Trademark applications and grants for Futurewei Technologies Inc.. Futurewei Technologies Inc. has 9 trademark applications. The latest application filed is for "FUTUREWEI TECHNOLOGIES"
State Incorporated | No Place Where Organized Found |
Entity Type | CORPORATION |
Address | 2330 Central Expressway Santa Clara, CALIFORNIA UNITED STATES 95050 |
Patent Application | Date |
SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR HYBRID TRANSMITTER 20220294684 - 17/560259 Jiang; Hong ;   et al. | 2022-09-15 |
TAPPED INDUCTOR VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR 20220286086 - 17/526997 Bushman; Michael L. ;   et al. | 2022-09-08 |
System and Method for Extended Peripheral Component Interconnect Express Fabrics 20220276976 - 17/747151 Shao; Wesley | 2022-09-01 |
SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DATA REDISTRIBUTION IN A DATABASE 20220276922 - 17/746841 CAI; Le ;   et al. | 2022-09-01 |
System and Method for Wireless Power Control 20220248338 - 17/724292 Liu; Jialing ;   et al. | 2022-08-04 |
CAGE Code | 8JYP1 | FUTUREWEI TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | is an independent third-party trademark research tool that is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or any other governmental organization. The information provided by is based on publicly available data at the time of writing and is intended for informational purposes only.
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