Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Schulte; Wolfram.The latest application filed is for "optimizing machine learning".
Patent | Date |
Optimizing Machine Learning App 20220269927 - Rice; Tristan Alexander ;   et al. | 2022-08-25 |
Chunk storage deduplication using graph structures Grant 10,210,170 - Kuhtz , et al. Feb | 2019-02-19 |
Ordered cache tiering for program build files Grant 10,162,626 - Mavrinac , et al. Dec | 2018-12-25 |
Ordered Cache Tiering For Program Build Files App 20180293068 - Mavrinac; Erik C. ;   et al. | 2018-10-11 |
Chunk Storage Deduplication Using Graph Structures App 20180218005 - KUHTZ; Lars ;   et al. | 2018-08-02 |
Automatic parallelization in a tracing just-in-time compiler system Grant 8,959,496 - Schulte , et al. February 17, 2 | 2015-02-17 |
Approximating finite domains in symbolic state exploration Grant 8,533,680 - Tillmann , et al. September 10, 2 | 2013-09-10 |
Providing diverse solutions using design space exploration Grant 8,473,895 - Jackson , et al. June 25, 2 | 2013-06-25 |
State as a first-class citizen of an imperative language Grant 8,468,505 - Grieskamp , et al. June 18, 2 | 2013-06-18 |
Symbolic runtime checking of quantified contracts Grant 8,387,021 - Vanoverberghe , et al. February 26, 2 | 2013-02-26 |
Contract programming for code error reduction Grant 8,250,524 - Barnett , et al. August 21, 2 | 2012-08-21 |
Executing tasks through multiple processors that process different portions of a replicable task Grant 8,112,751 - Leijen , et al. February 7, 2 | 2012-02-07 |
Core object-oriented type system for semi-structured data Grant 8,112,740 - Meijer , et al. February 7, 2 | 2012-02-07 |
Feature oriented protocol modeling Grant 8,103,495 - Veanes , et al. January 24, 2 | 2012-01-24 |
Providing Diverse Solutions Using Design Space Exploration App 20110302550 - Jackson; Ethan K. ;   et al. | 2011-12-08 |
Systems and methods that transform constructs from domain to domain Grant 8,073,879 - Meijer , et al. December 6, 2 | 2011-12-06 |
Core object-oriented type system for semi-structured data Grant 8,060,859 - Meijer , et al. November 15, 2 | 2011-11-15 |
Automatic Parallelization in a Tracing Just-in-Time Compiler System App 20110265067 - Schulte; Wolfram ;   et al. | 2011-10-27 |
Symbolic execution of object oriented programs with axiomatic summaries Grant 8,046,746 - Tillmann , et al. October 25, 2 | 2011-10-25 |
Fast flattening of nested streams Grant 7,937,694 - Meijer , et al. May 3, 2 | 2011-05-03 |
Symbolic program model compositions Grant 7,926,025 - Campbell , et al. April 12, 2 | 2011-04-12 |
Software Verification Using Two-State Invariants App 20110083124 - Moskal; Michal Jan ;   et al. | 2011-04-07 |
Compositional lifting of operations over structural types Grant 7,912,863 - Meijer , et al. March 22, 2 | 2011-03-22 |
Bounded program failure analysis and correction Grant 7,882,495 - Tillmann , et al. February 1, 2 | 2011-02-01 |
Specification generation from implementations Grant 7,844,951 - Chen , et al. November 30, 2 | 2010-11-30 |
Stabilization of distributed systems Grant 7,822,853 - Schulte , et al. October 26, 2 | 2010-10-26 |
Executing Tasks Through Multiple Processors Consistently With Dynamic Assignments App 20100269110 - Leijen; Daniel J. P. ;   et al. | 2010-10-21 |
Parameterized unit tests with behavioral purity axioms Grant 7,797,687 - Tillmann , et al. September 14, 2 | 2010-09-14 |
Type-system extensions for object-oriented language based on coercive subtyping with restrictions Grant 7,774,376 - Meijer , et al. August 10, 2 | 2010-08-10 |
Method for specifying and verifying multi-threaded object-oriented programs with invariants Grant 7,774,787 - Leino , et al. August 10, 2 | 2010-08-10 |
Conformance testing of multi-threaded and distributed software systems Grant 7,747,985 - Campbell , et al. June 29, 2 | 2010-06-29 |
Generalized comprehension in imperative languages Grant 7,730,462 - Grieskamp , et al. June 1, 2 | 2010-06-01 |
Symbolic Runtime Checking of Quantified Contracts App 20100083233 - Vanoverberghe; Dries ;   et al. | 2010-04-01 |
Stabilization of distributed systems App 20100082802 - Schulte; Wolfram ;   et al. | 2010-04-01 |
Interactive domain configuration Grant 7,685,571 - Schulte , et al. March 23, 2 | 2010-03-23 |
Parameterized test driven development Grant 7,681,180 - de Halleux , et al. March 16, 2 | 2010-03-16 |
Generating test cases for software with complex preconditions Grant 7,665,072 - Tillman , et al. February 16, 2 | 2010-02-16 |
Interaction with nested and non-nested streams Grant 7,661,096 - Meijer , et al. February 9, 2 | 2010-02-09 |
State As A First-class Citizen Of An Imperative Language App 20100011194 - Grieskamp; Wolfgang ;   et al. | 2010-01-14 |
Meta-data driven test-data generation with controllable combinatorial coverage Grant 7,640,470 - Lammel , et al. December 29, 2 | 2009-12-29 |
Unit test generalization Grant 7,587,636 - Tillmann , et al. September 8, 2 | 2009-09-08 |
State as a first-class citizen of an imperative language Grant 7,584,463 - Grieskamp , et al. September 1, 2 | 2009-09-01 |
Contract Programming For Code Error Reduction App 20090164973 - Barnett; Michael ;   et al. | 2009-06-25 |
Implementation of alias preserving structural subtyping with precise types using transparent adapters Grant 7,530,080 - Schulte , et al. May 5, 2 | 2009-05-05 |
Generating finite state machines for software systems with asynchronous callbacks Grant 7,500,149 - Grieskamp , et al. March 3, 2 | 2009-03-03 |
Efficient checking of state-dependent constraints Grant 7,500,226 - Tillmann , et al. March 3, 2 | 2009-03-03 |
Mock object generation by symbolic execution Grant 7,496,791 - Tillmann , et al. February 24, 2 | 2009-02-24 |
Extending test sequences to accepting states Grant 7,493,544 - Blass , et al. February 17, 2 | 2009-02-17 |
Feature Oriented Protocol Modeling App 20090043560 - Veanes; Margus ;   et al. | 2009-02-12 |
Bounded Program Failure Analysis And Correction App 20080313602 - Tillmann; Nikolai ;   et al. | 2008-12-18 |
Core Object-oriented Type System For Semi-structured Data App 20080313609 - Meijer; Erik ;   et al. | 2008-12-18 |
Parameterized Test Driven Development App 20080307264 - de Halleux; Jonathan Paul ;   et al. | 2008-12-11 |
Core Object-oriented Type System For Semi-structured Data App 20080306617 - Meijer; Erik ;   et al. | 2008-12-11 |
Access driven filtering Grant 7,444,622 - Grieskamp , et al. October 28, 2 | 2008-10-28 |
System and method for extending a compiler through a composer Grant 7,441,237 - Warren , et al. October 21, 2 | 2008-10-21 |
Core object-oriented type system for semi-structured data Grant 7,389,498 - Meijer , et al. June 17, 2 | 2008-06-17 |
State exploration using multiple state groupings Grant 7,363,202 - Campbell , et al. April 22, 2 | 2008-04-22 |
Meta-data driven test-data generation with controllable combinatorial coverage App 20080065941 - Lammel; Ralf ;   et al. | 2008-03-13 |
Symbolic program model compositions App 20070168927 - Campbell; Colin L. ;   et al. | 2007-07-19 |
Approximating finite domains in symbolic state exploration App 20070157180 - Tillmann; Nikolai ;   et al. | 2007-07-05 |
Specification generation from implementations App 20070157169 - Chen; Feng ;   et al. | 2007-07-05 |
Conformance execution of non-deterministic specifications for components Grant 7,216,338 - Barnett , et al. May 8, 2 | 2007-05-08 |
Unit test generalization App 20070033443 - Tillmann; Nikolai ;   et al. | 2007-02-08 |
Symbolic execution of object oriented programs with axiomatic summaries App 20070033576 - Tillmann; Nikolai ;   et al. | 2007-02-08 |
Parameterized unit tests App 20070033440 - Tillmann; Nikolai ;   et al. | 2007-02-08 |
Mock object generation by symbolic execution App 20070033442 - Tillmann; Nikolai ;   et al. | 2007-02-08 |
Generating test cases for software with complex preconditions App 20060242466 - Tillmann; Nikolai ;   et al. | 2006-10-26 |
Generating finite state machines for software systems with asynchronous callbacks App 20060224924 - Grieskamp; Wolfgang ;   et al. | 2006-10-05 |
Conformance testing of multi-threaded and distributed software systems App 20060212759 - Campbell; Colin L. ;   et al. | 2006-09-21 |
Extending test sequences to accepting states App 20060179383 - Blass; Andreas ;   et al. | 2006-08-10 |
Generating a test suite from an abstract state machine Grant 7,088,864 - Grieskamp , et al. August 8, 2 | 2006-08-08 |
State exploration using multiple state groupings App 20060161404 - Campbell; Colin L. ;   et al. | 2006-07-20 |
Method for specifying and verifying multi-threaded object-oriented programs with invariants App 20060155905 - Leino; K. Rustan M. ;   et al. | 2006-07-13 |
Systems and methods that transform constructs from domain to domain App 20050216508 - Maria Meijer, Henricus Johannes ;   et al. | 2005-09-29 |
Efficient checking of state-dependent constraints App 20050198621 - Tillmann, Nikolai ;   et al. | 2005-09-08 |
Fast flattening of nested streams App 20050183058 - Meijer, Henricus Johannes Maria ;   et al. | 2005-08-18 |
Interaction with nested and non-nested streams App 20050183071 - Meijer, Henricus Johannes Maria ;   et al. | 2005-08-18 |
Generalized comprehension in imperative languages App 20050166181 - Grieskamp, Wolfgang ;   et al. | 2005-07-28 |
Access driven filtering App 20050050391 - Grieskamp, Wolfgang ;   et al. | 2005-03-03 |
State as a first-class citizen of an imperative language App 20050050536 - Grieskamp, Wolfgang ;   et al. | 2005-03-03 |
Interactive domain configuration App 20050050519 - Schulte, Wolfram ;   et al. | 2005-03-03 |
Implementation of alias preserving structural subtyping with precise types using transparent adapters App 20040194117 - Schulte, Wolfram ;   et al. | 2004-09-30 |
Path expressions and SQL select statement in object oriented language App 20040193575 - Chen, Chia-Hsun ;   et al. | 2004-09-30 |
Core object-oriented type system for semi-structured data App 20040194058 - Meijer, Erik ;   et al. | 2004-09-30 |
System and method for extending a compiler through a composer App 20040194068 - Warren, Matthew J. ;   et al. | 2004-09-30 |
System and method for constructing and validating object oriented XML expressions App 20040194057 - Schulte, Wolfram ;   et al. | 2004-09-30 |
Conformance execution of non-deterministic specifications for components App 20030159132 - Barnett, Michael ;   et al. | 2003-08-21 |
Generating a test suite from an abstract state machine App 20030159087 - Grieskamp, Wolfgang ;   et al. | 2003-08-21 |
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