Brush with a wedge plate

Carr, Adam ;   et al.

Patent Application Summary

U.S. patent application number 09/895514 was filed with the patent office on 2003-01-02 for brush with a wedge plate. Invention is credited to Carr, Adam, Sieckowski, Steve.

Application Number20030000037 09/895514
Document ID /
Family ID25404617
Filed Date2003-01-02

United States Patent Application 20030000037
Kind Code A1
Carr, Adam ;   et al. January 2, 2003

Brush with a wedge plate


The present invention is a new and unique device which allows a brush to be securely attached to a container. A wedge plate is located at the brush head and in line with the handle. Offset from the handle is a base plate. The base plate is wider and longer than the wedge plate. When forced onto the rim of a bucket the invention flattens a region of the rim between the base plate and the wedge plate. This creates three points of contact with the brush--one on the outside of the bucket and two flanking the first but on the inside of the bucket.

Inventors: Carr, Adam; (Mendon, NY) ; Sieckowski, Steve; (Camillus, NY)
Correspondence Address:
    SUITE 3500
Family ID: 25404617
Appl. No.: 09/895514
Filed: June 28, 2001

Current U.S. Class: 15/159.1 ; 15/171; 248/682; D4/134
Current CPC Class: A46B 5/00 20130101; A46B 15/00 20130101; A46B 2200/202 20130101
Class at Publication: 15/159.1 ; 15/171; D4/134; 248/682
International Class: A46B 005/00; A46B 015/00


1. A brush adapted to be wedged over a rim of a bucket comprising: (a) a handle; and (b) a head connected to said handle wherein said head further comprises a wedge plate flaring out from said handle, a base plate flaring out from said handle and spaced apart from said wedge plate, and a plurality of bristles attached to said base plate, wherein said wedge plate and said base plate define a central point and two lateral points which contact the rim of the bucket when mounted.

2. The brush according to claim 1 wherein said wedge plate and said base plate create a lateral and an axial mounting at said central point and said lateral points.

3. The brush according to claim 1 wherein said handle is integrally molded with said head.

4. The brush according to claim 1 wherein said handle is connected by a fastener.

5. The brush according to claim 1 wherein said handle is ergonomically shaped.

6. The brush according to claim 1 and further comprising a center of gravity located on said head.

7. The brush according to claim 1 and further comprising a center of gravity located between said handle and said head.

8. A brush adapted to be wedged over a curved portion of a rim of a bucket comprising: a handle; a head connected to said handle, and wherein said head further comprises a base plate connected to said handle, a plurality of bristles attached to said base plate, a wedge plate connected to said handle and spaced apart from said base plate, wherein said wedge plate and said base plate define a central point and two lateral points which contact the rim of the bucket when mounted creating an axial and lateral mounting.

9. The brush according to claim 8 wherein said handle is integrally molded with said head.

10. The brush according to claim 8 wherein said handle is connected by a fastener.

11. The brush according to claim 8 wherein said handle is ergonomically shaped.

12. The brush according to claim 8 and further comprising a center of gravity located on said head.

13. The brush according to claim 1 and further comprising a center of gravity located between said handle and said head.

14. A brush adapted to be wedged over a curved portion of a rim of a bucket comprising: (a) a handle; and (b) a head connected to said handle, wherein said head further comprises a plurality of bristles, and a means for laterally wedging the brush around the rim of the bucket.

15. The brush according to claim 14 wherein said head is flares out from said handle.

16. The brush according to claim 14 wherein said means for laterally wedging comprises a base plate connected to said handle, a plurality of bristles attached to said base plate, and a wedge plate connected to said handle and spaced apart from said base plate.

17. The brush according to claim 16 wherein said wedge plate and said base plate define a central point and two lateral points contacting the rim of the bucket and creating a lateral and an axial mounting at said central point and said lateral points.

18. The brush according to claim 16 wherein said handle is integrally molded with said head.

19. The brush according to claim 16 wherein said handle is connected by a fastener.

20. The brush according to claim 16 wherein said handle is ergonomically shaped.

21. The brush according to claim 16 and further comprising a center of gravity located on said head.

22. The brush according to claim 16 and further comprising a center of gravity located between said handle and said head.


[0001] Not Applicable.


[0002] Not Applicable.


[0003] Not Applicable.


[0004] The invention relates generally to cleaning implements, and more particularly, to a brush combined with a support adapted to hang or otherwise mount the brush to the rim of a bucket.

[0005] There are many everyday jobs which require a brush and a container of liquid. Painting, cleaning, and wallpapering are examples of such jobs. When a break in the activity occurs, the problem of where to place the brush arises. Placing the brush on a floor or table creates a mess and can cause the brush to become lost. Placing the brush in the container requires placing one's hand into the liquid to retrieve the brush. There is thus a need for a brush having additional features which allow the brush to be suspended over a container.

[0006] It is generally known to combine a brush with a hook, clip, notch, or angled recess in order to allow the brush to hang on or over the rim of a container. The most common application of this technology is with paint brushes. For example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,689,851; 2,723,826; 2,309,990; 1,763,696; 1,653,374; and 1,083,772 all show a mechanism which allows the paint brush to be suspended over the open paint can allowing unused paint to drain from the bristles of the brush back into the paint can. These patents allow the brush to hang freely but do not provide a secure attachment to the container. This technology has been used with other types of devices. U.S. Patent No. D287,432 shows a commode brush in combination with a hook. Similar to the paint brushes, the hook allows the brush to hang freely. U.S. Pat. No. 5,706,546 shows a hook allowing the scoop to hang freely from the upper lip of a container. Finally, U.S. Pat. No. 3,170,183 shows a clip located on the handle which allows a broom to be securely attached to a dustpan. The location and placement of the clip to the side of the broom makes it difficult to align the clip with the rim of a container and attach the broom.

[0007] As can be seen there is a need for a device which allows a brush to be located proximate a container. Depending upon the type of use, there exists a need for a mechanism which allows the brush to be suspended in such a manner as to allow liquid to drain from the bristles of the brush. At best, these prior art inventions suggest using two connecting points separated by an axial distance, where the axial distance is along the axis of the handle. The prior art is limited in this regard in that the hooks, clips, notches and angled recesses known allow a brush to be easily dislodged by accidental contact.


[0008] The present invention is a new and unique device which allows a brush to be securely mounted on a container. The cheapest and most durable buckets produced are semi-rigid plastic and frusto-conical shaped. The present invention is especially suited for use with the round rim of such a bucket. A wedge plate is located at the brush head and in line with the handle. Offset from the handle is a base plate. The base plate is wider and longer than the wedge plate. When forced onto the rim of a bucket the invention flattens a region of the rim between the base plate and the wedge plate. This creates three points of contact with the brush, two endpoints and one center point. The three points of contact are laterally separated from each other in a direction that is generally perpindicular to the handle. The center point of contact must be on the opposite side of the rim from the two endpoints of contact.


[0009] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the invention.

[0010] FIG. 2 is a top view of the brush.

[0011] FIG. 3 is a side view of the brush.

[0012] FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a second embodiment of the invention.

[0013] FIG. 5 is a side view of the invention in use with a bucket.

[0014] FIG. 6 is a cutaway view taken along line 6-6 in FIG. 5.


[0015] Referring to the accompanying drawings, in which like reference numbers indicate like elements, FIGS. 1-3 illustrate a brush 10 having a base plate 34 and a wedge plate 32 adapted to be wedged over a rim of a bucket. As best seen in FIGS. 1 and 2 the brush 10 has a handle 20, a head 30 and a plurality of bristles 36. Preferably, the handle 20 and head 30 are integrally formed of any suitable material, preferably plastic. In the alternative the handle could be connected by any suitable fastener. The length of handle 20 can be increased as needed to extend the reach of a user. The length of the handle determines a center of gravity of the brush. For a longer handle the center of gravity would be located in the handle and for a shorter handle the center of gravity would be located in the head. A portion of the handle can have a series of raised ridges 38 to enhance gripping, and other gripping means can also be used on the handle, such as a pattern of dimples or a soft spongy material.

[0016] The head 30 of the brush 10 comprises a wedge plate 32, a base plate 34 and a plurality of bristles 36. The base plate 34 and wedge plate 32 can be of any shape including but not limited to triangular, rectangular, oval and semi-circular. The bristles 36 can be any type of conventional brush bristles. The handle 20 is generally linear and defines an axis, and the base plate 34 is generally two dimensional and defines a base plate plane that is preferably offset from the handle axis.

[0017] The wedge plate 32 flares out from the handle 20 and converges back to a point 40 and the handle axis preferably runs through the center of the wedge plate 32. Similarly, the base plate 34 also flares out from the handle. The wedge plate 32 and the base plate 34 are spaced apart creating an empty space 38.

[0018] A second embodiment of the invention can be seen in FIG. 4. In this embodiment the brush does not have an elongated handle. The brush 110 has bristles 136, a base plate 134 and a wedge plate 132. The wedge plate 132 also serves as the handle and is ergonomically shaped to fit in a person's hand.

[0019] Referring now to FIGS. 5 and 6, it can be seen that the invention is especially adapted for use with a semi-rigid plastic and frusto-conical bucket 50. The bucket can be filled with a liquid 52 and the brush 10 dipped into the bucket 50 in a normal manner. To wedge the brush 10 on the rim 54 of the bucket 50, a person places the endpoint 40 of the wedge plate 32 such that the rim 54 of the bucket 50 is aligned with the space 38 between the wedge plate 32 and the base plate 34. A downward push forces the brush 10 over the rim 54. With the bristles 36 located above the center of the bucket, the brush contacts the rim at three points. A central point 60 of the wedge plate 32 contacts the outside of the bucket and two lateral points 62 of the base plate 34 contact the inside of the bucket. The spaced apart configuration of the plates 32 and 34 causes the rim 54 to deform between the two lateral points 62 from a curved configuration towards a linear configuration (best seen in FIG. 6). The resiliency of the rim 54 causes the deformed portion to attempt to return to a non-deformed configuration, exerting a force on the brush 10 in both an axial and lateral direction. The configuration of the present invention creates a two-dimensional lateral mounting to a bucket and may also have an axial attachment. The prior art is limited to creating a one-dimensional attachment or a two dimensional axial attachment. For example, a simple hook or clip would attach to a bucket with an axial force, and would deform the rim at a single point creating axial compression at that point. In contrast, the brush of the present invention attaches to a bucket in a region of the rim creating both axial and lateral compression in that region.

[0020] In view of the foregoing, it will be seen that the several advantages of the invention are achieved and attained. The preferred embodiment and alternatives were chosen and described in order to best explain the principles of the invention and its practical application to thereby enable others skilled in the art to best utilize the invention in various embodiments and with various modifications as are suited to the particular use contemplated. As various modifications could be made in the constructions and methods herein described and illustrated without departing from the scope of the invention, it is intended that all matter contained in the foregoing description or shown in the accompanying drawings shall be interpreted as illustrative rather than limiting. For example, the head could e connected to the handle by a fastener. Thus, the breadth and scope of the present invention should not be limited by any of the above-described exemplary embodiments, but should be defined only in accordance with the following claims appended hereto and their equivalents.

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