Kotlarsky; Anatoly Patent Filings

Kotlarsky; Anatoly

Patent Applications and Registrations

Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Kotlarsky; Anatoly.The latest application filed is for "image capture and processing system supporting a multi-tier modular software architecture".

Company Profile
  • Kotlarsky; Anatoly - Churchville PA
  • Kotlarsky; Anatoly - Holland PA
*profile and listings may contain filings by different individuals or companies with the same name. Review application materials to confirm ownership/assignment.
Patent Activity
Image capture and processing system supporting a multi-tier modular software architecture
Grant 9,785,811 - Kotlarsky , et al. October 10, 2
Image Capture And Processing System Supporting A Multi-tier Modular Software Architecture
App 20170116449 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Image capture and processing system supporting a multi-tier modular software architecture
Grant 9,355,288 - Kotlarsky , et al. May 31, 2
Image Capture And Processing System Supporting A Multi-tier Modular Software Architecture
App 20150014416 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Image capture and processing system supporting a multi-tier modular software architecture
Grant 8,844,822 - Kotlarsky , et al. September 30, 2
Code Symbol Reading System
App 20130292475 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Optical code symbol reading system employing a LED-driven optical-waveguide structure for illuminating a manually-actuated trigger switch integrated within a hand-supportable system housing
Grant 8,517,271 - Kotlarsky , et al. August 27, 2
Image Capture and Processing System Supporting a Multi-tier Modular Software Architecture
App 20130200156 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Optical code symbol reading system employing an acoustic-waveguide structure for coupling sonic energy, produced from an electro-transducer, to sound wave ports formed in the system housing
Grant 8,479,992 - Kotlarsky , et al. July 9, 2
Hand-supportable digital image capture and processing system supporting a multi-tier modular software architecture
Grant 8,366,005 - Kotlarsky , et al. February 5, 2
Optical scanning system having an extended programming mode and method of unlocking restricted extended classes of features and functionalities embodied therewithin
Grant 8,317,105 - Kotlarsky , et al. November 27, 2
Optical Code Symbol Reading System Employing An Acoustic-waveguide Structure For Coupling Sonic Energy, Produced From An Electro-transducer, To Sound Wave Ports Formed In The System Housing
App 20120168511 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Optical Code Symbol Reading System Employing A Led-driven Optical-waveguide Structure For Illuminating A Manually-actuated Trigger Switch Integrated Within A Hand-supportable System Housing
App 20120168512 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Laser beam despeckling devices
Grant 8,172,141 - Knowles , et al. May 8, 2
Optical Scanning System Having An Extended Programming Mode And Method Of Unlocking Restricted Extended Classes Of Features And Functionalities Embodied Therewithin
App 20120097743 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing system employing an image formation and detection system having an area-type image detection array supporting single snap-shot and periodic snap-shot modes of image acquisition during object illumination and imaging operations
Grant 8,157,174 - Kotlarsky , et al. April 17, 2
Digital image capture and processing system supporting a presentation mode of system operation which employs a combination of video and snapshot modes of image detection array operation during a single cycle of system operation
Grant 8,157,175 - Kotlarsky , et al. April 17, 2
Digital image capture and processing system having a printed circuit (PC) board with a light transmission aperture, wherein an image detection array is mounted on the rear side of said PC board, and a linear array of light emitting diodes (LEDS) is mounted on the front surface of said PC board, and
Grant 8,132,731 - Kotlarsky , et al. March 13, 2
Digital image capture and processing system having a printed circuit (PC) board with light transmission aperture, wherein first and second field of view (FOV) folding mirrors project the FOV of a digital image detection array on the rear surface of said PC board, through said light transmission aper
Grant 8,100,331 - Kotlarsky , et al. January 24, 2
Digital image capture and processing system having a single printed circuit (PC) board with a light transmission aperture, wherein a first linear array of visible light emitting diodes (LEDs) are mounted on the rear side of the PC board for producing a linear targeting illumination beam, and wherein
Grant 8,087,588 - Kotlarsky , et al. January 3, 2
Hand-supportable Digital Image Capture And Processing System Supporting A Multi-tier Modular Software Architecture
App 20110290883 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Method of programming the system configuration parameters of a digital image capture and processing system during the implementation of its communication interface with a host system without reading programming-type bar code symbols
Grant 8,052,057 - Smith , et al. November 8, 2
Digital image capture and processing system employing an image formation and detection subsystem having an area-type image detection array supporting periodic occurrance of snap-shot type image acquisition cycles at a high-repetition rate during object illumination
Grant 8,047,438 - Kotlarsky , et al. November 1, 2
Method of reading bar code symbols on objects at a point-of-sale station by passing said objects through a complex of stationary coplanar illumination and imaging planes projected into a 3D imaging volume
Grant 8,042,740 - Knowles , et al. October 25, 2
Digital image capture and processing system employing a linear LED-based illumination array mounted behind an illumination-focusing lens component integrated within the imaging window of the system
Grant 8,011,585 - Kotlarsky , et al. September 6, 2
Countertop-based digital image capture and processing system having an illumination subsystem employing a single array of LEDs disposed behind an illumination focusing lens structure integrated within the imaging window, for generating a field of visible illumination highly confined below the field
Grant 7,997,489 - Kotlarsky , et al. August 16, 2
Digital image capture and processing system employing an image formation and detection subsystem having image formation optics providing a field of view (FOV) on an area-type image detection array, and a multi-mode illumination subsystem having near and far field LED-based illumination arrays for il
Grant 7,988,053 - Kotlarsky , et al. August 2, 2
Method of unlocking restricted extended classes of features and functionalities embodied within a digital image capture and processing system by reading feature/functionality-unlocking type code symbols
Grant 7,980,471 - Kotlarsky , et al. July 19, 2
Method of blocking a portion of illumination rays generated by a countertop-supported digital imaging system, and preventing illumination rays from striking the eyes of the system operator or nearby consumers during operation of said countertop-supported digital image capture and processing system i
Grant 7,967,209 - Kotlarsky , et al. June 28, 2
Tunnel-type digital imaging-based self-checkout system for use in retail point-of-sale environments
Grant 7,954,719 - Zhu , et al. June 7, 2
Automatic digital video imaging based code symbol reading system employing an automatic object motion controlled illumination subsystem
Grant 7,950,583 - Kotlarsky , et al. May 31, 2
Hand-supportable digital image capture and processing system employing automatic object presence detection to control automatic generation of a linear targeting illumination beam within the field of view (FOV), and manual trigger switching to initiate illumination
Grant 7,922,089 - Kotlarsky , et al. April 12, 2
Hand-supportable digital image capture and processing system having a printed circuit board with a light transmission aperture, through which the field of view (FOV) of the image detection array and visible targeting illumination beam are projected using a FOV-folding mirror
Grant 7,900,839 - Kotlarsky , et al. March 8, 2
POS-based digital image capturing and processing system employing automatic object motion detection and spectral-mixing based illumination techniques
Grant 7,878,407 - Knowles , et al. February 1, 2
digital image capturing and processing system allowing third-parties to extend the features and functions of said system, and modify the standard behavior thereof without permanently modifying the standard features and functions thereof
Grant 7,861,936 - Kotlarsky , et al. January 4, 2
Digital image capture and processing engine employing optical waveguide technology for collecting and guiding LED-based illumination during object illumination and image capture modes of operation
Grant 7,854,384 - Kotlarsky , et al. December 21, 2
Digital image capture and processing system employing an illumination subassembly mounted about a light transmission aperture, and a field of view folding mirror disposed beneath the light transmission aperture
Grant 7,845,563 - Kotlarsky , et al. December 7, 2
Digital image capture and processing system supporting a periodic snapshot mode of operation wherein during each image acquisition cycle, the rows of image detection elements in the image detection array are exposed simultaneously to illumination
Grant 7,845,561 - Kotlarsky , et al. December 7, 2
Hand-supportable digital image capture and processing system employing visible targeting illumination beam projected from an array of visible light sources on the rear surface of a printed circuit (PC) board having a light transmission aperture, and reflected off multiple folding mirrors and project
Grant 7,845,559 - Kotlarsky , et al. December 7, 2
Method of capturing and processing digital images of an object within the field of view (FOV) of a hand-supportable digitial image capture and processing system
Grant 7,841,533 - Kotlarsky , et al. November 30, 2
Method of modifying and/or extending the standard features and functions of a digital image capture and processing system
Grant 7,815,121 - Kotlarsky , et al. October 19, 2
Laser beam generation system employing a laser diode and high-frequency modulation circuitry mounted on a flexible circuit
Grant 7,806,336 - Knowles , et al. October 5, 2
Digital image capturing and processing system for automatically recognizing objects in a POS environment
Grant 7,806,335 - Knowles , et al. October 5, 2
Laser illumination beam generation system employing despeckling of the laser beam using high-frequency modulation of the laser diode current and optical multiplexing of the component laser beams
Grant 7,793,841 - Knowles , et al. September 14, 2
Automatic digital video-imaging based code symbol reading system employing illumination and imaging subsystems controlled within a control loop maintained as long as a code symbol has not been successfully read and the object is detected in the field of view of the system
Grant 7,789,309 - Kotlarsky , et al. September 7, 2
Digital image capturing and processing system for automatically recognizing graphical intelligence graphically represented in digital images of objects
Grant 7,784,698 - Knowles , et al. August 31, 2
Planar laser illumination module (PLIM) employing high-frequency modulation (HFM) of the laser drive currents and optical multplexing of the output laser beams
Grant 7,784,695 - Knowles , et al. August 31, 2
Method of driving a plurality of visible and invisible LEDs so as to produce an illumination beam having a dynamically managed ratio of visible to invisible (IR) spectral energy/power during object illumination and imaging operations
Grant 7,775,436 - Knowles , et al. August 17, 2
Device for producing a laser beam of reduced coherency using high-frequency modulation of the laser diode current and optical multiplexing of the output laser beam
Grant 7,770,796 - Knowles , et al. August 10, 2
Automatically-triggered digital video-imaging based code symbol reading system for use in a point-of-sale (POS) environment
Grant 7,770,798 - Kotlarsky , et al. August 10, 2
Device for optically multiplexing a laser beam
Grant 7,762,465 - Knowles , et al. July 27, 2
Automatically-triggered digital video-imaging based code symbol reading system supporting ambient illumination mode automatically selected by adaptive control process
Grant 7,735,737 - Kotlarsky , et al. June 15, 2
Digital image capturing and processing system employing automatic object detection and spectral-mixing based illumination techniques
Grant 7,731,091 - Knowles , et al. June 8, 2
Automatically-triggered digital video-imaging based code symbol reading system supporting dynamically controlled object illumination and digital video-imaging operations
Grant 7,712,666 - Kotlarsky , et al. May 11, 2
Digital image capture and processing system employing multi-layer software-based system architecture permitting modification and/or extension of system features and functions by way of third party code plug-ins
Grant 7,708,205 - Kotlarsky , et al. May 4, 2
Automatic digital video imaging based code symbol reading system employing an automatic object motion controlled illumination subsystem
App 20100096461 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Method of reading code symbols using a digital image capturing and processing system employing a micro-computing platform with an event-driven multi-tier software architecture
Grant 7,681,799 - Zhu , et al. March 23, 2
Digital illumination and imaging subsystem employing despeckling mechanism employing high-frequency modulation of laser diode drive current and optical beam multiplexing techniques
Grant 7,665,665 - Knowles , et al. February 23, 2
Coplanar laser illumination and imaging subsystem employing spectral-mixing and despeckling of laser illumination
Grant 7,661,597 - Knowles , et al. February 16, 2
Automatically-triggered digital video imaging based code symbol reading system employing illumination and imaging subsystems controlled in response to real-time image quality analysis
Grant 7,654,461 - Kotlarsky , et al. February 2, 2
Intelligent system for automatically recognizing objects at a point of sale (POS) station by omni-directional imaging of the objects using a complex of coplanar illumination and imaging subsystems
Grant 7,651,028 - Knowles , et al. January 26, 2
Digital image capture and processing system employing a micro-computing platform with an event-driven multi-tier modular software architecture and supporting an image-processing based illumination metering program for automatically adjusting illumination during object illumination and imaging operat
Grant 7,637,433 - Zhu , et al. December 29, 2
Automatic point-of-sale based code symbol reading system employing automatic object motion detection and illumination control, and digital video image capturing and processing techniques
Grant 7,637,432 - Kotlarsky , et al. December 29, 2
Method of automatically reading code symbols on objects present within the field of view (FOV) of a hand-supportable digital-imaging based code symbol reader, by simultaneously projecting an image cropping zone (ICZ) framing pattern and a field of illumination within the FOV during object illuminati
Grant 7,624,926 - Zhu , et al. December 1, 2
Method of illuminating objects at a point of sale (POS) station by adaptively controlling the spectral composition of the wide-area illumination beam produced from an illumination subsystem within an automatic digital image capture and processing system
Grant 7,614,560 - Knowles , et al. November 10, 2
Digital image capture and processing system having automatic illumination measurement and control capabilities realized using a photodetector operating independently of the image sensing array, and an image-processing based illumination metering program for automatically adjusting the illumination d
Grant 7,611,064 - Zhu , et al. November 3, 2
Digital imaging-based code symbol reading system permitting modification of system features and functionalities
Grant 7,607,581 - Kotlarsky , et al. October 27, 2
Method of reading bar code symbols using a digital-imaging based code symbol reading system employing an event-driven multi-tier modular software architecture and supporting automatic operating system login and loading of bar code symbol reading application
Grant 7,604,175 - Zhu , et al. October 20, 2
Automatic digital video image capture and processing system supporting image-processing based code symbol reading during a pass-through mode of system operation at a retail point of sale (POS) station
Grant 7,594,609 - Kotlarsky , et al. September 29, 2
Pos-based digital image capturing and processing system using automatic object detection, spectral-mixing based illumination and linear imaging techniques
Grant 7,588,188 - Knowles , et al. September 15, 2
Digital-imaging code symbol reading system supporting automatic programming of system parameters for automatic configuration of said system in hands-on and hands-free modes of operation
Grant 7,588,190 - Zhu , et al. September 15, 2
Method of dynamically managing system control parameters in a digital image capture and processing system
Grant 7,575,167 - Kotlarsky , et al. August 18, 2
POS-based digital image capturing and processing system using automatic object detection, spectral-mixing based illumination and linear imaging techniques
Grant 7,575,170 - Knowles , et al. August 18, 2
POS-based digital image capturing and processing system using automatic object detection, spectral-mixing based illumination and linear imaging techniques
Grant 7,571,858 - Knowles , et al. August 11, 2
Hand-supportable digital image-processing based bar code symbol reading system employing image cropping zone (ICZ) framing and post-image capture cropping
Grant 7,568,625 - Zhu , et al. August 4, 2
Automatic digital-imaging based bar code symbol reading system supporting a pass-through mode of system operation using automatic object direction detection and illumination control, and video image capture and processing techniques
Grant 7,559,475 - Kotlarsky , et al. July 14, 2
Digital image capture and processing system employing real-time analysis of image exposure quality and the reconfiguration of system control parameters based on the results of such exposure quality analysis
Grant 7,546,951 - Kotlarsky , et al. June 16, 2
Method of illuminating objects during digital image capture operations by mixing visible and invisible spectral illumination energy at point of sale (POS) environments
Grant 7,546,952 - Knowles , et al. June 16, 2
Digital image capturing and processing system having a plurality of coplanar illumination and imaging subsystems, each employing a dual-type coplanar linear illumination and imaging engine that supports image-processing based object motion and velocity detection, and automatic image formation and de
Grant 7,543,749 - Knowles , et al. June 9, 2
Digital image capture and processing system employing a multi-mode illumination subsystem adaptable to ambient illumination levels
Grant 7,543,752 - Kotlarsky , et al. June 9, 2
Method of dynamically controlling illumination and image capturing operations in a digital image capture and processing system
Grant 7,540,425 - Kotlarsky , et al. June 2, 2
Tunnel-type digital imaging-based system for use in automated self-checkout and cashier-assisted checkout operations in retail store environments
App 20090134221 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Omni-directional digital image capturing and processing system employing coplanar illumination and imaging planes and area-type illumination and imaging zones within the system housing
Grant 7,537,165 - Knowles , et al. May 26, 2
Digital image capturing and processing system employing an image capturing and processing module and an integrated electronic weigh scale module having a load cell centrally located with respect to said image capturing and processing module
Grant 7,530,497 - Knowles , et al. May 12, 2
Method of setting the time duration of illumination from an LED-based illumination array employed in a digital imaging-based code symbol reader, using an image-processing based illumination metering program executed therewithin
Grant 7,527,206 - Zhu , et al. May 5, 2
Digital image capturing and processing system for automatically recognizing graphical intelligence graphically represented in digital images of objects
App 20090101719 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital image capturing and processing system employing automatic object detection and spectral-mixing based illumination techniques
App 20090101718 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Method for intelligently controlling the illumination and imagine of objects as they are moved through the 3D imaging volume of a digital image capturing and processing system
Grant 7,520,433 - Knowles , et al. April 21, 2
Digital image capturing and processing system for producing and projecting a complex of coplanar illumination and imaging planes into a 3D imaging volume and controlling illumination control parameters in said system using the detected motion and velocity of object
Grant 7,516,898 - Knowles , et al. April 14, 2
Digital image capturing and processing system employing an area-type image sensing array exposed to narrow-band illumination from a narrow-band illumination subsystem for a time duration controlled using a photodetector operated independently from said area-type image sensing array
Grant 7,513,430 - Zhu , et al. April 7, 2
Portable digital image capturing and processing system employing an area-type image sensing array exposed to illumination produced from an LED-based illumination array and measured using a photodector operated independently from said area-type image sensing array
Grant 7,510,122 - Zhu , et al. March 31, 2
Digital image capturing and processing system producing narrow-band illumination when image sensor elements in a state of integration, and simultaneously detecting narrow-band illumination using an area-type image sensor and independently-operated photo-detector
Grant 7,503,499 - Zhu , et al. March 17, 2
Hand-supportable digital image capturing and processing system employing an area-type image sensing array exposed to illumination from an LED-based illumination array only when all sensor elements in said image-sensing array are activated and in a state of integration
Grant 7,503,498 - Zhu , et al. March 17, 2
Pos-based digital image capturing and processing system employing automatic object motion detection and spectral-mixing based illumination techniques
App 20090065584 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing system having a single printed circuit (PC) board with a light transmission aperture, wherein a first linear array of visible light emitting diodes (LEDS) are mounted on the rear side of the PC board for producing a linear targeting illumination beam, and wherein
App 20090057410 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing system employing automatic illumination control and a field of view (FOV) folding mirror beneath the light transmission aperture of an illumination board disposed within the housing
App 20090052807 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Automatic imaging-based code symbol reading system supporting a multi-tier modular software architecture, automatic illumination control, and video image capture and processing techniques
Grant 7,494,063 - Kotlarsky , et al. February 24, 2
Method of reading code symbols using a hand-supportable digital image capturing and processing device employing a micro-computing platform supporting an event-driven multi-tier modular software architecture
Grant 7,490,778 - Zhu , et al. February 17, 2
Hand-supportable imaging based bar code symbol reader employing automatic light exposure measurement and illumination control subsystem integrated therein
Grant 7,490,774 - Zhu , et al. February 17, 2
Automatic digital-imaging based code symbol reading system supporting pass-through and presentation modes of system operation using automatic object direction detection, narrow-area and wide-area illumination control, and narrow-area and wide-area video image capture and processing techniques
Grant 7,487,917 - Kotlarsky , et al. February 10, 2
Automatic digital-imaging based bar code symbol reading system supporting pass-through and presentation modes of system operation using automatic object direction detection and illumination control, and video image capture and processing techniques
Grant 7,484,666 - Kotlarsky , et al. February 3, 2
Digital image capture and processing system employing an image formation and detection subsystem having an area-type image detection array supporting periodic occurrance of snap-shot type image acquisition cycles at a high-repetition rate during object illumination and imaging operations
App 20090020610 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital-imaging based code symbol reading system employing an event-driven multi-tier modular software architecture and supporting automatic operating system login and loading of code symbol reading application
Grant 7,469,835 - Zhu , et al. December 30, 2
Digital image capture and processing system having a printed circuit (PC) board with light transmission aperture, wherein a first linear array of visible light emitting diodes (LEDS) are mounted on the rear side of the PC board for producing a linear targeting illumination beam, and wherein a second
App 20080314986 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing system having a printed circuit (PC) board with a light transmission aperture, wherein an image detection array is mounted on the rear side of said PC board, and a linear array of light emitting diodes (LEDS) is mounted on the front surface of said PC board, and
App 20080314987 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing system supporting advanced modes of automatic illumination and imaging control
App 20080314985 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital imaging-based bar code symbol reading system employing image cropping pattern generator and automatic cropped image processor
Grant 7,464,877 - Kotlarsky , et al. December 16, 2
Digital image capture and processing system supporting automatic communication interface testing/detection and system configuration parameter (SCP) programming
App 20080302873 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital image capture and processing system having a printed circuit board with a light transmission aperture, through which the field of view (FOV) of the image detection array and visible targeting illumination beam are projected using a FOV-folding mirror
App 20080296384 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital image capture and processing system employing manual trigger switching to control generation of a linear targeting illumination beam within the field of view (FOV), and to initiate illumination of the detected object and the capturing and processing of digital images thereof
App 20080290172 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital image capture and processing system employing automatic object presence detection to control automatic generation of a linear targeting illumination beam within the field of view (FOV), and manual trigger switching to initiate illumination of the detected object and capturin
App 20080290173 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing system supporting a periodic snapshot mode of operation wherein during each image acquistion cycle, the rows of image detection elements in the image detection array are exposed simultaneously to illumination
App 20080283606 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Method of illuminating objects on a countertop surface using an automatically-triggered digital image capture and processing system which maintains illumination rays substantially within the field of view (FOV) of said system, above which the field of view (FOV) of human operator and spectating cust
App 20080283608 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing systems for supporting 3D imaging volumes in retail point-of-sale environments
App 20080283611 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital image capture and processing system employing visible targeting illumination beam projected from an array of visible light sources on the rear surface of a printed circuit (PC) board having a light transmission aperture, and reflected off multiple folding mirrors and project
App 20080283607 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Countertop-based digital image capture and processing system having an illumination subsystem employing a single array of LEDS disposed behind an illumination focusing lens structure integrated within the imaging window, for generating a field of visible illumination highly confined below the field
App 20080277479 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing system supporting a presentation mode of system operation which employs a combination of video and snapshot modes of image detection array operation during a single cycle of system operation
App 20080277475 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Method of blocking a portion of illumination rays generated by a countertop-supported digital imaging system, and preventing illumination rays from striking the eyes of the system operator or nearby consumer during operation of said countertop-supported digital image capture and processing system in
App 20080277476 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing system employing an image formation and detection system having an area-type image detection array supporting single snap-shot and periodic snap-shot modes of image acquisition during object illumination and imaging operations
App 20080277473 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital image capture and processing system capable of illuminating the entire field of view (FOV) of said system using a linear LED-based illumination array mounted behind an illumination-focusing lens component integrated within the imaging window of said system
App 20080277474 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing system employing an image formation and detection subsystem having image formation optics providing a field of view (FOV) on an area-type image detection array, and a multi-mode illumination subsystem having near and far field LED-based illumination arrays for il
App 20080277478 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Tunnel-type digital imaging-based self-checkout system for use in retail point-of-sale environments
App 20080252985 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
POS-centric digital imaging system
App 20080249884 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Automatic hand-supportable image-based bar code symbol reader having image-processing based bar code reading subsystem employing simple decode image processing operations applied in an outwardly-directed manner referenced from the center of a captured narrow-area digital image of an object bearing a
Grant 7,428,998 - Zhu , et al. September 30, 2
Digital illumination and imaging subsystem employing despeckling mechanism employing high-frequency modulation of laser diode drive current and optical beam multiplexing techniques
App 20080185439 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital-imaging based code symbol reading system employing a micro-computing platform supporting an event-driven multi-tier modular software architecture
Grant 7,407,109 - Zhu , et al. August 5, 2
Method of illuminating objects during digital image capture operations by mixing visible and invisible spectral illumination energy at poing of sale (POS) environments
App 20080169348 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital image capturing and processing system allowing third-parties to extend the features and functions of said system, and modify the standard behavior thereof without permanently modifying the standard features and functions thereof
App 20080164313 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Method of modifying and/or extending the standard features and functions of a digital image capture and processing system
App 20080164317 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Device for producing a laser beam of reduced coherency using high-frequency modulation of the laser diode current and optical multiplexing of the output laser beam
App 20080156877 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Method of reading bar code symbols using a digital-imaging based code symbol reading system employing an event-driven multi-tier modular software architecture and supporting automatic operating system login and loading of bar code symbol reading application
App 20080149723 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Laser beam despeckling devices
App 20080149726 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Pos-based digital image capturing and processing system using automatic object detection, spectral-mixing based illumination and linear imaging techniques
App 20080142596 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Device for optically multiplexing a laser beam
App 20080142601 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Laser illumination beam generation system employing despeckling of the laser beam using high-frequency modulation of the laser diode current and optical multiplexing of the component laser beams
App 20080142602 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital image-processing based bar code symbol reading system employing image cropping zone (ICZ) framing and post-image capture cropping
App 20080135620 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Planar laser illumination module (PLIM) employing high-frequency modulation (HFM) of the laser drive currents and optical multplexing of the output laser beams
App 20080135622 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Laser beam generation system employing a laser diode and high-frequency modulation circuitry mounted on a flexible circuit
App 20080128510 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital image capturing and processing system for automatically recognizing objects in a POS environment
App 20080128509 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Method of driving a plurality of visible and invisible LEDs so as to produce an illumination beam having a dynamically managed ratio fo visible to invisible (IR) spectral energy/power during object illumination and imaging operations
App 20080121720 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Coplanar laser illumination and imaging subsystem employing spectral-mixing and despeckling of laser illumination
App 20080121718 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital imaging system employing the spectral-mixing of visible and invisible laser illumination during object imaging operations
App 20080121719 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Method of illuminating objects at a point of sale (POS) station by adaptively controlling the spectral composition of the wide-area illumination beam produced from an illumination subsystem within an automatic digital image capture and processing system
App 20080110992 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Method of illuminating objects during digital image capture operations by mixing visible and invisible spectral illumination energy at point of sale (POS) environments
App 20080110994 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based auto-discriminating 1D/2D bar code symbol reader employing a multi-mode image processing bar code symbol reading subsystem having a plurality of modes of operation which are dynamically reconfigurable in response to real-time image analysis
Grant 7,360,706 - Zhu , et al. April 22, 2
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing a CMOS-type image sensor using global exposure techniques
Grant 7,357,325 - Zhu , et al. April 15, 2
Hand-supportable digital imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing an event-driven system control subsystem, automatic IR-based object detection, and trigger-switch activated image capture and processing subsystem
Grant 7,347,374 - Zhu , et al. March 25, 2
Automatically-triggered digital video-imaging based code symbol reading system supporting dynamically controlled object illumination and digital video-imaging operations
App 20080061144 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Automatically-triggered digital video imaging based code symbol reading system employing illumination and imaging subsystems controlled in response to real-time image quality analysis
App 20080048038 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Automatic digital video-imaging based code symbol reading system employing illumination and imaging subsystems controlled within a control loop maintained as long as a code symbol has not been successfully read and the object is detected in the field of view of the system
App 20080048039 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capturing and processing system employing a plurality of area-type illuminating and imaging stations projecting a plurality of coextensive area-type illumination and imaging zones into a 3D imaging volume, and controlling operations therewithin using control data derived from velocity
App 20080041959 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Automatically-triggered digital video-imaging based code symbol reading system supporting ambient illumination mode automatically selected by adaptive control process
App 20080041960 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Automatically-triggered digital video-imaging based code symbol reading system for us in point-of-sale (POS) environment
App 20080041957 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital-imaging based code symbol reading system employing a plurality of coplanar illumination and imaging subsystems, each having a local object motion detection subsystem for automatic detecting objects within the 3D imaging volume, and a local control subsystem for transmitting object detection
App 20080029600 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Automatic omnidirectional bar code symbol reading system employing linear-type and area-type bar code symbol reading stations within the system housing
App 20080029605 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Method of and system for determining the lower limit of decoding resolution in an imaging-based bar code symbol reader
Grant 7,325,738 - Zhu , et al. February 5, 2
Network of digital image capturing systems installed at retail POS-based stations and serviced by a remote image processing server in communication therewith
App 20080023558 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Omni-directional digital image capturing and processing system employing coplanar illumination and imaging planes and area-type illumination and imaging zones within the system housing
App 20080023559 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Automatic pos-based digital image capturing and processing system employing a plurality of area-type illumination and imaging zones intersecting within the 3D imaging volume of the system
App 20080017715 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital imaging-based bar code symbol reading system employing a multi-mode illumination subsystem with far-field and near field led-based illumination arrays
Grant 7,320,431 - Zhu , et al. January 22, 2
Method of reading code symbols using a digital image capturing and processing system employing a micro-computing platform with an event-driven multi-tier software architecture
App 20080011858 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Method of and apparatus for dynamically and adaptively controlling system control parameters in a digital image capture and processing system
App 20080006698 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Automatic POS-based digital image capturing and processing system employing object motion controlled area-type illumination and imaging operations
App 20080000982 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Automatic POS-based digital image capturing and processing system employing object motion controlled area-type illumination and imaging operations
App 20080000983 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Automatic point-of-sale based code symbol reading system employing automatic object motion detection and illumination control, and digital video image capturing and processing techniques
App 20070295813 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital-imaging based code symbol reading system employing an event-driven multi-tier modular software architecture and supporting automatic operating system login and loading of code symbol reading application
App 20070290044 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Digital image capturing and processing system employing a plurality of coplanar illumination and imaging subsystems for digitally imaging objects in a 3D imaging volume, and a globally-deployed object motion detection subsystem for automatically detecting and analyzing the motion of object passing t
App 20070278308 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital image capturing and processing system employing a plurality of coplanar illuminating and imaging stations projecting a complex of coplanar illumination and imaging planes into a 3D imaging volume so as to support pass-through and presentation modes of digital imaging at a point of sale (POS)
App 20070278309 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital imaging-based bar code symbol driven portable data terminal system
Grant 7,299,986 - Zhu , et al. November 27, 2
Omni-directional digital image capturing and processing system employing coplanar illumination and imaging planes and area-type illumination and imaging zones with the horizontal and vertical sections of the system housing
App 20070262151 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Method of and apparatus for identifying consumer products in a retail environment when bar code symbols on the products are not readable or have been removed from packaging
App 20070262149 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Intelligent system for automatically recognizing objects at a point of sale (POS) station by omni-directional imaging of the objects using a complex of coplanar illumination and imaging subsystems
App 20070262152 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital image capturing and processing system employing a plurality of coplanar illuminating and imaging stations projecting a plurality of coplanar illumination and imaging planes into a 3D imaging volume, and controlling operations therewithin using control data derived from motion data collected
App 20070262150 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital image capturing and processing system for producing and projecting a complex of coplanar illumination and imaging planes into a 3D imaging volume and controlling illumination control parameters in said system using the detected motion and velocity of objects present therewithin
App 20070262153 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital imaging-based bar code symbol reading system automatically processing captured images along parallel virtual scan lines based on the maximum pixel height of the region of interest (ROI)
Grant 7,293,714 - Zhu , et al. November 13, 2
Automatic omnidirectional bar code symbol reading system employing linear-type and area-type bar code symbol reading stations within the system housing
App 20070257114 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Method for intelligently controlling the illumination and imagine of objects as they are moved through the 3D imaging volume of a digital image capturing and processing system
App 20070257115 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Hand-supportable semi-automatic digital imaging-based bar code symbol reading system realized upon a multi-tier modular software platform
Grant 7,284,705 - Zhu , et al. October 23, 2
Hand-supportable digital imaging-based bar code symbol reading system employing a method of intelligently illuminating an object so as to generate a digital image thereof which is substantially free of noise caused by specular-type reflection
Grant 7,281,661 - Zhu , et al. October 16, 2
Hand-supportable image-based bar code symbol reader employing helically-sweeping feature-extraction analysis on a captured digital image of an object referenced from the center thereof
Grant 7,278,575 - Zhu , et al. October 9, 2
Digital image capturing and processing system employing an image capturing and processing module and an integrated electronic weigh scale module having a load cell centrally located with respect to said image capturing and processing module
App 20070228172 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Method of dynamically managing system control parameters in a digital image capture and processing system
App 20070228175 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Method of and system for returning a consumer product in a retail environment so as to prevent or reduce employee theft, as well as provide greater accountability for returned merchandise in retail store environments
App 20070233572 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader having a multi-mode bar code symbol image processor dynamically reconfigurable in response to real-time image processing operations carried out on captured images
Grant 7,273,180 - Zhu , et al. September 25, 2
Digital image capture and processing system employing multi-layer software-based system architecture permitting modification and/or extension of system features and functions by way of third party code plug-ins
App 20070215706 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image-based bar code symbol reading system employing a multi-mode image-processing symbol reading subsystem
Grant 7,270,272 - Zhu , et al. September 18, 2
Digital-imaging based code symbol reading system employing a plurality of coplanar illumination and imaging subsystems, global object motion detection subsystem for automatic detecting objects within its 3D imaging volume, and global control subsystem for managing the state of operation of said copl
App 20070210170 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital image capturing and processing system employing coplanar illumination and imaging stations which generate coplanar illumination and imaging planes only when and where an object is being moved within the 3D imaging volume
App 20070210165 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Digital image capturing and processing system having a plurality of coplanar illumination and imaging subsystems, each employing a dual-type coplanar linear illumination and imaging engine that supports image-processing based object motion and velocity detection, and automatic image formation and de
App 20070210167 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Omni-directional digital image capturing and processing system employing coplanar illumination and imaging stations in horizontal and vertical housing sections of the system
App 20070210168 - Knowles; C. Harry ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader capable of exposing an automatically detected object to a field of narrow-band LED-based illumination only when substantially all rows of pixels in a CMOS image sensing array are in a state of integration
Grant 7,267,282 - Zhu , et al. September 11, 2
Method of dynamically controlling illumination and image capturing operations in a digital image capture and processing system
App 20070199998 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Automatic imaging-based code symbol reading system supporting a multi-tier modular software architecture, automatic illumination control, and video image capture and processing techniques
App 20070199995 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Automatic digital-imaging based bar code symbol reading system supporting a pass-through mode of system operation using automatic object direction detection and illumination control, and video image capture and processing techniques
App 20070199993 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing system employing a multi-mode illumination subsystem adaptable to ambient illumination levels
App 20070194122 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Automatic digital-imaging based code symbol reading system supporting pass-through and presentation modes of system operation using automatic object direction detection, narrow-area and wide-area illumination control, and narrow-area and wide-area video image capture and processing techniques
App 20070194124 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing system employing real-time analysis of image exposure quality and the reconfiguration of system control parameters based on the results of such exposure quality analysis
App 20070187510 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Automatic digital-imaging based bar code symbol reading system supporting pass-through and presentation modes of system operation using automatic object direction detection and illumination control, and video image capture and processing techniques
App 20070187509 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital imaging-based bar code reading system wherein, during each imaging cycle, a single frame of pixel data is automatically detected by a CMOS area-type image sensing array when substantially all rows of pixels therein are in a state of integration and have a common integration
Grant 7,255,279 - Zhu , et al. August 14, 2
Digital image capture and processing engine employing optical waveguide technology for collecting and guiding LED-based illumination during object illumination and image capture modes of operation
App 20070181689 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Digital image capture and processing system having automatic illumination measurement and control capabilities realized using a photodetector operating independently of the image sensing array, and an image-processing based illumination metering program for automatically adjusting the illumination d
App 20070176002 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Digital imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing an LED-based illumination subsystem driven by an automatic light exposure measurement and illumination control subsystem
Grant 7,243,847 - Zhu , et al. July 17, 2
Method of automatically reading code symbols on objects present within the field of view (FOV) of a hand-supportable digital-imaging based code symbol reader, by simultaneously projecting an image cropping zone (ICZ) framing pattern and a field of illumination within the FOV during object illuminati
App 20070158427 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-suportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing an automatic light exposure measurement and illumination control subsystem for measuring illumination exposure on CMOS image sensing array and controlling LED illumination array driver circuitry
Grant 7,240,844 - Zhu , et al. July 10, 2
Hand-supported imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing a multi-mode image-processing based bar code reading subsystem with modular image-processing architecture
Grant 7,237,722 - Zhu , et al. July 3, 2
Digital-imaging code symbol reading system supporting automatic programming of system parameters for automatic configuration of said system in hands-on and hands-free modes of operation
App 20070145148 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Digital-imaging based code symbol reading system employing a micro-computing platform supporting an event-driven multi-tier modular software architecture
App 20070145145 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Method of setting the time duration of illumination from an LED-based illumination array employed in a digital imaging-based code symbol reader, using an image-processing based illumination metering program executed therewithin
App 20070145144 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Method of reading code symbols using a hand-supportable digital image capturing and processing device employing a micro-computing platform supporting an event-driven multi-tier modular software architecture
App 20070138294 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital image capturing and processing system employing an area-type image sensing array exposed to illumination from an led-based illumination array only when all sensor elements in said image-sensing array are activated and in a state of integration
App 20070138291 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Portable digital image capturing and processing system employing an area-type image sensing array exposed to illumination produced from an LED-based illumination array and measured using a photodector operated independently from said area-type image sensing array
App 20070138292 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital image capturing and processing system employing an area-type image sensing array exposed to narrow-band illumination produced from a narrow-band illumination subsystem, transmitted through a narrow-band optical filter structure, and duration-controlled using a photodetector
App 20070138293 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital image capturing and processing system, wherein only when all sensor elements in the image-sensing sensing array are activated and in state of integration, then narrow-band illumination is produced for illuminating objects in the field of view (FOV) of the system and simultan
App 20070131775 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing a tri-mode led-based illumination subsystem
Grant 7,225,988 - Zhu , et al. June 5, 2
Method of performing auto-discrimination of 1D/2D bar code symbologies in a semi-automatic hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader having narrow-area and wide-area image capture modes of operation
Grant 7,225,989 - Zhu , et al. June 5, 2
Hand-supportable multi-mode digital imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing an automatic illumination and exposure control subsystem that automatically controls the operation of a multi-mode led-based illumination subsystem so that detected objects are sufficiently illuminated and good qualit
Grant 7,216,810 - Zhu , et al. May 15, 2
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing a CMOS-type image sensing array in combination with a band-pass optical filter subsystem, narrow-band illumination subsystem, and automatic light exposure measurement and illumination control subsystem
Grant 7,213,762 - Zhu , et al. May 8, 2
Hand-supportable semi-automatic imaging-based bar code reading system wherein an led-based illumination subsystem automatically illuminates a detected target object in a narrow-area field of illumination, and illuminates the detected target object in a wide-area field of illumination upon manual act
Grant 7,188,770 - Zhu , et al. March 13, 2
Hand-supportable digital imaging-based bar codes symbol reader employing multi-mode subsystems
Grant 7,185,817 - Zhu , et al. March 6, 2
Method of and apparatus for dynamically and adaptively controlling system control parameters in a multi-mode image capture and processing system
App 20070040035 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing automatic object presence and range detection to control the generation of near-field and far-field wide-area illumination during bar code symbol imaging operations
Grant 7,178,733 - Zhu , et al. February 20, 2
Hand-supportable digital imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing an event-driven system control subsystem, automatic IR-based object detection, and trigger-switch activated image capture and processing subsystem
App 20060278711 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital imaging-based bar code symbol reader supporting narrow-area and wide-area modes of illumination and image capture
Grant 7,128,266 - Zhu , et al. October 31, 2
Hand-supportable digital imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing an event-driven system control subsystem, automatic IR-based object detection, and trigger-switch activated image capture and processing subsystem
App 20060219792 - Zhu; Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Imaging-based bar code symbol reading system permitting modification of system features and functionalities without detailed knowledge about the hardware platform, communication interfaces, or user interfaces
App 20060208083 - Kotlarsky; Anatoly ;   et al.
Method Of And Apparatus For Processing Captured Digital Images Of Objects Within A Semi-automatic Hand-supportable Imaging-based Bar Code Symbol Reader So As To Read 1d And/or 2d Bar Code Symbols Graphically Represented Therein
Grant 7,086,595 - Zhu , et al. August 8, 2
Digital imaging-based bar code symbol reading system employing a multi-mode image-processing symbol reading subsystem that switches its modes of reading during a single bar code symbol reading cycle, and within each said mode of reading, automatically applies a different image-processing based bar c
App 20050263599 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing an automatic light exposure measurement and illumination control subsystem which controls LED illumination driver circuitry to expose an automatically detected object to a field of narrow-band LED-based illumination only when substantia
App 20050116041 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Method of and apparatus for processing captured digital images of objects within a semi-automatic hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader so as to read 1D and/or 2D bar code symbols graphically represented therein
App 20050116044 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing a CMOS-type image sensing array with a band-pass optical filter subsystem integrated within the hand-supportable housing thereof
App 20050116043 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable image-based bar code symbol reader employing helically-sweeping feature-extraction analysis on a captured digital image of an object referenced from the center thereof
App 20050116039 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Digital imaging-based bar code reading system wherein the time duration that an CMOS image sensing array is exposed to narrow-band illumination from an LED-based illumination array is managed by controlling the time that said LED-based illumination array generates narrow-band illumination in respons
App 20050116040 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital imaging-based bar code symbol reader supporting narrow-area and wide-area modes of illumination and image capture
App 20050103854 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Digital imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing an LED-based illumination subsystem driven by an automatic light exposure measurement and control subsystem responsive to control activation signals generated by an area-type image sensing array and an automatic object presence detection subsyst
App 20050103859 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Automatic hand-supportable image-based bar code symbol reader having image-processing based bar code reading subsystem employing simple decode image processing operations applied in an outwardly-directed manner referenced from the center of a captured narrow-area digital image of an object bearing a
App 20050103849 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing a multi-mode illumination subsystem enabling narrow-area illumination for aiming at a target object and illuminating aligned 1D bar code symbols during the narrow-area image capture mode, and wide-area illumination for illuminating rand
App 20050103846 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital imaging-based bar code symbol reading system employing a method of intelligently illuminating an object so as to generate a digital image thereof which is substantially free of noise caused by specular-type reflection of illumination off said object during illumination and i
App 20050103864 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Digital imaging-based bar code symbol driven portable data terminal system
App 20050103868 - Zhu, Xiaoxum ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital imaging-based bar code symbol reading system having a subsystem for automatically processing a captured digital image along a set of parallel virtual scan lines spaced-apart by a number of pixel-offset distances proportional to the maximum pixel height of the region of inter
App 20050103848 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based auto-discriminating 1D/2D bar code symbol reader employing a multi-mode image processing bar code symbol reading subystem having a plurality of modes of operation which are dynamically reconfigurable in response to real-time image analysis
App 20050103856 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable digital imaging-based bar code reading system wherein, during each imaging cycle, a single frame of pixel data is automatically detected by a CMOS area-type image sensing array when substantially all rows of pixels therein are in a state of integration and have a common integration
App 20050103861 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable multi-mode imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing an automatic illumination and exposure control subsystem that automatically controls the operation of an LED-based multi-mode illumination subsystem so that detected objects are sufficiently illuminated and good quality digit
App 20050103857 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing a multi-mode image-processing based bar code reading subsystem with modular image-processing architecture
App 20050103866 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing a CMOS-type image sensor using global exposure techniques
App 20050103851 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader having a multi-mode bar code symbol image processor dynamically reconfigurable in response to real-time image processing operations carried out on captured images
App 20050103865 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader employing a tri-mode led-based illumination subsystem
App 20050103858 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Method of and system for determining the lower limit of decoding resolution in an imaging-based bar code symbol reader
App 20050103863 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable Imaging-based Bar Code Symbol Reader Employing Automatic Object Presence And Range Detection To Control The Generation Of Near-field And Far-field Wide-area Illumination During Bar Code Symbol Imaging Operations
App 20050103862 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Digital imaging-based bar code symbol reading system employing an led-based multi-mode illumination subsystem with far-field and near-field led illumination arrays driven by an automatic light exposure measurement and illumination control subsystem responsive to control activation signals generated
App 20050103860 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable Semi-automatic Imaging-based Bar Code Reading System Wherein An Led-based Illumination Subsystem Automatically Illuminates A Detected Target Object In A Narrow-area Field Of Illumination, And Illuminates The Detected Target Object In A Wide-area Field Of Illumination Upon Manual Act
App 20050103855 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Hand-supportable semi-automatic digital imaging-based bar code symbol reading system realized upon a multi-tier modular software platform
App 20050103867 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Method of performing auto-discrimination of 1D/2D bar code symbologies in a semi-automatic hand-supportable imaging-based bar code symbol reader having narrow-area and wide-area image capture modes of operation
App 20050103847 - Zhu, Xiaoxun ;   et al.
Optical scanner alignment indicator method and apparatus
Grant 6,330,521 - Hahn , et al. December 11, 2
Optical scanner alignment indicator method and apparatus
Grant 6,205,406 - Hahn , et al. March 20, 2

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