Putian Licheng District Duisheng Power Machinery Co., Ltd.

Application Filed: 2024-11-29
Trademark Application Details
Trademark Logo DUISHENG

Mark For: DUISHENG™ trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of air distribution units for pneumatically driven pumps; Catalytic converters for motors and engines; Diesel-engine heating plugs; Electric fans, ventilators and blowers for motors and engines; Electric starter motors; Emission reduction units for motors and engines, namely, catalytic converters; Engine cooling radiators; Engine fuel pumps; Engine injectors; Engine parts, namely, electronic fuel injection modules; Exhaust system Nitrogen oxygen sensors being parts of internal combustion engines; Fans for motors and engines; Fuel injection devices for internal combustion engines; Fuel injection systems for engines; Ignition coils for automotive engines; Ignition magnetos for engines; Power-operated blowers; Radiators for vehicles; Vacuum pumps; Vehicle parts, namely, engine cam protectors.


2024-11-29 UTC

Research OneLook Acronym Finder
Serial Number98877990
Mark Literal ElementsDUISHENG
Mark TypeTrademark
Current LocationNot Found
Class StatusACTIVE
Primary US Classes
  • 013: Hardware, Plumbing and Steamfitting Supplies
  • 019: Vehicles
  • 021: Electrical Apparatus, Machines and Supplies
  • 023: Cutlery, Machinery, Tools and Parts Thereof
  • 024: Laundry Appliances and Machines
  • 031: Filters and Refrigerators
  • 034: Heating, Lighting and Ventilating Apparatus
  • 035: Belting, Hose, Machinery Packing and Non-Metallic Tires
Primary International Class
  • 007 - Primary Class
  • (Machinery) Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs.
Filed UseYes
Current UseYes
Intent To UseNo
Filed ITUNo
44D FiledNo
44E CurrentNo
66A CurrentNo
Current BasisNo
No BasisNo
Attorney NameSheldon Brown


2024-07-08Date of First Use
2024-07-08Date of Use In Commerce
2024-11-29Application Filed
2024-11-29Status: Live/Pending
2024-11-29Status: New application awaiting assignment to an examining attorney. See current trademark processing wait times for more information.
2024-11-29Transaction Date

Trademark Parties (Applicants & Owners)

Party: Putian Licheng District Duisheng Power Machinery Co., Ltd.
AddressHaoting, Xitianwei Town, Licheng Dist Rm 1007, Elevator 2, Bldg 10, Jinxiu Putian, Fujian CHINA 351100
Legal Entity TypeLimited Company (ltd.)
Legal Entity StateCHINA


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Attorney of Record

AUSTIN, TX 78731
United States

Good, Services, and Codes

International Codes:7
U.S. Codes:013,019,021,023,024,031,034,035
Type CodeType
GS0071Air distribution units for pneumatically driven pumps; Catalytic converters for motors and engines; Diesel-engine heating plugs; Electric fans, ventilators and blowers for motors and engines; Electric starter motors; Emission reduction units for motors and engines, namely, catalytic converters; Engine cooling radiators; Engine fuel pumps; Engine injectors; Engine parts, namely, electronic fuel injection modules; Exhaust system Nitrogen oxygen sensors being parts of internal combustion engines; Fans for motors and engines; Fuel injection devices for internal combustion engines; Fuel injection systems for engines; Ignition coils for automotive engines; Ignition magnetos for engines; Power-operated blowers; Radiators for vehicles; Vacuum pumps; Vehicle parts, namely, engine cam protectors

Trademark Filing History

DescriptionDateProceeding Number

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