Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Durdik; Paul Alan.The latest application filed is for "systems and methods of gestural interaction in a pervasive computing environment".
Patent | Date |
Systems And Methods Of Gestural Interaction In A Pervasive Computing Environment App 20210003977 - Gordon; Robert Samuel ;   et al. | 2021-01-07 |
Systems and methods of gestural interaction in a pervasive computing environment Grant 10,782,657 - Gordon , et al. Sept | 2020-09-22 |
Motion control assembly with battery pack Grant 10,739,823 - Gordon , et al. A | 2020-08-11 |
Motion Control Assembly with Battery Pack App 20190094909 - GORDON; Robert Samuel ;   et al. | 2019-03-28 |
Motion control assembly with battery pack Grant 10,095,269 - Gordon , et al. October 9, 2 | 2018-10-09 |
Motion Control Assembly With Battery Pack App 20170344068 - GORDON; Robert Samuel ;   et al. | 2017-11-30 |
Motion control assembly with battery pack Grant 9,740,242 - Gordon , et al. August 22, 2 | 2017-08-22 |
Systems And Methods Of Gestural Interaction In A Pervasive Computing Environment App 20150346701 - Gordon; Robert Samuel ;   et al. | 2015-12-03 |
Motion Control Assembly With Battery Pack App 20150192987 - Gordon; Robert Samuel ;   et al. | 2015-07-09 |
User-defined Virtual Interaction Space And Manipulation Of Virtual Cameras With Vectors App 20150169076 - Cohen; Isaac ;   et al. | 2015-06-18 |
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