data; cryptography software; data communications software; data networks; data processing software; downloadable computer software for enabling virtual private network (VPN) operation on computers; downloadable computer software for encrypting any kind of electronic data for transmission through a secure and private connection over the Internet; downloadable computer software for providing secure and private access for users to the Internet; downloadable computer software that enables users of computers and mobile computing devices to securely connect to a remote server in order to allow for secure and private transmission of communications over the Internet; encryption software; local area networks; mobile software; network access server operating software; network management software; proxy server software; VPN (virtual private network) operating software; VPN (virtual private network) hardware; email software; electronic mail terminals; electronic mail servers; software for ensuring the security of electronic mail; computer hardware for remotely accessing and transmitting data; encryption apparatus; hardware and software for managing encryption and passwords; computer software for database management in the field of cryptographic network security, website security and data security; computer software for automating a process for authentication of identity using existing databases in connection with the issuance and management of digital certificates used for authentication or encryption of digital communications, or authentication of a digital signature in an electronic transaction or communication, over the Internet and other computer networks; computer software, namely, encryption software to enable secure transmission of digital information, namely, confidential, financial and credit card information over the Internet, as well as over other modes of communication between computing devices; computer software to integrate managed security services, namely, public key infrastructure (PKI) services, digital certificate issuance, verification, management and enterprise software integration, with existing communications networks, software and services; computer software for use in analysis and reporting of firewall log data; computer software for detecting, blocking, and intercepting malware and other threats to computer hardware and software; computer software for encrypting and authenticating data; computer software for encryption; computer software for use in the encryption and decryption of digital files, including audio, video, text, binary, still images, graphics and multimedia files; computer software for identity security; computer software for authentication and identity management information security; computer software for digital information and data access; computer software and firmware for the management, transmission, and storage of data and information; computer software for use in networking computers; computer software for use in monitoring computers and websites for security purposes; computer software for use in accessing databases; computer software for use in vulnerability scanning of networks and websites
IC 038. US 100 101 104. G & S: Telecommunications services; email services; mail (electronic -); electronic mail and mailbox services; transmission of electronic mail; data transmission by electronic mail; data communication by electronic mail; providing electronic transmission of secure e-mail and data; communication via virtual private networks; network services for enabling securely connect to a remote server in order to allow for secure and private transmission and receipt of data and communications [digital data communication services]; network services for enabling virtual private network (VPN) operation [digital data communication services]; transmission of encrypted communications; providing users with secure remote access via the Internet to private computer networks; providing virtual private network (VPN) services; remote data access services; provision of access to data or documents stored electronically in central files for remote consultation
IC 042. US 100 101. G & S: Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; design and development of computer hardware and software; data security services; cloud computing; cloud computing services; computer network configuration services; computer network services; computer programming; computer software consulting; computer software design; computer software development; computer software maintenance; computer software rental; computer software technical support services; configuration of computer networks by software; consultancy services relating to computer networks; consulting services in the field of cloud computing; creation, maintenance and adaptation of software; data encryption services; encryption, decryption and authentication of information, messages and data; information services relating to the development of computer networks; monitoring of network systems; programming of operating software for accessing and using a cloud computing network; providing information about the design and development of computer hardware and software; providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; rental of computer software; software as a service (SaaS) featuring anti-ad software; software as a service (SaaS) featuring anti-malware software; software as a service (SaaS) featuring anti-spam software; software as a service (SaaS) featuring anti-spyware software; software as a service (SaaS) featuring anti-tracking software; software as a service (SaaS) featuring privacy violation detection software; software as a service (SaaS) featuring web content filtering software; software as a service (SaaS) for providing data compression software; software as a service (SaaS) for providing traffic routing of data; software as a service [SaaS]; software creation; software engineering; technological advisory services relating to computer programs; electronic storage of archived e-mails; updating of computer software; design and development of virtual private network (VPN) operating software; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; providing information concerning encryption of electronic data for website and e-commerce transaction security; encryption and decryption of data; computer services, namely, on-line scanning and detecting of malware on websites; technical and customer support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer software problems; development, design, and implementation services in the field of security, access, authorization, authentication encryption, and identification systems for computers, and computer networks, namely, installation of computer software; computer systems analysis in the field of security, access, authorization, authentication encryption, and identification systems for computers and computer networks; issuance and management of digital certificates for authentication or encryption of a digital communication, or authentication of a digital signature in an electronic transaction or communication, over the Internet and other computer network and providing technical and customer support in connection therewith; development, design, implementation, testing, analysis, and consulting services in the field of security, access, authorization, authentication encryption, and identification systems for computers, computer hardware and computer networks; development, integration and operation of computer systems to support creation and implementation of procedures and practices for issuance and management of digital certificates; computer related services, namely, managed computer network and Internet security services, namely, public key infrastructure (PKI) verification, authentication, distribution and management, digital certificate issuance, verification and management, and enterprise software integration; computer services, namely, providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer network; computer consultation regarding computer networks and internal computer networks, security services for computer networks and internal computer networks, namely, installation, design and customization; enterprise software integration; computer consulting services in the field of security integration, network security, network architecture, encryption technology, and computer security; security verification of computer network firewalls, servers and other network devices from unauthorized access, namely, analyzing global computer information network and internal computer network vulnerability; application hosting; scanning, and detection of viruses, worms, trojan horses, adware and spyware or any other type of malware; computer services, namely, detection of viruses and threats; design and implementation of software and technology solutions for the purposes of protecting against counterfeiting, tampering and diversion, and to ensure the integrity of genuine websites; application service provider services, namely, providing on-line, non-downloadable software for computer security testing in the fields of computer and Internet security; software as a service for use in scanning networks and websites to detect and identify vulnerabilities and malware; authentication, issuance and validation of digital certificates; identification verification services, namely, providing authentication of business identification information; computer security services in the nature of providing an Internet trust center, namely, computer security assurance and administration of digital keys and digital certificates; providing user identity authentication services in ecommerce transactions; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all of the aforesaid
IC 045. US 100 101. G & S: Legal services; licensing of computer software [legal services]; licensing of databases; licensing of trademarks [legal services]; registration of domain names [legal services]; software licensing; security services

International Codes:9
U.S. Codes:021,023,026,036,038
International Codes:38
U.S. Codes:100,101,104
International Codes:42
U.S. Codes:100,101
International Codes:45
U.S. Codes:100,101
Type CodeType
GS0091Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; recorded and downloadable media, computer software, blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; computers and computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; software; anti-ad computer software; anti-malware computer software; anti-spam computer software; anti-tracking computer software; antispyware software; application software; authentication software; cloud computing software; security software; cloud servers; computer network server; computer networks; computer software; computer software for biometric systems for the identification and authentication of persons; computer software for controlling and managing access server applications; computer software for privacy violation detection and for informing and protecting a user's privacy; computer software for web content filtering; computer software packages; computer software which facilitates data compression; computer software which facilitates the routing of communications and data; cryptography software; data communications software; data networks; data processing software; downloadable computer software for enabling virtual private network (VPN) operation on computers; downloadable computer software for encrypting any kind of electronic data for transmission through a secure and private connection over the Internet; downloadable computer software for providing secure and private access for users to the Internet; downloadable computer software that enables users of computers and mobile computing devices to securely connect to a remote server in order to allow for secure and private transmission of communications over the Internet; encryption software; local area networks; mobile software; network access server operating software; network management software; proxy server software; VPN (virtual private network) operating software; VPN (virtual private network) hardware; email software; electronic mail terminals; electronic mail servers; software for ensuring the security of electronic mail; computer hardware for remotely accessing and transmitting data; encryption apparatus; hardware and software for managing encryption and passwords; computer software for database management in the field of cryptographic network security, website security and data security; computer software for automating a process for authentication of identity using existing databases in connection with the issuance and management of digital certificates used for authentication or encryption of digital communications, or authentication of a digital signature in an electronic transaction or communication, over the Internet and other computer networks; computer software, namely, encryption software to enable secure transmission of digital information, namely, confidential, financial and credit card information over the Internet, as well as over other modes of communication between computing devices; computer software to integrate managed security services, namely, public key infrastructure (PKI) services, digital certificate issuance, verification, management and enterprise software integration, with existing communications networks, software and services; computer software for use in analysis and reporting of firewall log data; computer software for detecting, blocking, and intercepting malware and other threats to computer hardware and software; computer software for encrypting and authenticating data; computer software for encryption; computer software for use in the encryption and decryption of digital files, including audio, video, text, binary, still images, graphics and multimedia files; computer software for identity security; computer software for authentication and identity management information security; computer software for digital information and data access; computer software and firmware for the management, transmission, and storage of data and information; computer software for use in networking computers; computer software for use in monitoring computers and websites for security purposes; computer software for use in accessing databases; computer software for use in vulnerability scanning of networks and websites

Trademark Filing History

DescriptionDateProceeding Number
SN ASSIGNED FOR SECT 66A APPL FROM IB2022-02-03 is an independent third-party trademark research tool that is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or any other governmental organization. The information provided by is based on publicly available data at the time of writing and is intended for informational purposes only.

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