Klazynski; James Nicholas Patent Filings

Klazynski; James Nicholas

Patent Applications and Registrations

Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Klazynski; James Nicholas.The latest application filed is for "method for using dynamically scheduled synthetic transactions to monitor performance and availability of e-business systems".

Company Profile
  • Klazynski; James Nicholas - Austin TX US
*profile and listings may contain filings by different individuals or companies with the same name. Review application materials to confirm ownership/assignment.
Patent Activity
Detecting changes in end-user transaction performance and availability caused by changes in transaction server configuration
Grant 9,122,715 - Dickerson , et al. September 1, 2
Method for using dynamically scheduled synthetic transactions to monitor performance and availability of E-business systems
Grant 8,326,971 - Dickerson , et al. December 4, 2
Method and system for enabling and disabling hardware based on reservations and usage history
Grant 8,055,915 - Klazynski , et al. November 8, 2
Method and system for identifying unsafe synthetic transactions and modifying parameters for automated playback
Grant 7,797,579 - Dickerson , et al. September 14, 2
Method and system for programmatically generating synthetic transactions to monitor performance and availability of a web application
Grant 7,624,176 - Dickerson , et al. November 24, 2
Method For Using Dynamically Scheduled Synthetic Transactions To Monitor Performance And Availability Of E-business Systems
App 20090144409 - Dickerson; Scott Stephen ;   et al.
Method and System for Identifying Unsafe Synthetic Transactions and Modifying Parameters for Automated Playback
App 20090095807 - Dickerson; Scott Stephen ;   et al.
Method And System For Enabling And Disabling Hardware Based On Reservations And Usage History
App 20090070614 - Klazynski; James Nicholas ;   et al.
Method and system for identifying unsafe synthetic transactions and modifying parameters for automated playback
Grant 7,481,361 - Dickerson , et al. January 27, 2
Method Of Detecting Changes In Edn-user Transaction Performance And Availability Caused By Changes In Transaction Server Configuration
App 20080065702 - Dickerson; Scott Stephen ;   et al.
Method and system for identifying unsafe synthetic transactions and modifying parameters for automated playback
App 20070069005 - Dickerson; Scott Stephen ;   et al.
Method and system for programmatically generating synthetic transactions to monitor performance and availability of a web application
App 20060085537 - Dickerson; Scott Stephen ;   et al.

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