Scissors handle

Rivera December 14, 1

Patent Grant D417601

U.S. patent number D417,601 [Application Number D/079,587] was granted by the patent office on 1999-12-14 for scissors handle. This patent grant is currently assigned to Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.. Invention is credited to Benjamin C. Rivera.

United States Patent D417,601
Rivera December 14, 1999

Scissors handle


The ornamental design for a scissors handle, as shown and described.
Inventors: Rivera; Benjamin C. (West Linn, OR)
Assignee: Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. (Portland, OR)
Appl. No.: D/079,587
Filed: October 16, 1997

Related U.S. Patent Documents

Application Number Filing Date Patent Number Issue Date
047307 Nov 29, 1995 Des. 385170

Current U.S. Class: D8/107; D8/58
Current International Class: 0805
Field of Search: ;D8/51,52,55,58,105,98,4,5 ;D3/18 ;7/107,125,127,128,129,132,135,167,168 ;81/427.5 ;30/254,255

References Cited [Referenced By]

U.S. Patent Documents
D296042 June 1988 Lee
D303872 October 1989 Tamamura
310439 January 1885 Kamak
464405 December 1891 Widmann
515828 March 1894 Hayden
696995 April 1902 Moser
1524694 February 1925 Maio
1828121 October 1931 Adam et al.
2575652 November 1951 Bovee
2952912 September 1960 Crawford
3766648 October 1973 Chundelak, Jr.
3781992 January 1974 Barr
4238862 December 1980 Leatherman
4744272 May 1988 Leatherman
5062173 November 1991 Collins et al.
5142721 September 1992 Sessions et al.
5212844 May 1993 Sessions et al.
5267366 December 1993 Frazer
Foreign Patent Documents
409943 May 1910 FR
2522229 May 1974 DD
29556 Apr 1884 DE
145784 Jul 1902 DE
521555 Mar 1955 IT
5375 Nov 1882 GB

Other References

Slip `n` Snip Collapsible Scissors, at least as early as Oct. 1994. .
Leatherman Tool Group, Inc., "The Original Leatherman PST II" -Jul., 1995. .
Folding Scissors, at least as early as Oct. 1994..

Primary Examiner: Douglas; Alan P.
Assistant Examiner: Hecker; Reid
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Chernoff, Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel, LLP


FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a scissors handle showing my new design, together with an outline in broken line of the blades and pivot pin of a pair of scissors with which the scissors handle might be used, the material shown in broken line forming no part of the claimed design;

FIG. 2 is a view of the handle, blades, and pivot pin shown in FIG. 1, rotated about an imaginary longitudinal central axis of the pair of scissors blades, from the position shown in FIG. 1;

FIG. 3 is a top plan view of the handle shown in FIG. 1;

FIG. 4 is a left side elevational view thereof, the right side being a mirror image thereof;

FIG. 5 is a bottom plan view thereof;

FIG. 6 is a front, or blade end elevational view thereof; and,

FIG. 7 is a rear end view thereof.

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