Patent | Date |
Intermetallic Compounds For Releasing Mercury App 20150041713 - Hansen; Steven C. ;   et al. | 2015-02-12 |
Near Unity Power Factor Long Life Low Cost Led Lamp Retrofit System And Method App 20140300274 - Acatrinei; Beniamin | 2014-10-09 |
Infrared halogen lamp with improved efficiency Grant 8,766,537 - Lamouri , et al. July 1, 2 | 2014-07-01 |
Bismuth-zinc-mercury amalgam, fluorescent lamps, and related methods Grant 8,668,841 - Hansen March 11, 2 | 2014-03-11 |
Apparatus and methods for use of refractory abhesives in protection of metallic foils and leads Grant 8,277,274 - Emilsson , et al. October 2, 2 | 2012-10-02 |
Oxidation-protected metallic foil and methods Grant 8,264,147 - Emilsson September 11, 2 | 2012-09-11 |
Discharge Lamp With Long Life App 20120194092 - Naruka; Ajaypal S. ;   et al. | 2012-08-02 |
Infrared Halogen Lamp With Improved Efficiency App 20100327729 - Lamouri; Abbas ;   et al. | 2010-12-30 |
Dopant-free tungsten electrodes in metal halide lamps Grant 7,583,030 - Varanasi , et al. September 1, 2 | 2009-09-01 |
High intensity discharge lamps, arc tubes, and methods of manufacture Grant 7,572,163 - Sulcs , et al. August 11, 2 | 2009-08-11 |
Method of making a plasma lamp Grant 7,396,271 - Krisl , et al. July 8, 2 | 2008-07-08 |
System and method for generating a discharge in gases Grant 7,281,492 - Gao , et al. October 16, 2 | 2007-10-16 |
System and method for supporting ARC tubes in HID lamps Grant 7,187,111 - Johanning March 6, 2 | 2007-03-06 |
Oxidation-protected metallic foil and method Grant 7,153,179 - Emilsson December 26, 2 | 2006-12-26 |
System and method for generating a discharge in high pressure gases Grant 7,126,283 - Gao , et al. October 24, 2 | 2006-10-24 |
Barrier coatings and methods in discharge lamps Grant 7,057,335 - Emilsson , et al. June 6, 2 | 2006-06-06 |
Solid mercury releasing material and method of dosing mercury into discharge lamps Grant 6,910,932 - Brumleve , et al. June 28, 2 | 2005-06-28 |
Plasma lamp and method Grant 6,897,609 - Krisl , et al. May 24, 2 | 2005-05-24 |
Method of making arc tubes Grant 6,857,926 - Sulcs , et al. February 22, 2 | 2005-02-22 |
Solid lamp fill material and method of dosing HID lamps Grant 6,833,676 - Brumleve December 21, 2 | 2004-12-21 |
Solid lamp fill material and method of dosing HID lamps Grant 6,830,495 - Brumleve December 14, 2 | 2004-12-14 |
Halogen lamps, fill material and methods of dosing halogen lamps Grant 6,815,888 - Hansen November 9, 2 | 2004-11-09 |
Fluorescent lamp containing a mercury zinc amalgam and a method of manufacture Grant 6,791,254 - Stafford , et al. September 14, 2 | 2004-09-14 |
System and method for generating a discharge in high pressure gases Grant 6,791,280 - Gao , et al. September 14, 2 | 2004-09-14 |
Resistively ballasted gaseous discharge lamp circuit and method Grant 6,674,249 - Leskovec January 6, 2 | 2004-01-06 |
Solid lamp fill material and method of dosing hid lamps Grant 6,661,175 - Brumleve December 9, 2 | 2003-12-09 |
High intensity discharge lamps, arc tubes and methods of manufacture Grant 6,612,892 - Lamouri , et al. September 2, 2 | 2003-09-02 |
Fluorescent lamp containing a mercury zinc amalgam and a method of manufacture App 20030151351 - Stafford, Duane A. ;   et al. | 2003-08-14 |
Efficient directional lighting system Grant 6,554,456 - Buelow, II , et al. April 29, 2 | 2003-04-29 |
Auxiliary lighting control circuit and method for a HID lamp lighting system Grant 6,072,286 - Sears June 6, 2 | 2000-06-06 |
Combination metal halide and auxiliary bulb lamp Grant 6,022,125 - Bartasevich , et al. February 8, 2 | 2000-02-08 |
Metal halide lamps and method of manufacture Grant 5,924,787 - McEllen , et al. July 20, 1 | 1999-07-20 |