Mark For: IOCELLS™ trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of
Research | OneLook Acronym Finder |
Serial Number | 98877958 |
Mark Literal Elements | IOCELLS |
Mark Drawing Type | 4 - STANDARD CHARACTER MARK |
Mark Type | Trademark |
Current Location | Not Found |
Basis | No |
Class Status | ACTIVE |
Primary US Classes |
Primary International Class |
Filed Use | No |
Current Use | No |
Intent To Use | No |
Filed ITU | No |
44D Filed | No |
44E Current | Yes |
66A Current | No |
Current Basis | No |
No Basis | No |
Attorney Name | Dermot Horgan |
Attorney Docket Number | FBD 0170 US |
2024-10-11 | Trademark Registered |
2024-11-29 | Application Filed |
2024-11-29 | Status: Live/Pending |
2024-11-29 | Status: New application awaiting assignment to an examining attorney. See current trademark processing wait times for more information. |
2024-11-29 | Transaction Date |
Party: | Bit Bio Limited |
Address | Girton, Cambridge Cambridge House, Camboro Business Park Cambridgeshire UNITED KINGDOM CB30QH |
Legal Entity Type | Limited Liability Company |
Legal Entity State | UNITED KINGDOM |
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International Codes: | 1 |
U.S. Codes: | 001,005,006,010,026,046 |
International Codes: | 5 |
U.S. Codes: | 005,006,018,044,046,051,052 |
Type Code | Type |
GS0051 | Cell therapeutics; genetically or otherwise modified cells; cells which are propagated, cultivated and expanded in bioreactors; cells for the purpose of tissue regeneration; living cells for medical use; cells for medical use; cells for veterinary purposes; biological preparations for medical use; diagnostic preparations for medical and/or veterinary purposes; cell preparations for drug screening; cell preparations for genetic testing, screening; stem cells for medical purposes; stem cells for veterinary purposes; cell growth media, tissue culture media, cytokines, antibodies, and reagents for medical or diagnostic use; tissue culture media, growth factors, growth media, serum, and nutritional supplements for in vitro culturing, development, maintenance, expansion, assay or manipulation of cells; cell separation reagents; dietary supplements; protein supplements; nutrition supplements; |
Description | Date | Proceeding Number |
NEW APPLICATION ENTERED | 2024-11-29 | is an independent third-party trademark research tool that is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or any other governmental organization. The information provided by is based on publicly available data at the time of writing and is intended for informational purposes only.
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