Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Ramot University Authority for Applied Research and Industrial.The latest application filed is for "method for the long-term preservation of meat".
Patent | Date |
Method for the long-term preservation of meat Grant 6,042,859 - Shaklai March 28, 2 | 2000-03-28 |
Apparatus and method for efficient incorporation of molecules into cells Grant 5,964,726 - Korenstein , et al. October 12, 1 | 1999-10-12 |
Space efficient fair queuing by stochastic Memory multiplexing Grant 5,956,340 - Afek , et al. September 21, 1 | 1999-09-21 |
Ophthalmic device for draining excess intraocular fluid Grant 5,626,559 - Solomon May 6, 1 | 1997-05-06 |
Secondary electrochemical cell Grant 5,591,543 - Peled , et al. January 7, 1 | 1997-01-07 |
Method and apparatus for determining platelet function in primary hemostasis Grant 5,523,238 - Varon , et al. June 4, 1 | 1996-06-04 |
NMDA-blocking pharmaceuticals Grant 5,521,215 - Mechoulam , et al. | 1996-05-28 |
NMDA-blocking pharmaceutical compositions Grant 5,284,867 - Kloog , et al. Fe | 1994-02-08 |
Rechargeable batteries Grant 5,283,136 - Peled , et al. February 1, 1 | 1994-02-01 |
Drug system Grant 4,994,446 - Sokolovsky , et al. February 19, 1 | 1991-02-19 |
Ophthalmologic apparatus for fundus examination Grant 4,874,236 - Abraham October 17, 1 | 1989-10-17 |
Microorganism culture-transfer device Grant 4,687,746 - Rosenberg , et al. August 18, 1 | 1987-08-18 |
Repair of cartilage and bones Grant 4,642,120 - Nevo , et al. February 10, 1 | 1987-02-10 |
Ca Electrochemical cell Grant 4,461,815 - Peled , et al. July 24, 1 | 1984-07-24 |
Calcium electrochemical reserve cell Grant 4,456,665 - Peled , et al. June 26, 1 | 1984-06-26 |
Method of producing monocrystalline semiconductor films utilizing an intermediate water dissolvable salt layer Grant 4,255,208 - Deutscher , et al. March 10, 1 | 1981-03-10 |
Non-aqueous primary cell Grant 4,224,389 - Peled September 23, 1 | 1980-09-23 |
Force applicator including indicator Grant 4,066,082 - Arcan , et al. January 3, 1 | 1978-01-03 |
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