Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Moser; Martin.The latest application filed is for "configuration runtime on host platform".
Patent | Date |
Configuration content integration Grant 11,237,945 - Moser February 1, 2 | 2022-02-01 |
Configuration Runtime On Host Platform App 20210326365 - Moser; Martin | 2021-10-21 |
Configuration Content Integration App 20210326237 - Moser; Martin | 2021-10-21 |
Time-dependent activation of configuration content Grant 11,023,227 - Moser June 1, 2 | 2021-06-01 |
Time-dependent Activation Of Configuration Content App 20210064360 - Moser; Martin | 2021-03-04 |
Method for producing an energy supply unit Grant 10,892,510 - Hoefler , et al. January 12, 2 | 2021-01-12 |
Heat exchanger and fuel cell system Grant 10,811,703 - Becker , et al. October 20, 2 | 2020-10-20 |
Method and device for safeguarding a movement of a motor vehicle on an inclined ramp Grant 10,787,169 - Bonnet , et al. September 29, 2 | 2020-09-29 |
Method And Device For Safeguarding A Movement Of A Motor Vehicle On An Inclined Ramp App 20200255000 - Kind Code | 2020-08-13 |
Housing for accommodating a stack of fuel cells, batteries or capacitors Grant 10,673,039 - Hoefler , et al. | 2020-06-02 |
Cab suspension for a tiltable cab of a commercial vehicle Grant 10,450,010 - Tauber , et al. Oc | 2019-10-22 |
Method for monitoring and diagnosing components of a rail vehicle by means of an extensible evaluation software Grant 10,435,050 - Nock , et al. O | 2019-10-08 |
Method and device for operating a vehicle Grant 10,407,008 - Bonnet , et al. Sept | 2019-09-10 |
Exhaust gas system and motor vehicle having an exhaust gas system Grant 10,205,181 - Bauer , et al. Feb | 2019-02-12 |
Method and device for moving a vehicle into a target position Grant 10,179,585 - Bonnet , et al. Ja | 2019-01-15 |
Heat Exchanger and Fuel Cell System App 20190013530 - BECKER; Marc ;   et al. | 2019-01-10 |
Plug-in cache Grant 10,129,363 - Moser November 13, 2 | 2018-11-13 |
Housing for Accommodating a Stack of Fuel Cells, Batteries or Capacitors App 20180294453 - HOEFLER; Thomas ;   et al. | 2018-10-11 |
Method for Producing an Energy Supply Unit App 20180294503 - HOEFLER; Thomas ;   et al. | 2018-10-11 |
Cab Suspension For A Tiltable Cab Of A Commercial Vehicle App 20180022401 - Tauber; Klemens ;   et al. | 2018-01-25 |
Driver Assistance Device For A Motor Vehicle And Method For Operating The Same App 20170369074 - Mathes; Joachim ;   et al. | 2017-12-28 |
Method And Device For Operating A Vehicle App 20170334380 - BONNET; Christophe ;   et al. | 2017-11-23 |
Method For Monitoring And Diagnosing Components Of A Rail Vehicle By Means Of An Extensible Evaluation Software App 20170274916 - NOCK; Marco ;   et al. | 2017-09-28 |
Method And Device For Moving A Vehicle Into A Target Position App 20170225679 - BONNET; Christophe ;   et al. | 2017-08-10 |
End-to end tracing and logging Grant 9,697,104 - Obermiller , et al. July 4, 2 | 2017-07-04 |
End-to-end Tracing And Logging App 20170161167 - OBERMILLER; NILS ;   et al. | 2017-06-08 |
Optimizing Software Application User Interface Performance Using Interactive Images App 20170097922 - Kirtkow; Sergej ;   et al. | 2017-04-06 |
Plug-in Cache App 20160352858 - Moser; Martin | 2016-12-01 |
Deployable Device for the Thermal Insulation of Cryonic Tanks of Spacecraft App 20160297552 - MOSER; Martin ;   et al. | 2016-10-13 |
Exhaust Gas System and Motor Vehicle Having an Exhaust Gas System App 20160197362 - BAUER; Michael ;   et al. | 2016-07-07 |
Method And Device For Remote Control Of A Function Of A Vehicle App 20160170494 - BONNET; Christophe ;   et al. | 2016-06-16 |
Thread-based memory management with garbage collection Grant 9,355,029 - Moser May 31, 2 | 2016-05-31 |
Prioritized message notification for mobile communication devices Grant 9,326,109 - Moser April 26, 2 | 2016-04-26 |
Dynamic load testing Grant 9,189,371 - Fuchs , et al. November 17, 2 | 2015-11-17 |
Tracking of program objects during request processing Grant 9,164,872 - Moser October 20, 2 | 2015-10-20 |
Memory-leak identification Grant 9,104,567 - Moser August 11, 2 | 2015-08-11 |
Method for Carrying Out a Process of Parking a Vehicle by Means of a Driver Assistance System App 20150203111 - Bonnet; Christophe ;   et al. | 2015-07-23 |
Method for Autonomous Parking of a Motor Vehicle, Driver Assistance Device for Performing the Method and Motor Vehicle with the Driver Assistance Device App 20150088360 - Bonnet; Christophe ;   et al. | 2015-03-26 |
Prioritized Message Notification For Mobile Communication Devices App 20150003334 - Moser; Martin | 2015-01-01 |
Thread-based Memory Management With Garbage Collection App 20150006843 - Moser; Martin | 2015-01-01 |
Pharmaceutical Composition Comprising miRNA-100 And Its Use In The Modulation of Blood Vessel Growth and Endothelial Inflammation App 20140377324 - GRUNDMANN; Sebastian ;   et al. | 2014-12-25 |
Tracking Of Program Objects During Request Processing App 20140351656 - Moser; Martin | 2014-11-27 |
Asynchronous Content Updates In The Background For Improved Application Performance App 20140344325 - Moser; Martin | 2014-11-20 |
Persisting Objects in a Single Data Table App 20140331118 - Helm; Martin ;   et al. | 2014-11-06 |
Crowd detection and guidance on mobile devices Grant 8,855,669 - Moser October 7, 2 | 2014-10-07 |
Method for producing multiple fibre strips in parallel and apparatus for executing said method Grant 8,769,785 - Krumrey , et al. July 8, 2 | 2014-07-08 |
Memory Allocation For Long-lived Objects App 20140082315 - Moser; Martin | 2014-03-20 |
Dynamic Load Testing App 20130317781 - Fuchs; Stefan ;   et al. | 2013-11-28 |
Enhancing network details using network monitoring scripts Grant 8,572,226 - Moser October 29, 2 | 2013-10-29 |
Augmenting Product Information On A Client Device App 20130173428 - MOSER; MARTIN | 2013-07-04 |
Memory-leak Identification App 20130173961 - Moser; Martin | 2013-07-04 |
Crowd Detection And Guidance On Mobile Devices App 20130157684 - Moser; Martin | 2013-06-20 |
Integrated performance and load testing tool for application servers Grant 8,464,224 - Dulip , et al. June 11, 2 | 2013-06-11 |
Pharmaceutical Composition Comprising miRNA-100 And Its Use in the Modulation Of Blood Vessel Growth and Endothelial Inflammation App 20120328686 - Grundmann; Sebastian ;   et al. | 2012-12-27 |
Portable Device Inventory Tracking App 20120262292 - MOSER; MARTIN | 2012-10-18 |
Creating Operating System Internet Connections For Mobile Applications App 20120265842 - MOSER; MARTIN | 2012-10-18 |
Location Based Mobile Shopping App 20120143720 - MOSER; MARTIN | 2012-06-07 |
Method for Producing Multiple Fibre Strips in Parallel and Apparatus for Executing Said Method App 20120013036 - Krumrey; Thomas ;   et al. | 2012-01-19 |
Tracking Of Java Objects During Request Processing App 20110029822 - Moser; Martin | 2011-02-03 |
Integrated Performance And Load Testing Tool For Application Servers App 20100333072 - Dulip; Samantha ;   et al. | 2010-12-30 |
Testing machine-readable instructions Grant 7,823,130 - Moser , et al. October 26, 2 | 2010-10-26 |
Enhancing Network Details Using Network Monitoring Scripts App 20100153529 - Moser; Martin | 2010-06-17 |
Delta-handling in server-pages Grant 7,703,015 - McKellar , et al. April 20, 2 | 2010-04-20 |
Establishing a collaboration environment Grant 7,676,542 - Moser , et al. March 9, 2 | 2010-03-09 |
System for Influencing the Driving Behavior of a Vehicle App 20100010710 - Kopp; Johannes ;   et al. | 2010-01-14 |
System and method for updating stop loss orders Grant 7,555,449 - Moser , et al. June 30, 2 | 2009-06-30 |
Dynamic ECMAScript class loading Grant 7,509,584 - Moser March 24, 2 | 2009-03-24 |
Cache with time-based purging and computation of purged items Grant 7,480,767 - Moser January 20, 2 | 2009-01-20 |
Method for determining a steering-wheel torque Grant 7,433,768 - Bernzen , et al. October 7, 2 | 2008-10-07 |
Interface for series of tests Grant 7,412,349 - Moser , et al. August 12, 2 | 2008-08-12 |
Testing Machine-readable Instructions App 20080126765 - Moser; Martin ;   et al. | 2008-05-29 |
Cache With Time-Based Purging and Computation of Purged Items App 20070294480 - Moser; Martin | 2007-12-20 |
Interface for series of tests App 20070136024 - Moser; Martin ;   et al. | 2007-06-14 |
Method and computer system for handling incremental data in client-server communication App 20060200535 - Moser; Martin | 2006-09-07 |
Method for synchronising a steering wheel and steered wheels of a motor vehicle App 20060129294 - Moser; Martin ;   et al. | 2006-06-15 |
Method for determining a steering-wheel torque App 20060129293 - Bernzen; Werner ;   et al. | 2006-06-15 |
System and method for updating stop loss orders App 20050283423 - Moser, Martin ;   et al. | 2005-12-22 |
Dynamic ecmascript class loading App 20050268243 - Moser, Martin | 2005-12-01 |
Method and device for co-ordinating multiple driving system devices of a vehicle Grant 6,873,891 - Moser , et al. March 29, 2 | 2005-03-29 |
Vehicle steering system Grant 6,814,177 - Bohner , et al. November 9, 2 | 2004-11-09 |
Vehicle steering system App 20040168848 - Bohner, Hubert ;   et al. | 2004-09-02 |
Establishing a collaboration environment App 20040107249 - Moser, Martin ;   et al. | 2004-06-03 |
Vehicle steering system Grant 6,712,174 - Bohner , et al. March 30, 2 | 2004-03-30 |
Delta-handling in server-pages App 20030217331 - McKellar, Brian ;   et al. | 2003-11-20 |
Method and device for indicating the driving state of a vehicle to the driver App 20030191573 - Beyer, Stefan ;   et al. | 2003-10-09 |
Method and device for co-ordinating multiple driving system devices of a vehicle App 20030171865 - Moser, Martin ;   et al. | 2003-09-11 |
Steering system for a vehicle Grant 6,612,395 - Moser , et al. September 2, 2 | 2003-09-02 |
Grinding machine App 20030119430 - Moser, Martin | 2003-06-26 |
Steering system for a vehicle App 20020162700 - Moser, Martin ;   et al. | 2002-11-07 |
Steering system for motor vehicles Grant 6,323,763 - Bohner , et al. November 27, 2 | 2001-11-27 |
Power steering system for motor vehicles Grant 6,298,940 - Bohner , et al. October 9, 2 | 2001-10-09 |
Steering system for a vehicle Grant 6,285,936 - Bohner , et al. September 4, 2 | 2001-09-04 |
Steering system for a vehicle Grant 6,269,903 - Bohner , et al. August 7, 2 | 2001-08-07 |
Steering system for non-track-bound motor vehicles Grant 6,244,371 - Bohner , et al. June 12, 2 | 2001-06-12 |
Steering system Grant 6,220,385 - Bohner , et al. April 24, 2 | 2001-04-24 |
Electrically actuated vehicle steering system Grant 6,213,246 - Bohner , et al. April 10, 2 | 2001-04-10 |
Steering system for non-tracked motor vehicles Grant 6,209,677 - Bohner , et al. April 3, 2 | 2001-04-03 |
Vehicle steering system Grant 6,138,788 - Bohner , et al. October 31, 2 | 2000-10-31 |
Power steering for motor vehicles Grant 6,112,844 - Bohner , et al. September 5, 2 | 2000-09-05 |
Vehicle steering system Grant 6,095,277 - Bohner , et al. August 1, 2 | 2000-08-01 |
Power steering for motor vehicles Grant 6,076,627 - Bohner , et al. June 20, 2 | 2000-06-20 |
Vehicle steering system Grant 6,041,882 - Bohner , et al. March 28, 2 | 2000-03-28 |
Vehicle steering system utilizing desired-value-dependent control segment Grant 6,012,540 - Bohner , et al. January 11, 2 | 2000-01-11 |
Vehicle steering system Grant 5,944,137 - Moser , et al. August 31, 1 | 1999-08-31 |
Steering apparatus for a motor vehicle Grant 5,896,942 - Bohner , et al. April 27, 1 | 1999-04-27 |
Steering system for a non-track vehicle Grant 5,884,724 - Bohner , et al. March 23, 1 | 1999-03-23 |
Hydraulic power steering system Grant 5,862,878 - Bohner , et al. January 26, 1 | 1999-01-26 |
Power steering for motor vehicles Grant 5,845,736 - Bohner , et al. December 8, 1 | 1998-12-08 |
Reaction simulator especially for a vehicle steering system Grant 5,803,202 - Bohner , et al. September 8, 1 | 1998-09-08 |
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