TV screen display with transitional graphical user interface

Choi , et al. July 22, 2

Patent Grant D709521

U.S. patent number D709,521 [Application Number D/428,976] was granted by the patent office on 2014-07-22 for tv screen display with transitional graphical user interface. This patent grant is currently assigned to Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.. The grantee listed for this patent is Yoojin Choi, Bae Hee-Jeong, Seo Jangwon, Choi Myungkwan, Hwang Woo-Seok, Kwon YongHwan. Invention is credited to Yoojin Choi, Bae Hee-Jeong, Seo Jangwon, Choi Myungkwan, Hwang Woo-Seok, Kwon YongHwan.

United States Patent D709,521
Choi ,   et al. July 22, 2014

TV screen display with transitional graphical user interface


CLAIM We claim the ornamental design for a TV screen display with transitional graphical user interface, as shown and described.
Inventors: Choi; Yoojin (Seoul, KR), Woo-Seok; Hwang (Seoul, KR), YongHwan; Kwon (Sungnam-si, KR), Jangwon; Seo (Incheon, KR), Hee-Jeong; Bae (Yongin-si, KR), Myungkwan; Choi (Suwon-si, KR)
Name City State Country Type

Choi; Yoojin
Woo-Seok; Hwang
YongHwan; Kwon
Jangwon; Seo
Hee-Jeong; Bae
Myungkwan; Choi



Assignee: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (Gyeonggi-do, KR)
Appl. No.: D/428,976
Filed: August 6, 2012

Current U.S. Class: D14/491
Current International Class: 1404
Field of Search: ;D14/485-495 ;D18/24-33 ;D20/11,12,18,22-28 ;715/700-867,961-978

References Cited [Referenced By]

U.S. Patent Documents
D556768 December 2007 Morris
D575795 August 2008 Nathan et al.
D624929 October 2010 Agnetta et al.
D641372 July 2011 Gardner et al.
D644662 September 2011 Gardner et al.
D686223 July 2013 Gardner et al.
D688680 August 2013 Fleischmann et al.
2006/0184900 August 2006 Ishii et al.

Other References

Chevron--Trademark Registration No. 0394806, Apr. 28, 1942 First used in commerce--Nov. 25, 1937 Atlantic Refining Company. cited by examiner .
Three Chevrons in Circle--Trademark Serial No. 74234403, Dec. 31, 1991 First used in commerce--May 1970 Fulvence Sociedad Anonima Comercial Industrial Financiera Inmobiliaria Agropecuaria Corporation Argentina. cited by examiner .
Two Chevrons--Trademark Registration No. 3389216, Feb. 23, 2010 Hummel A/S Limited company Denmark. cited by examiner .
Three Chevrons--Trademark Registration No. 3752402, Apr. 28, 1942 Memco Limited Limited Company United Kingdom. cited by examiner.

Primary Examiner: Calabrese; Mary Ann
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Harness, Dickey & Pierce, P.L.C.


FIG. 1 is a front view of the first image in the sequence for the present design showing our new design;

FIG. 2 is a second image thereof;

FIG. 3 is a third image thereof;

FIG. 4 is a fourth image thereof; and,

FIG. 5 is a fifth image thereof.

The subject matter in this patent or application includes images that transition between the figures. The process or period in which the images move forms no part of the claimed design.

The dot-dash broken lines represent a boundary of the claimed design. The dash-dash broken lines depict unclaimed environment. The broken lines form no part of the claimed design.

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