Hanchuan Siheliuqi Trading Co., Ltd

Application Filed: 2024-10-28
Trademark Application Details
Trademark Logo YDDHHB

Mark For: YDDHHB™ trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of aerating pumps for aquaria; Air pumps for hydroponics; Aquarium pumps; Circulating pumps; Counter-current swimming machines for use in swimming pools to enable swimming in place against an adjustable counter-current, featuring pumps, motor, and adjustable current director outlets; Electric pumps; Pond and water garden aeration systems comprising water pumps, air compressors, air blowers and a finned wheel for pressurizing and aerating ponds and aquariums; Submersible pumps; Water pumps for hydroponics; Water pumps for use in motors and engines; Water treatment equipment, namely, pumps for use in irrigation systems; Wave-making pumps for aquariums.


2024-10-29 UTC

Research OneLook Acronym Finder
Serial Number98824892
Mark Literal ElementsYDDHHB
Mark TypeTrademark
Current LocationNot Found 2024-10-29
Class StatusACTIVE
Primary US Classes
  • 013: Hardware, Plumbing and Steamfitting Supplies
  • 019: Vehicles
  • 021: Electrical Apparatus, Machines and Supplies
  • 023: Cutlery, Machinery, Tools and Parts Thereof
  • 024: Laundry Appliances and Machines
  • 031: Filters and Refrigerators
  • 034: Heating, Lighting and Ventilating Apparatus
  • 035: Belting, Hose, Machinery Packing and Non-Metallic Tires
Primary International Class
  • 007 - Primary Class
  • (Machinery) Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs.
Filed UseYes
Current UseYes
Intent To UseNo
Filed ITUNo
44D FiledNo
44E CurrentNo
66A CurrentNo
Current BasisNo
No BasisNo
Attorney NameTianyu Ju


2024-08-17Date of First Use
2024-08-17Date of Use In Commerce
2024-10-28Application Filed
2024-10-28Status: Live/Pending
2024-10-28Status: New application awaiting assignment to an examining attorney. See current trademark processing wait times for more information.
2024-10-29Location: Not Found
2024-10-29Transaction Date

Trademark Parties (Applicants & Owners)

Party: Hanchuan Siheliuqi Trading Co., Ltd
AddressNo. 99 Huocheng Avenue, Hanchuan City 12-1-701, Yonghe an Xinhandu Phase II Xiaogan, Hubei CHINA 432000
Legal Entity TypeLimited Company (ltd.)
Legal Entity StateCHINA


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Attorney of Record

Tianyu Ju Tianyu Law Group, Inc.
9660 Flair Dr.
STE 328
El Monte, CA 91731
United States

Good, Services, and Codes

International Codes:7
U.S. Codes:013,019,021,023,024,031,034,035
Type CodeType
GS0071Aerating pumps for aquaria; Air pumps for hydroponics; Aquarium pumps; Circulating pumps; Counter-current swimming machines for use in swimming pools to enable swimming in place against an adjustable counter-current, featuring pumps, motor, and adjustable current director outlets; Electric pumps; Pond and water garden aeration systems comprising water pumps, air compressors, air blowers and a finned wheel for pressurizing and aerating ponds and aquariums; Submersible pumps; Water pumps for hydroponics; Water pumps for use in motors and engines; Water treatment equipment, namely, pumps for use in irrigation systems; Wave-making pumps for aquariums

Trademark Filing History

DescriptionDateProceeding Number

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