Trademark applications and grants for Jordan Peter. Jordan Peter has 2 trademark applications. The latest application filed is for "WINE WOLF"
Patent Application | Date |
METHODS OF TREATING VIRAL INFECTION USING PROTEASE INHIBITORS 20210369665 - 17/330031 Wilkie; James A. ;   et al. | 2021-12-02 |
SYSTEM FOR REDUCING THE INSTALLATION NOISE OF AN AEROPLANE WING 20180222568 - 15/737505 JORDAN; Peter ;   et al. | 2018-08-09 |
ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR 20160099518 - 14/876491 JORDAN; Peter | 2016-04-07 |
ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR 20150340805 - 14/718992 JORDAN; PETER | 2015-11-26 |
TAIL CONE FOR A MICROJET ROTARY TURBINE ENGINE 20140373550 - 14/326160 VUILLEMIN; Alexandre Alfred Gaston ;   et al. | 2014-12-25 |
System for reducing the installation noise of an aeroplane wing 11,292,575 - 15/737,505 Jordan , et al. April 5, 2 | 2022-04-05 |
Tail cone for a microjet rotary turbine engine 9,885,315 - 14/326,160 Vuillemin , et al. February 6, 2 | 2018-02-06 |
Electrical connector 9,502,824 - 14/718,992 Jordan November 22, 2 | 2016-11-22 |
Electrical connector for mounting to flexible substrate and coupling with mating connector 9,472,894 - 14/876,491 Jordan October 18, 2 | 2016-10-18 |
Electrical connector 9,407,029 - 13/999,111 Jordan August 2, 2 | 2016-08-02 |
Mark Image Registration | Serial | Trademark Application Date |
![]() "WINE WOLF" 4749124 86208794 |
WINE WOLF 2014-03-03 |
![]() "VITAL-OFFICE" 3056057 78062177 |
VITAL-OFFICE 2001-05-05 |
S.A.M. Registration | 7RQW8 [80207755] | JORDAN, PETER |
S.A.M. Registration | 7RQW8 [80207755] | JORDAN, PETER |
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