Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for NOGUCHI; Fujio.The latest application filed is for "electronic musical score device".
Patent | Date |
Electronic Musical Score Device App 20200327869 - NOGUCHI; Fujio | 2020-10-15 |
Electronic musical score apparatus Grant 10,276,137 - Noguchi , et al. | 2019-04-30 |
Electronic Musical Score Apparatus App 20180293968 - NOGUCHI; Fujio ;   et al. | 2018-10-11 |
Image capturing apparatus having plural operation modes Grant 7,619,659 - Noguchi , et al. November 17, 2 | 2009-11-17 |
Image pickup apparatus, navigation apparatus and IC card Grant 7,042,498 - Noguchi , et al. May 9, 2 | 2006-05-09 |
Image pickup apparatus, navigation apparatus and IC card Grant 7,006,131 - Noguchi , et al. February 28, 2 | 2006-02-28 |
Image pickup apparatus, navigation apparatus and IC card Grant 6,970,188 - Noguchi , et al. November 29, 2 | 2005-11-29 |
Method and apparatus for adjusting font size in an electronic program guide display Grant 6,954,897 - Noguchi , et al. October 11, 2 | 2005-10-11 |
Method and apparatus for adjusting font size in an electronic program guide display App 20050193337 - Noguchi, Fujio ;   et al. | 2005-09-01 |
Image capturing apparatus Grant 6,933,969 - Noguchi , et al. August 23, 2 | 2005-08-23 |
Image pickup apparatus, navigation apparatus and IC card App 20050165542 - Noguchi, Fujio ;   et al. | 2005-07-28 |
Image pickup apparatus, navigation apparatus and IC card App 20050162533 - Noguchi, Fujio ;   et al. | 2005-07-28 |
Image pickup apparatus, navigation apparatus and IC card App 20050165541 - Noguchi, Fujio ;   et al. | 2005-07-28 |
Image capturing apparatus App 20050151857 - Noguchi, Fujio ;   et al. | 2005-07-14 |
Image pickup apparatus, navigation apparatus and IC card Grant 6,903,763 - Noguchi , et al. June 7, 2 | 2005-06-07 |
Feature expansion module Grant 6,764,346 - Fujita , et al. July 20, 2 | 2004-07-20 |
Remote control apparatus and image display apparatus Grant 6,636,272 - Noguchi , et al. October 21, 2 | 2003-10-21 |
Function extension module App 20030162445 - Fujita, Yasushi ;   et al. | 2003-08-28 |
Coordinate Input Apparatus And Information Processing Apparatus App 20030106724 - MASAMITSU, SATOSHI ;   et al. | 2003-06-12 |
Method and apparatus for providing favorite station and programming information in a multiple station broadcast system Grant 6,426,779 - Noguchi , et al. July 30, 2 | 2002-07-30 |
Method and apparatus for providing station and programming information in a multiple station broadcast system Grant 6,163,345 - Noguchi , et al. December 19, 2 | 2000-12-19 |
Method and apparatus for displaying an electronic program guide Grant 6,034,677 - Noguchi , et al. March 7, 2 | 2000-03-07 |
Method and apparatus for providing program oriented information in a multiple station broadcast system Grant 5,596,373 - White , et al. January 21, 1 | 1997-01-21 |
Hose coupling Grant 4,626,006 - Noguchi , et al. December 2, 1 | 1986-12-02 |
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