Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Harry; Brian D.The latest application filed is for "automated process for generating a build of a software application without human intervention".
Patent | Date |
Offline source code control Grant 7,779,387 - Harry , et al. August 17, 2 | 2010-08-17 |
Method and system for compiling multiple languages Grant 7,735,071 - Abrams , et al. June 8, 2 | 2010-06-08 |
Methods and apparatus for implementing checkin policies in source code control systems Grant 7,653,893 - Neumann , et al. January 26, 2 | 2010-01-26 |
Load test simulator Grant 7,630,862 - Glas , et al. December 8, 2 | 2009-12-08 |
Attempting runtime retranslation of unresolvable code Grant 7,614,044 - Bhansali , et al. November 3, 2 | 2009-11-03 |
System and method for virtual catching of an exception Grant 7,596,780 - Selitrennikoff , et al. September 29, 2 | 2009-09-29 |
Lightweight methods for storing work in progress in a source code control system Grant 7,480,896 - Harry , et al. January 20, 2 | 2009-01-20 |
Automated process for generating a build of a software application without human intervention App 20060212857 - Neumann; Douglas T. ;   et al. | 2006-09-21 |
Methods and apparatus for implementing checkin policies in source code control systems App 20060200803 - Neumann; Douglas T. ;   et al. | 2006-09-07 |
System and method for virtual catching of an exception App 20060101411 - Selitrennikoff; Sean ;   et al. | 2006-05-11 |
Attempting runtime retranslation of unresolvable code App 20060080647 - Bhansali; Sanjay ;   et al. | 2006-04-13 |
Placing exception throwing instructions in compiled code Grant 6,993,751 - Bhansali , et al. January 31, 2 | 2006-01-31 |
Offline source code control App 20050235012 - Harry, Brian D. ;   et al. | 2005-10-20 |
Load test simulator App 20050216234 - Glas, Edward D. ;   et al. | 2005-09-29 |
Lightweight methods for storing work in progress in a source code control system App 20050193374 - Harry, Brian D. ;   et al. | 2005-09-01 |
Method and system for compiling multiple languages Grant 6,836,883 - Abrams , et al. December 28, 2 | 2004-12-28 |
Method and system for compiling multiple languages App 20040261065 - Abrams, Bradley M. ;   et al. | 2004-12-23 |
Method and system for garbage collection using a dynamically tuned write barrier Grant 6,804,762 - Dussud , et al. October 12, 2 | 2004-10-12 |
High I/O stacked modules for integrated circuits Grant 6,540,525 - Li , et al. April 1, 2 | 2003-04-01 |
Compiling and persisting of intermediate language code Grant 6,484,313 - Trowbridge , et al. November 19, 2 | 2002-11-19 |
Placing exception throwing instructions in compiled code App 20020169999 - Bhansali, Sanjay ;   et al. | 2002-11-14 |
Compact record format for low-overhead databases Grant 6,360,218 - Zander , et al. March 19, 2 | 2002-03-19 |
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