Trademark applications and grants for Taposh Dutta Roy. Taposh Dutta Roy has 1 trademark applications. The latest application filed is for "QAUSAL AI"
State Incorporated | |
Entity Type | |
Address | 2 San Pedro Place, San Ramon, CALIFORNIA UNITED STATES 94583 |
Patent Application | Date |
VIRTUAL ROUTER WITH DYNAMIC FLOW OFFLOAD CAPABILITY 20180109606 - 15/294494 Alpert; Jesse Louis ;   et al. | 2018-04-19 |
SHARING BANDWIDTH AMONG MULTIPLE USERS OF NETWORK APPLICATIONS 20120195324 - 13/364705 Raghuraman; Anand ;   et al. | 2012-08-02 |
SYSTEM TO SHARE NETWORK BANDWIDTH AMONG COMPETING APPLICATIONS 20120195209 - 13/018967 Jain; Sushant ;   et al. | 2012-08-02 |
Partitioning a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Control Block (TCB) 20080040494 - 11/496072 Kumar; Alok ;   et al. | 2008-02-14 |
Transmission control protocol congestion window 20080002575 - 11/480180 Kumar; Alok ;   et al. | 2008-01-03 |
Virtual router with dynamic flow offload capability 10,193,968 - 15/294,494 Alpert , et al. Ja | 2019-01-29 |
Sharing bandwidth among multiple users of network applications 9,559,956 - 13/364,705 Raghuraman , et al. January 31, 2 | 2017-01-31 |
Sharing bandwidth among multiple users of network applications 9,559,956 - 13/364,705 Raghuraman , et al. January 31, 2 | 2017-01-31 |
Systems and methods for proxy-less load balancing 9,106,482 - 13/556,575 Bapat , et al. August 11, 2 | 2015-08-11 |
Systems and methods for proxy-less load balancing 9,106,482 - 13/556,575 Bapat , et al. August 11, 2 | 2015-08-11 |
Mark Image Registration | Serial | Trademark Application Date |
![]() "QAUSAL AI" 97400356 |
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