Patent | Date |
Reproduction Control Method, Reproduction Control System, And Reproduction Control Apparatus App 20220036866 - ISOZAKI; Yoshimasa ;   et al. | 2022-02-03 |
Vibration detection mechanism and vibration sensor unit Grant 9,958,314 - Oba , et al. May 1, 2 | 2018-05-01 |
Vibration Detection Mechanism And Vibration Sensor Unit App 20160327428 - OBA; Yasuhiko ;   et al. | 2016-11-10 |
Recording and reproduction of waveform based on sound board vibrations Grant 9,245,509 - Fujiwara , et al. January 26, 2 | 2016-01-26 |
Modulation device and demodulation device Grant 8,942,388 - Akiyama , et al. January 27, 2 | 2015-01-27 |
Acoustic effect impartment apparatus, and piano Grant 8,878,045 - Koseki , et al. November 4, 2 | 2014-11-04 |
Tone reproduction apparatus and method Grant 8,796,527 - Okuyama , et al. August 5, 2 | 2014-08-05 |
Recording And Reproduction Of Waveform Based On Sound Board Vibrations App 20140150623 - FUJIWARA; Yuji ;   et al. | 2014-06-05 |
Recording And Reproduction Of Waveform Based On Sound Board Vibrations App 20140150624 - FUJIWARA; Yuji ;   et al. | 2014-06-05 |
Recording System for Ensemble Performance and Musical Instrument Equipped With The Same App 20140102285 - Koseki; Shinya ;   et al. | 2014-04-17 |
Acoustic Effect Impartment Apparatus, And Piano App 20130061734 - KOSEKI; Shinya ;   et al. | 2013-03-14 |
Electronic keyboard instrument Grant 8,017,849 - Tajima , et al. September 13, 2 | 2011-09-13 |
Tone Reproduction Apparatus And Method App 20110174137 - OKUYAMA; Fukutaro ;   et al. | 2011-07-21 |
Modulation Device And Demodulation Device App 20110150240 - Akiyama; Hitoshi ;   et al. | 2011-06-23 |
Electronic Keyboard Instrument App 20090241756 - Tajima; Shinji ;   et al. | 2009-10-01 |
Method for making electronic tones close to acoustic tones, recording system for the acoustic tones, tone generating system for the electronic tones Grant 7,572,969 - Koseki , et al. August 11, 2 | 2009-08-11 |
Method for making electronic tones close to acoustic tones, recording system for the acoustic tones, tone generating system for the electronic tones Grant 7,563,973 - Koseki , et al. July 21, 2 | 2009-07-21 |
Recording System For Ensemble Performance And Musical Instrument Equipped With The Same App 20090178533 - KOSEKI; Shinya ;   et al. | 2009-07-16 |
Tone control apparatus and method Grant 7,470,855 - Sakama , et al. December 30, 2 | 2008-12-30 |
Method for making electronic tones close to acoustic tones, recording system for the acoustic tones, tone generating system for the electronic tones Grant 7,002,068 - Koseki , et al. February 21, 2 | 2006-02-21 |
Method for making electronic tones close to acoustic tones, recording system App 20060005691 - Koseki; Shinya ;   et al. | 2006-01-12 |
Method for making electronic tones close to acoustic tones, recording system App 20060000343 - Koseki; Shinya ;   et al. | 2006-01-05 |
Apparatus and method for providing real-play sounds of musical instruments Grant 6,956,162 - Koseki , et al. October 18, 2 | 2005-10-18 |
Tone control apparatus and method App 20050211074 - Sakama, Masao ;   et al. | 2005-09-29 |
Performance Tone Providing Apparatus, Performance Tone Providing System, Communication Terminal For Use In The System, Performance Tone Providing Method, Program For Implementing The Method, And Storage Medium Storing The Program Grant 6,921,856 - Koseki July 26, 2 | 2005-07-26 |
Musical instrument capable of changing style of performance through idle keys, method employed therein and computer program for the method Grant 6,867,359 - Koseki , et al. March 15, 2 | 2005-03-15 |
Musical instrument capable of changing style of performance through idle keys, method employed therein and computer program for the method App 20040168564 - Koseki, Shinya ;   et al. | 2004-09-02 |
Method for making electronic tones close to acoustic tones, recording system for the acoustic tones, tone generating system for the electronic tones App 20030196539 - Koseki, Shinya ;   et al. | 2003-10-23 |
Apparatus and method for providing real-play sounds of musical instruments App 20030177889 - Koseki, Shinya ;   et al. | 2003-09-25 |
Performance tone providing apparatus, performance tone providing system, communication terminal for use in the system, performance tone providing method, program for implementing the method, and storage medium storing the program App 20030177886 - Koseki, Shinya | 2003-09-25 |
Hybrid musical instrument equipped with status register for quickly changing sound source and parameters for electronic tones App 20010007220 - Koseki, Shinya ;   et al. | 2001-07-12 |
Electronic synchronizer for musical instrument and other kind of instrument and method for synchronising auxiliary equipment with musical instrument App 20010007219 - Uehara, Haruki ;   et al. | 2001-07-12 |
High resolution key sensor incorporated in keyboard musical instrument Grant 5,641,925 - Koseki June 24, 1 | 1997-06-24 |
Keyboard musical instrument having hammer stopper exactly position at blocking position Grant 5,610,356 - Koseki , et al. March 11, 1 | 1997-03-11 |
Keyboard musical instrument having key action mechanisms movable to and from strings Grant 5,594,188 - Kawamura , et al. January 14, 1 | 1997-01-14 |
Keyboard musical instrument having key action mechanisms movable to and from strings Grant 5,591,927 - Kawamura , et al. January 7, 1 | 1997-01-07 |
Electromagnetic actuator used for keyboard musical instrument Grant 5,506,369 - Kawamura , et al. April 9, 1 | 1996-04-09 |
Keyboard instrument for selectively producing mechanical sounds and synthetic sounds without any mechanical vibrations on music wires Grant 5,374,775 - Kawamura , et al. December 20, 1 | 1994-12-20 |