Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Garcia Kilroy; Pablo Eduardo.The latest application filed is for "deep-learning-based real-time remaining surgery duration (rsd) estimation".
Patent | Date |
Deep-learning-based Real-time Remaining Surgery Duration (rsd) Estimation App 20220296334 - Fathollahi Ghezelghieh; Mona ;   et al. | 2022-09-22 |
Emulation Of Robotic Arms And Control Thereof In A Virtual Reality Environment App 20220192771 - YU; Haoran ;   et al. | 2022-06-23 |
Virtual Reality System For Simulating A Robotic Surgical Environment App 20220101745 - YU; Haoran ;   et al. | 2022-03-31 |
Emulation of robotic arms and control thereof in a virtual reality environment Grant 11,284,955 - Yu , et al. March 29, 2 | 2022-03-29 |
Virtual reality system for simulating a robotic surgical environment Grant 11,270,601 - Yu , et al. March 8, 2 | 2022-03-08 |
Virtual Reality Training, Simulation, And Collaboration In A Robotic Surgical System App 20210304637 - Garcia Kilroy; Pablo Eduardo ;   et al. | 2021-09-30 |
Virtual reality laparoscopic tools Grant 11,013,559 - Johnson , et al. May 25, 2 | 2021-05-25 |
Virtual reality training, simulation, and collaboration in a robotic surgical system Grant 11,011,077 - Garcia Kilroy , et al. May 18, 2 | 2021-05-18 |
Hyperdexterous surgical system Grant 10,987,192 - Garcia Kilroy , et al. April 27, 2 | 2021-04-27 |
Robotic Arm And Robotic Surgical System App 20210045817 - KOENIG; Karen Shakespear ;   et al. | 2021-02-18 |
Robotic arm and robotic surgical system Grant 10,828,115 - Koenig , et al. November 10, 2 | 2020-11-10 |
Virtual Reality Laparoscopic Tools App 20200261159 - Johnson; Eric Mark ;   et al. | 2020-08-20 |
Virtual reality laparoscopic tools Grant 10,610,303 - Johnson , et al. | 2020-04-07 |
Hyperdexterous Surgical System App 20200022775 - Garcia Kilroy; Pablo Eduardo ;   et al. | 2020-01-23 |
Hyperdexterous Surgical System App 20200008901 - Garcia Kilroy; Pablo Eduardo ;   et al. | 2020-01-09 |
Hyperdexterous Surgical System App 20190343594 - Garcia Kilroy; Pablo Eduardo ;   et al. | 2019-11-14 |
Virtual Reality Laparoscopic Tools App 20190133689 - Johnson; Eric Mark ;   et al. | 2019-05-09 |
Virtual Reality Training, Simulation, And Collaboration In A Robotic Surgical System App 20190005848 - GARCIA KILROY; Pablo Eduardo ;   et al. | 2019-01-03 |
Virtual Reality Communication Protocol App 20190005838 - YU; Haoran ;   et al. | 2019-01-03 |
Emulation Of Robotic Arms And Control Thereof In A Virtual Reality Environment App 20190000578 - YU; Haoran ;   et al. | 2019-01-03 |
Dose capture device for syringes Grant 10,086,147 - Despa , et al. October 2, 2 | 2018-10-02 |
Robotic Arm And Robotic Surgical System App 20170020615 - KOENIG; Karen Shakespear ;   et al. | 2017-01-26 |
Dose Capture Device For Syringes App 20160213856 - Despa; Mircea Stefan ;   et al. | 2016-07-28 |
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