Trademark applications and grants for Smith, Kevin B.. Smith, Kevin B. has 2 trademark applications. The latest application filed is for "BLUE OCEAN PLANNING"
Entity Type | INDIVIDUAL |
Address | 5713 Cypress Creek Drive Grant, FLORIDA UNITED STATES 32949 |
Patent Application | Date |
PROVISIONING OF COMPUTING RESOURCES FOR A WORKLOAD 20180136980 - 15/353259 SHAFFER; Michael J. ;   et al. | 2018-05-17 |
SMART COMPUTER PROGRAM TEST DESIGN 20170161179 - 14/956700 Maple; Elizabeth J. ;   et al. | 2017-06-08 |
PREDICTIVE MODEL SCORING TO OPTIMIZE TEST CASE ORDER IN REAL TIME 20170091624 - 15/378278 Smith; Kevin B. ;   et al. | 2017-03-30 |
PREDICTIVE MODEL SCORING TO OPTIMIZE TEST CASE ORDER IN REAL TIME 20170017893 - 15/287247 Smith; Kevin B. ;   et al. | 2017-01-19 |
PREDICTIVE MODEL SCORING TO OPTIMIZE TEST CASE ORDER IN REAL TIME 20170010959 - 14/792682 Smith; Kevin B. ;   et al. | 2017-01-12 |
Predictive model scoring to optimize test case order in real time 10,748,068 - 15/378,278 Smith , et al. A | 2020-08-18 |
Predictive model scoring to optimize test case order in real time 10,592,808 - 15/287,247 Smith , et al. | 2020-03-17 |
Managing a set of tests based on other test failures 10,452,508 - 14/739,009 Maple , et al. Oc | 2019-10-22 |
Provisioning of computing resources for a workload 10,372,501 - 15/353,259 Shaffer , et al. | 2019-08-06 |
Predictive model scoring to optimize test case order in real time 10,176,426 - 14/792,682 Smith , et al. J | 2019-01-08 |
Mark Image Registration | Serial | Trademark Application Date |
![]() "BLUE OCEAN PLANNING" 90232193 |
![]() "PRIMAL SURVIVAL" 4327892 85719762 |
PRIMAL SURVIVAL 2012-09-04 |
NCAGE Code | 7P1Q1 | SMITH , KEVIN B |
CAGE Code | 7P1Q1 | SMITH , KEVIN B |
DUNS | 080214347 | Smith , Kevin B | is an independent third-party trademark research tool that is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or any other governmental organization. The information provided by is based on publicly available data at the time of writing and is intended for informational purposes only.
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