Wachi; Masatada Patent Filings

Wachi; Masatada

Patent Applications and Registrations

Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Wachi; Masatada.The latest application filed is for "musical contents storage system having server computer and electronic musical devices".

Company Profile
  • Wachi; Masatada - Hamamatsu JP
  • WACHI; Masatada - Hamamatsu-Shi JP
  • Wachi, Masatada - Shizuoka-ken JP
*profile and listings may contain filings by different individuals or companies with the same name. Review application materials to confirm ownership/assignment.
Patent Activity
Musical contents storage system having server computer and electronic musical devices
Grant 7,917,399 - Wachi March 29, 2
Musical contents storage system having server computer and electronic musical devices
Grant 7,856,381 - Wachi December 21, 2
Musical contents storage system having server computer and electronic musical devices
Grant 7,788,140 - Wachi August 31, 2
Musical contents storage system having server computer and electronic musical devices
Grant 7,778,887 - Wachi August 17, 2
Musical contents storage system having server computer and electronic musical devices
Grant 7,693,746 - Wachi April 6, 2
Musical Contents Storage System Having Server Computer And Electronic Musical Devices
App 20080215674 - WACHI; Masatada
Musical Contents Storage System Having Server Computer And Electronic Musical Devices
App 20080184161 - WACHI; Masatada
Musical Contents Storage System Having Server Computer And Electronic Musical Devices
App 20080183594 - WACHI; Masatada
Musical Contents Storage System Having Server Computer And Electronic Musical Devices
App 20080183487 - WACHI; Masatada
Waveform signal generation method with pseudo low tone synthesis
Grant 6,756,532 - Wachi , et al. June 29, 2
Musical contents storage system having server computer and electronic musical devices
App 20030061115 - Wachi, Masatada
Waveform signal generation method with pseudo low tone synthesis
App 20010049994 - Wachi, Masatada ;   et al.
Musical information processing system with automatic data transfer
Grant 5,880,386 - Wachi , et al. March 9, 1
Computerized music system having software and hardware sound sources
Grant 5,714,703 - Wachi , et al. February 3, 1
Sound synthesis system having pitch adjusting function by correcting loop delay
Grant 5,578,780 - Wachi November 26, 1
Waveform generation device having a memory for storing adjacent sample data in different data compression representations
Grant 5,442,127 - Wachi , et al. August 15, 1
Musical instrument with electro-acoustic transducer for generating musical tone
Grant 5,056,400 - Wachi , et al. October 15, 1
Electronic musical keyboard instruments with variable touch sensitivity
Grant 5,027,690 - Wachi , et al. July 2, 1
Electronic musical instrument
Grant RE32,862 - Wachi February 14, 1
Truncate prioritization system for multi channel electronic music generator
Grant 4,703,680 - Wachi , et al. November 3, 1
Tone waveshape generation device
Grant 4,584,921 - Wachi April 29, 1
Digital electronic musical instrument of pitch synchronous sampling type
Grant 4,561,337 - Wachi December 31, 1
Digital filter for an electronic musical instrument
Grant 4,554,858 - Wachi , et al. November 26, 1
Digital filter for an electronic musical instrument
Grant 4,548,119 - Wachi , et al. October 22, 1
Tone waveshape generation device
Grant 4,520,708 - Wachi June 4, 1
Method and apparatus for generating musical tone signals
Grant 4,395,931 - Wachi August 2, 1
Waveshape generator for electronic musical instruments
Grant 4,246,823 - Wachi , et al. January 27, 1
Process for forming musical tones
Grant 4,231,277 - Wachi November 4, 1
Electronic musical instrument of wave memory reading type
Grant 4,213,366 - Niimi , et al. July 22, 1
Touch responsive sensor in electronic keyboard musical instrument
Grant 3,943,812 - Nagai , et al. March 16, 1

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