Connelly; Jay H. Patent Filings

Connelly; Jay H.

Patent Applications and Registrations

Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Connelly; Jay H..The latest application filed is for "method and apparatus to determine broadcast content and scheduling in a broadcast system".

Company Profile
  • Connelly; Jay H. - Portland OR US
  • Connelly; Jay H. - Lakeway TX
*profile and listings may contain filings by different individuals or companies with the same name. Review application materials to confirm ownership/assignment.
Patent Activity
Method and apparatus to provide a personalized channel
Grant 8,943,540 - Traw , et al. January 27, 2
Method and apparatus to determine broadcast content and scheduling in a broadcast system
Grant 8,839,298 - Connelly September 16, 2
Methods and apparatuses for determining preferred content using a temporal metadata table
Grant 8,429,684 - Connelly April 23, 2
Method And Apparatus To Determine Broadcast Content And Scheduling In A Broadcast System
App 20120117606 - Connelly; Jay H.
Method and apparatus to determine broadcast content and scheduling in a broadcast system
Grant 8,108,542 - Connelly January 31, 2
Broadcasting and processing multiple data formats
Grant 8,079,058 - Connelly December 13, 2
Method and apparatus to determine broadcast content and scheduling in a broadcast system
Grant 7,962,573 - Connelly June 14, 2
Method And Apparatus To Determine Broadcast Content And Scheduling In A Broadcast System
App 20110093475 - Connelly; Jay H.
Method And Apparatus To Provide A Personalized Channel
App 20090037958 - Traw; Brendan ;   et al.
System and method for controlling an electronic device
Grant 7,342,612 - Connelly , et al. March 11, 2
Method And Apparatus To Determine Broadcast Content And Scheduling In A Broadcast System
App 20080022008 - Connelly; Jay H.
Broadcasting And Processing Multiple Data Formats
App 20080005765 - Connelly; Jay H.
Broadcasting and processing multiple data formats
Grant 7,284,261 - Connelly October 16, 2
Method and apparatus to determine broadcast content and scheduling in a broadcast system
Grant 7,284,064 - Connelly October 16, 2
Method and apparatus for reducing conflicts between speech-enabled applications sharing speech menu
Grant 7,266,498 - Connelly September 4, 2
Method and apparatus for combining broadcast schedules and content on a digital broadcast-enabled client platform
App 20070079324 - Hallford; Jason C. ;   et al.
Method and apparatus for combining broadcast schedules and content on a digital broadcast-enabled client platform
Grant 7,185,352 - Hallford , et al. February 27, 2
Signaling method and apparatus to provide content on demand in a broadcast system
Grant 7,167,895 - Connelly January 23, 2
Method and apparatus for periodically delivering an optimal batch broadcast schedule based on distributed client feedback
Grant 7,055,165 - Connelly May 30, 2
Method and apparatus for continuously and opportunistically driving an optimal broadcast schedule based on most recent client demand feedback from a distributed set of broadcast clients
Grant 7,020,893 - Connelly March 28, 2
Methods and apparatuses for determining preferred content using a temporal metadata table
App 20030221196 - Connelly, Jay H.
System and method for providing an ordered listing of available, currently broadcasting, and/or acquired products based on predicted relevance
App 20030083951 - Connelly, Jay H.
Method and apparatus to provide a personalized channel
App 20030066090 - Traw, Brendan ;   et al.
Method and apparatus to send feedback from clients to a server in a content distribution broadcast system
App 20030005465 - Connelly, Jay H.
Method and apparatus to distribute content descriptors in a content distribution broadcast system
App 20030005451 - Connelly, Jay H.
Method and apparatus for continuously and opportunistically driving an optimal broadcast schedule based on most recent client demand feedback from a distributed set of broadcast clients
App 20020194598 - Connelly, Jay H.
Methods and apparatus for providing rating feedback for content in a broadcast system
App 20020193066 - Connelly, Jay H.
Method and apparatus for periodically delivering an optimal batch broadcast schedule based on distributed client feedback
App 20020194607 - Connelly, Jay H.
Methods and apparatus for providing ranking feedback for content in a broadcast system
App 20020194585 - Connelly, Jay H.
Method and apparatus to distribute content using a multi-stage broadcast system
App 20020194603 - CONNELLY, JAY H.
Method and apparatus for combining broadcast schedules and content on a digital broadcast-enabled client platform
App 20020167947 - Hallford, Jason C. ;   et al.
Method and apparatus for a hybrid content on demand broadcast system
App 20020143591 - Connelly, Jay H.
System and method for transparently obtaining customer preferences to refine product features or marketing focus
App 20020143607 - Connelly, Jay H.
Apparatus and method for a dynamic electronic program guide enabling billing broadcast services per EPG line item
App 20020144269 - Connelly, Jay H.
System And Method For Merging Streaming And Stored Content Information In An Electronic Program Guide
App 20020144265 - Connelly, Jay H.

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