Binnard; Michael Patent Filings

Binnard; Michael

Patent Applications and Registrations

Patent applications and USPTO patent grants for Binnard; Michael.The latest application filed is for "apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine".

Company Profile
  • Binnard; Michael - Belmont CA
*profile and listings may contain filings by different individuals or companies with the same name. Review application materials to confirm ownership/assignment.
Patent Activity
Positioning system using surface pattern recognition and interpolation
Grant 10,884,344 - Coon , et al. January 5, 2
Microelectromechanical mirror assembly
Grant 10,254,654 - Palmer , et al.
Power minimizing controller for a stage assembly
Grant 10,084,364 - Hemati , et al. September 25, 2
Apparatus And Method For Maintaining Immersion Fluid In The Gap Under The Projection Lens During Wafer Exchange In An Immersion Lithography Machine
App 20180231898 - BINNARD; Michael
Microelectromechanical Mirror Assembly
App 20180107121 - Palmer; Shane R. ;   et al.
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 9,946,163 - Binnard April 17, 2
Magnetic sensor calibration and servo for planar motor stage
Grant 9,921,495 - Yang , et al. March 20, 2
Microelectromechanical mirror assembly
Grant 9,874,817 - Palmer , et al. January 23, 2
Positioning System Using Surface Pattern Recognition And Interpolation
App 20170329236 - Coon; Paul Derek ;   et al.
Positioning system using surface pattern recognition and interpolation
Grant 9,726,987 - Coon , et al. August 8, 2
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 9,500,960 - Binnard November 22, 2
Apparatus And Method For Maintaining Immersion Fluid In The Gap Under The Projection Lens During Wafer Exchange In An Immersion Lithography Machine
App 20160238948 - BINNARD; Michael
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 9,329,493 - Binnard May 3, 2
Positioning System Using Surface Pattern Recognition And Interpolation
App 20150301459 - Coon; Paul Derek ;   et al.
Apparatus And Method For Maintaining Immersion Fluid In The Gap Under The Projection Lens During Wafer Exchange In An Immersion Lithography Machine
App 20150268563 - BINNARD; Michael
Apparatus for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange using a co-planar member in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 9,081,298 - Binnard July 14, 2
Stage Braking System For A Motor
App 20150098074 - Rosa; Matthew ;   et al.
Power Minimizing Controller For A Stage Assembly
App 20150097498 - Hemati; Neyram ;   et al.
Microelectromechanical Mirror Assembly
App 20150055107 - Palmer; Shane R. ;   et al.
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens using a pad member or second stage during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 8,879,047 - Binnard November 4, 2
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 8,848,168 - Binnard September 30, 2
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 8,848,166 - Binnard September 30, 2
Magnetic Sensor Calibration And Servo For Planar Motor Stage
App 20140204358 - Yang; Pai-Hsueh ;   et al.
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 8,634,057 - Binnard January 21, 2
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 8,610,875 - Binnard December 17, 2
Apparatus And Method For Maintaining Immersion Fluid In The Gap Under The Projection Lens During Wafer Exchange In An Immersion Lithography Machine
App 20130308107 - Binnard; Michael
Apparatus And Method For Maintaining Immersion Fluid In The Gap Under The Projection Lens During Wafer Exchange In An Immersion Lithography Machine
App 20130301022 - BINNARD; Michael
Apparatus And Method For Maintaining Immersion Fluid In The Gap Under The Projection Lens During Wafer Exchange In An Immersion Lithography Machine
App 20130301021 - BINNARD; Michael
Apparatus And Method For Maintaining Immersion Fluid In The Gap Under The Projection Lens During Wafer Exchange In An Immersion Lithography Machine
App 20130301020 - BINNARD; Michael
Stage assembly with measurement system initialization, vibration compensation, low transmissibility, and lightweight fine stage
Grant 8,582,080 - Binnard , et al. November 12, 2
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 8,514,367 - Binnard August 20, 2
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 8,488,100 - Binnard July 16, 2
C-core Actuator For Moving A Stage
App 20130135603 - Binnard; Michael ;   et al.
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 8,351,019 - Binnard January 8, 2
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 8,269,944 - Binnard September 18, 2
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the protection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 8,035,795 - Binnard October 11, 2
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
App 20110025999 - Binnard; Michael
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
App 20110026000 - Binnard; Michael
Stage assembly with lightweight fine stage and low transmissibility
Grant 7,869,000 - Arai , et al. January 11, 2
Damper for a stage assembly
Grant 7,830,046 - Binnard , et al. November 9, 2
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
App 20100203455 - Binnard; Michael
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 7,545,479 - Binnard June 9, 2
Stage Assembly With Measurement System Initialization, Vibration Compensation, Low Transmissibility, And Lightweight Fine Stage
App 20080278705 - Binnard; Michael ;   et al.
System and method for controlling a stage assembly
Grant 7,429,845 - Binnard September 30, 2
Damper for a stage assembly
App 20080225253 - Binnard; Michael ;   et al.
Stage assembly with measurement system initialization, vibration compensation, low transmissibility, and lightweight fine stage
Grant 7,417,714 - Binnard , et al. August 26, 2
Dual flow circulation system for a mover
Grant 7,414,336 - Binnard August 19, 2
Device container assembly with adjustable retainers for a reticle
App 20080128303 - Phillips; Alton H. ;   et al.
Apparatus and method for maintaining immerison fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 7,372,538 - Binnard May 13, 2
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
App 20080074634 - Binnard; Michael
Exposure apparatus that includes a phase change circulation system for movers
App 20080073563 - Novak; W. Thomas ;   et al.
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
Grant 7,327,435 - Binnard February 5, 2
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
App 20070273857 - Binnard; Michael
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
App 20070252965 - Binnard; Michael
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
App 20070247602 - Binnard; Michael
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
App 20070216886 - Binnard; Michael
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
App 20070195300 - Binnard; Michael
System and method for controlling a stage assembly
App 20060232140 - Binnard; Michael
Stage assembly with lightweight fine stage and low transmissibility
App 20060104753 - Arai; Yoichi ;   et al.
Stage assembly with measurement system initialization, vibration compensation, low transmissibility, and lightweight fine stage
App 20060101928 - Binnard; Michael ;   et al.
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
App 20060033894 - Binnard; Michael
Apparatus and method for maintaining immersion fluid in the gap under the projection lens during wafer exchange in an immersion lithography machine
App 20060023186 - Binnard; Michael
Reaction mass for a stage device
Grant 6,987,558 - Yuan , et al. January 17, 2
Dual flow circulation system for a mover
App 20060001322 - Binnard; Michael
Circulation housing for a mover
Grant 6,979,920 - Reynolds , et al. December 27, 2
Stage counter mass system
Grant 6,963,821 - Binnard , et al. November 8, 2
Dual flow circulation system for a mover
Grant 6,956,308 - Binnard October 18, 2
Following stage planar motor
Grant 6,927,505 - Binnard , et al. August 9, 2
Circulation housing for a mover
App 20050168075 - Reynolds, Ed ;   et al.
Dual flow circulation system for a mover
App 20050012403 - Binnard, Michael
Stage assembly and exposure apparatus including the same
Grant 6,844,694 - Binnard January 18, 2
Flexure supported wafer table
Grant 6,842,226 - Watson , et al. January 11, 2
Reaction frame assembly that functions as a reaction mass
App 20040252287 - Binnard, Michael ;   et al.
Stage device, exposure apparatus and method
Grant 6,788,385 - Tanaka , et al. September 7, 2
Stage counter mass system
App 20040158427 - Binnard, Michael ;   et al.
Method and apparatus for operating a vibration isolation system having electronic and pneumatic control systems
Grant 6,758,313 - Binnard July 6, 2
Method and apparatus for reducing countermass stroke with initial velocity
App 20040119436 - Binnard, Michael ;   et al.
Wafer stage with magnetic bearings
Grant 6,750,625 - Binnard , et al. June 15, 2
Quick chamber seals
Grant 6,734,947 - Watson , et al. May 11, 2
System and method for clamping a device holder with reduced deformation
App 20040080730 - Binnard, Michael
Waffle wafer chuck apparatus and method
App 20040025322 - Binnard, Michael
Wafer stage assembly, servo control system, and method for operating the same
Grant 6,686,991 - Binnard , et al. February 3, 2
Apparatus and methods for detecting tool-induced shift in microlithography apparatus
Grant 6,678,038 - Binnard January 13, 2
Wafer stage carrier and removal assembly
Grant 6,639,654 - Binnard , et al. October 28, 2
Active vibration isolation system having pressure control
Grant 6,590,639 - Yuan , et al. July 8, 2
Following stage planar motor
App 20030111912 - Binnard, Michael ;   et al.
Six degree of freedom control of planar motors
App 20030085676 - Binnard, Michael
Wafer stage chamber
Grant 6,551,045 - Binnard , et al. April 22, 2
Flexure supported wafer table
App 20030058425 - Watson, Douglas C. ;   et al.
Method and apparatus for operating a vibration isolation system having electronic and pneumatic control systems
App 20030057619 - Ueta, Toshio ;   et al.
Method and apparatus for operating a vibration isolation system having electronic and pneumatic control systems
Grant 6,523,695 - Ueta , et al. February 25, 2
Reaction force isolation frame
App 20030035094 - Hazelton, Andrew J. ;   et al.
Wafer stage with magnetic bearings
App 20030034695 - Binnard, Michael ;   et al.
Stage assembly and exposure apparatus including the same
App 20030030402 - Binnard, Michael
Six degree of freedom wafer fine stage
App 20030030782 - Watson, Douglas C. ;   et al.
Apparatus and methods for detecting tool-induced shift in microlithography apparatus
App 20030025895 - Binnard, Michael
Stage device, control system, and method for stabilizing wafer stage and wafer table
Grant 6,504,162 - Binnard , et al. January 7, 2
Stage device, exposure apparatus and method
App 20020196421 - Tanaka, Keiichi ;   et al.
Connection assembly of wafer stage chamber
App 20020180945 - Binnard, Michael ;   et al.
Base assembly for a stage chamber of a wafer manufacturing system
App 20020159046 - Binnard, Michael ;   et al.
Wafer stage carrier and removal assembly
App 20020159045 - Binnard, Michael ;   et al.
Planar motor with linear coil arrays
Grant 6,452,292 - Binnard September 17, 2
Planar motor with linear coil arrays
Grant 6,445,093 - Binnard September 3, 2
Wafer stage assembly
App 20020109823 - Binnard, Michael ;   et al.
Reaction mass for a stage device
App 20020093637 - Yuan, Bausan ;   et al.
Quick chamber seals
App 20020093634 - Watson, Douglas C. ;   et al.
Wafer stage chamber
App 20020061243 - Binnard, Michael ;   et al.

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