Display screen or portion thereof for a transitional graphical user interface

Lee October 21, 2

Patent Grant D715832

U.S. patent number D715,832 [Application Number D/426,633] was granted by the patent office on 2014-10-21 for display screen or portion thereof for a transitional graphical user interface. This patent grant is currently assigned to Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.. The grantee listed for this patent is Jae-Myoung Lee. Invention is credited to Jae-Myoung Lee.

United States Patent D715,832
Lee October 21, 2014

Display screen or portion thereof for a transitional graphical user interface


CLAIM The ornamental design for a display screen or portion thereof for a transitional graphical user interface, as shown and described.
Inventors: Lee; Jae-Myoung (Seoul, KR)
Name City State Country Type

Lee; Jae-Myoung



Assignee: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (Suwon-si, KR)
Appl. No.: D/426,633
Filed: July 9, 2012

Foreign Application Priority Data

Jan 9, 2012 [KR] 30-2012-0001050
Current U.S. Class: D14/488
Current International Class: 1404
Field of Search: ;D14/485-495 ;715/700-867,961-978

References Cited [Referenced By]

U.S. Patent Documents
5963206 October 1999 Ulrich et al.
D593116 May 2009 Garcia et al.
D593577 June 2009 Baurmann et al.
D596190 July 2009 Garcia
D627365 November 2010 Brinda
D666632 September 2012 Spears et al.
D667020 September 2012 MacKenzie et al.
2009/0172578 July 2009 Ueda et al.
2010/0125786 May 2010 Ozawa et al.
2010/0223128 September 2010 Dukellis et al.
Primary Examiner: Simmons; Ian
Assistant Examiner: Shelton; Richelle G
Attorney, Agent or Firm: NSIP Law


FIG. 1 is a front view of a first image in a sequence for a display screen or portion thereof for a transitional graphical user interface showing my new design;

FIG. 2 is a front view of a second image thereof;

FIG. 3 is a front view of a third image thereof;

FIG. 4 is a front view of a fourth image thereof;

FIG. 5 is a front view of a fifth image thereof; and,

FIG. 6 is a front view of FIG. 1 which illustrates an example environment.

The appearance of the transitional image sequentially transitions between the images shown in FIGS. 1 through 5. This process or period forms no part of the claimed design. The long and short dashed broken line showing of a mobile terminal in FIGS. 1-5 forms no part of the claimed design. The mobile terminal, display screen, and the text, numbers, symbols and images of the graphical user interface shown in broken line in FIGS. 1-6 depict subject matter that forms no part of the claimed design.

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