Ariem LLC

Application Filed: 2024-10-28
Trademark Application Details
Trademark Logo ARIEM

Mark For: ARIEM™ trademark registration is intended to cover the category of business management consulting and advisory services.


2024-10-29 UTC

Research OneLook Acronym Finder
Serial Number98824639
Mark Literal ElementsARIEM
Mark TypeService Mark
Current LocationNot Found
Class StatusACTIVE
Primary US Classes
  • 100: Miscellaneous
  • 101: Advertising and Business
  • 102: Insurance and Financial
Primary International Class
  • 035 - Primary Class
  • (Advertising and business) Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions.
Filed UseNo
Current UseNo
Intent To UseYes
Filed ITUYes
44D FiledNo
44E CurrentNo
66A CurrentNo
Current BasisNo
No BasisNo
Attorney NamePaige Hulse


2024-10-28Application Filed
2024-10-28Status: Live/Pending
2024-10-28Status: New application awaiting assignment to an examining attorney. See current trademark processing wait times for more information.
2024-10-29Transaction Date

Trademark Parties (Applicants & Owners)

Party: Ariem LLC
Address317 Brook Village Road Apt 3 Nashua, NEW HAMPSHIRE UNITED STATES 03062
Legal Entity TypeLimited Liability Company
Legal Entity StateNEW HAMPSHIRE


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Attorney of Record

Paige Hulse Paige Hulse Law, PLLC
19695 S. 49th W. Ave
Mounds, OK 74047
United States

Good, Services, and Codes

International Codes:35
U.S. Codes:100,101,102
International Codes:41
U.S. Codes:100,101,107
International Codes:44
U.S. Codes:100,101
International Codes:45
U.S. Codes:100,101
Type CodeType
GS0411Education services, namely, providing live and on-line Reiki, Ensofic Reiki, Usui Reiki, Life Activation Protocol, Aura Healing, Full Spirit Activation, 11th Codon Reading, Spark of Life, Chi Work, Laser Light Healing, Meridian Line Balancing, Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Aura Clearing, Tree of Life Awakening, Chakra Awakening, Sacred Geometry Healing Series, The King Salomon Healing Modality Series, Etheric Reconstruction, Ancient, Egyptian Healing Rites, Kabbalistic and Enochian Healing, Hermetic Rebalancing, Emotional Cord Cutting and Energy Clearing, Spiritual Drug Detox, Angel Code, Isis Healing, RA Healing (*Note; Guided Meditations, Sleep Stories, Sound Healing, Live Performances, Downloadable Media in the field of Reiki, Ensofic Reiki, Usui Reiki, Life Activation Protocol, Aura Healing, Full Spirit Activation, 11th Codon Reading, Spark of Life, Chi Work, Laser Light Healing, Meridian Line Balancing, Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Aura Clearing, Tree of Life Awakening, Chakra Awakening, Sacred Geometry Healing Series, The King Salomon Healing Modality Series, Etheric Reconstruction, Ancient, Egyptian Healing Rites, Kabbalistic and Enochian Healing, Hermetic Rebalancing, Emotional Cord Cutting and Energy Clearing, Spiritual Drug Detox, Angel Code, Isis Healing, RA Healing (*Note; Guided Meditations, Sleep Stories, Sound Healing, Live Performances, Downloadable Media; Educational services, namely, providing on-line Reiki, Ensofic Reiki, Usui Reiki, Life Activation Protocol, Aura Healing, Full Spirit Activation, 11th Codon Reading, Spark of Life, Chi Work, Laser Light Healing, Meridian Line Balancing, Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Aura Clearing, Tree of Life Awakening, Chakra Awakening, Sacred Geometry Healing Series, The King Salomon Healing Modality Series, Etheric Reconstruction, Ancient, Egyptian Healing Rites, Kabbalistic and Enochian Healing, Hermetic Rebalancing, Emotional Cord Cutting and Energy Clearing, Spiritual Drug Detox, Angel Code, Isis Healing, RA Healing (*Note; Guided Meditations, Sleep Stories, Sound Healing, Live Performances, Downloadable Media in the field of Reiki, Ensofic Reiki, Usui Reiki, Life Activation Protocol, Aura Healing, Full Spirit Activation, 11th Codon Reading, Spark of Life, Chi Work, Laser Light Healing, Meridian Line Balancing, Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Aura Clearing, Tree of Life Awakening, Chakra Awakening, Sacred Geometry Healing Series, The King Salomon Healing Modality Series, Etheric Reconstruction, Ancient, Egyptian Healing Rites, Kabbalistic and Enochian Healing, Hermetic Rebalancing, Emotional Cord Cutting and Energy Clearing, Spiritual Drug Detox, Angel Code, Isis Healing, RA Healing (*Note; Guided Meditations, Sleep Stories, Sound Healing, Live Performances, Downloadable Media; Life coaching services in the field of One on One Consulting, One on One Coaching, Group Consulting, Group Coaching, Masterminds, Virtual Meetups, Support Circles, Mentorship; Personal coaching services in the field of One on One Consulting, One on One Coaching, Group Consulting, Group Coaching, Masterminds, Virtual Meetups, Support Circles, Mentorship

Trademark Filing History

DescriptionDateProceeding Number
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