Lellouche; Maurice

Application Filed: 1984-03-20
Trademark Application Details
Trademark Logo POINTER
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Serial Number73471253
Registration Number1342203
Mark Drawing Code3T07: Illustration: Drawing or design which also includes word(s)/ letter(s)/number(s)
Cancellation Code2
Domestic RepresentativeEugene Sabol
Attorney NameEugene Sabol
Law Office Assigned560
Employee NameGOODSAID, IRA J


1984-03-20Application Filed
1985-04-09Published for Opposition
1985-06-18Trademark Registered
1991-12-05Status: Dead/Cancelled
1996-11-30Location: FILE DESTROYED
2018-07-07Transaction Date

Trademark Applicants & Owners

Owner: Lellouche; Maurice
Address 234, Avenue de la Lanterne Les Belles Terres FR
Legal Entity TypeIndividual
Legal Entity State FR


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Design Search Codes

160104Amplifiers, sound; Answering machines, telephone; DVD players; Dictating machines; Loudspeakers; Phonographs; Receivers, stereo; Record players; Recorders, tape; Recorders, video; Sound amplifiers; Speakers, audio; Stereo receivers, tuners, amplifiers, speakers; Tape players, audio and video; Tape recorders, audio and video; Telephone answering machines; Tuners, stereo; Turntables; Video cassette recorders; Video disc players; Video recorders
170725Geiger counters; Metal detectors (hand
260102Circles, plain single line; Plain single line circles
261121Rectangles that are completely or partially shaded
261125Rectangles with one or more curved sides

Attorney of Record

Fisher, Christen & Sabol
Suite 507
1000 Connecticut Ave.
Washington DC 20036

Good, Services, and Codes

International Codes:9
U.S. Codes:021
Type CodeType
GS0091Radios, and Automobile Radios

Trademark Filing History

DescriptionDateEvent Coding
ASSIGNED TO EXAMINER1984-08-141 DOCK D:Assigned to Examiner
APPROVED FOR PUB - PRINCIPAL REGISTER1984-08-303 CNSA O:Outgoing Correspondence
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION1985-03-214 NPUB O:Outgoing Correspondence
PUBLISHED FOR OPPOSITION1985-04-095 PUBO A:Allowance for Publication
REGISTERED-PRINCIPAL REGISTER1985-06-186 R.PR A:Allowance for Publication
CANCELLED SEC. 8 (6-YR)1991-12-057 C8.. O:Outgoing Correspondence

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