TEAS Plus New Application


IOTA Software, Inc.

Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

PTO- 1478
Approved for use through 10/31/2024. OMB 0651-0009
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number

Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

TEAS Plus Application

Serial Number: 97939331
Filing Date: 05/16/2023

NOTE: Data fields with the * are mandatory under TEAS Plus. The wording "(if applicable)" appears where the field is only mandatory under the facts of the particular application.

The table below presents the data as entered.

Input Field
*MARK \\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\979\393\97939331\xml1 \ FTK0002.JPG
(If applicable)
(and Color Location, if applicable)
The mark consists of the word "IOTA" in all capital letters positioned to the right of a graphical symbol comprised of a 3 x 3 / 9 box grid of squares with stylized connection elements.
PIXEL COUNT 612 x 255
REGISTER Principal
*OWNER OF MARK IOTA Software, Inc.
*MAILING ADDRESS 600 Park Offices Drive, Suite 300
*CITY Durham
(Required for U.S. applicants)
North Carolina
(Required for U.S. and certain international addresses)
WEBSITE ADDRESS www.iotasoft.com
*IDENTIFICATION Computer programs, recorded, for providing real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface; Recorded software for use in providing immediate access to critical, dynamic process information, enabling insight for performance optimization and decision support; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for providing an on-line database in the field of transaction processing to upload transactional data, provide statistical analysis, and produce notifications and reports; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to build and import 2D, 3D files from digital twin or plant CAD models; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for the migration of industrial historian data to the cloud; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for collection and systemization of manufacturing business data for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to increase the efficiency of the storage and transmission of time-series data; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for providing immediate access to critical, dynamic process information, enabling insight for performance optimization and decision support; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for providing real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for displaying technical data that describe the steps, sequences, and conditions of manufacturing, processing or assembly used by the manufacturer to produce an item or component or to perform a process; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for importing 3D diagrams of equipment and facilities and arranging them into dashboards by linking characteristics like colors to operating signals; Recorded computer software for collection and systemization of manufacturing business data for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to increase the efficiency of the storage and transmission of time-series data; Recorded computer software platforms for monitoring and controlling factory manufacturing processes; Recorded computer software platforms for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to build and import 2D, 3D files from digital twin or plant CAD models; Recorded computer software platforms for providing an on-line database in the field of transaction processing to upload transactional data, provide statistical analysis, and produce notifications and reports; Recorded computer software platforms for collection and systemization of manufacturing business data for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to increase the efficiency of the storage and transmission of time-series data; Recorded computer software platforms for the migration of industrial historian data to the cloud; Recorded computer software platforms for importing 3D diagrams of equipment and facilities and arranging them into dashboards by linking characteristics like colors to operating signals; Recorded computer software platforms for providing real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface; Recorded computer software platforms for displaying technical data that describe the steps, sequences, and conditions of manufacturing, processing or assembly used by the manufacturer to produce an item or component or to perform a process; Recorded interactive software for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to build and import 2D, 3D files from digital twin or plant CAD models; Recorded interactive software for the migration of industrial historian data to the cloud; Recorded interactive software for providing immediate access to critical, dynamic process information, enabling insight for performance optimization and decision support; Recorded interactive software for collection and systemization of manufacturing business data for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to increase the efficiency of the storage and transmission of time-series data; Recorded interactive software for monitoring and controlling factory manufacturing processes; Recorded interactive software for providing real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface; Recorded interactive software for users to build, edit, and execute unique visual dashboards of operational data, including but not limited, to time series signals of operating values like temperatures, pressures, computed signals; Recorded interactive software for users to access cloud-based tools to analyze and configure reports from such data across their companies; Computer software platforms, recorded, for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to build and import 2D, 3D files from digital twin or plant CAD models; Computer software platforms, recorded, for providing immediate access to critical, dynamic process information, enabling insight for performance optimization and decision support; Recorded computer programs for providing real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface
       FIRST USE ANYWHERE DATE At least as early as 02/01/2021
       FIRST USE IN COMMERCE DATE At least as early as 06/01/2021
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-452379-2023050405152 5566648_._IOTA-Overview-F actsheet.pdf
       (9 pages)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\979\393\97939331\xml1\ FTK0003.JPG
        \\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\979\393\97939331\xml1\ FTK0004.JPG
        \\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\979\393\97939331\xml1\ FTK0005.JPG
        \\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\979\393\97939331\xml1\ FTK0006.JPG
        \\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\979\393\97939331\xml1\ FTK0007.JPG
        \\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\979\393\97939331\xml1\ FTK0008.JPG
        \\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\979\393\97939331\xml1\ FTK0009.JPG
        \\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\979\393\97939331\xml1\ FTK0010.JPG
        \\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\979\393\97939331\xml1\ FTK0011.JPG
       SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION IOTA Overview fact sheet used as marketing piece given to potential clients at trade shows and in person meetings explaining how IOTA offers recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for collection and systemization of manufacturing business data to increase the efficiency of the storage and transmission of time-series data
        WEBPAGE URL None Provided
        WEBPAGE DATE OF ACCESS None Provided
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
NAME Maureen Doherty
FIRM NAME Doherty Legal
STREET PO Box 2145
CITY Cypress
PHONE 281-859-6300
EMAIL ADDRESS mdoherty@dohertylegal.com
NAME Maureen Doherty
SECONDARY EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) (COURTESY COPIES) trademarks@dohertylegal.com; modohertylegal@gmail.com
* SIGNATURE /maureen doherty/
* SIGNATORY'S NAME Maureen Doherty
* SIGNATORY'S POSITION Attorney of record, CA and TX bar member
* DATE SIGNED 05/16/2023
SIGNATURE METHOD Signed directly within the form

PTO- 1478
Approved for use through 10/31/2024. OMB 0651-0009
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number

Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

TEAS Plus Application

Serial Number: 97939331
Filing Date: 05/16/2023

To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

MARK: IOTA (stylized and/or with design, see mark)
The literal element of the mark consists of IOTA. The mark consists of the word "IOTA" in all capital letters positioned to the right of a graphical symbol comprised of a 3 x 3 / 9 box grid of squares with stylized connection elements.
The applicant, IOTA Software, Inc., a corporation of Delaware, having an address of
      600 Park Offices Drive, Suite 300
      Durham, North Carolina 27709
      United States

requests registration of the trademark/service mark identified above in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register established by the Act of July 5, 1946 (15 U.S.C. Section 1051 et seq.), as amended, for the following:

For specific filing basis information for each item, you must view the display within the Input Table.
International Class 009:  Computer programs, recorded, for providing real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface; Recorded software for use in providing immediate access to critical, dynamic process information, enabling insight for performance optimization and decision support; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for providing an on-line database in the field of transaction processing to upload transactional data, provide statistical analysis, and produce notifications and reports; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to build and import 2D, 3D files from digital twin or plant CAD models; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for the migration of industrial historian data to the cloud; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for collection and systemization of manufacturing business data for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to increase the efficiency of the storage and transmission of time-series data; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for providing immediate access to critical, dynamic process information, enabling insight for performance optimization and decision support; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for providing real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for displaying technical data that describe the steps, sequences, and conditions of manufacturing, processing or assembly used by the manufacturer to produce an item or component or to perform a process; Recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for importing 3D diagrams of equipment and facilities and arranging them into dashboards by linking characteristics like colors to operating signals; Recorded computer software for collection and systemization of manufacturing business data for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to increase the efficiency of the storage and transmission of time-series data; Recorded computer software platforms for monitoring and controlling factory manufacturing processes; Recorded computer software platforms for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to build and import 2D, 3D files from digital twin or plant CAD models; Recorded computer software platforms for providing an on-line database in the field of transaction processing to upload transactional data, provide statistical analysis, and produce notifications and reports; Recorded computer software platforms for collection and systemization of manufacturing business data for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to increase the efficiency of the storage and transmission of time-series data; Recorded computer software platforms for the migration of industrial historian data to the cloud; Recorded computer software platforms for importing 3D diagrams of equipment and facilities and arranging them into dashboards by linking characteristics like colors to operating signals; Recorded computer software platforms for providing real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface; Recorded computer software platforms for displaying technical data that describe the steps, sequences, and conditions of manufacturing, processing or assembly used by the manufacturer to produce an item or component or to perform a process; Recorded interactive software for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to build and import 2D, 3D files from digital twin or plant CAD models; Recorded interactive software for the migration of industrial historian data to the cloud; Recorded interactive software for providing immediate access to critical, dynamic process information, enabling insight for performance optimization and decision support; Recorded interactive software for collection and systemization of manufacturing business data for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to increase the efficiency of the storage and transmission of time-series data; Recorded interactive software for monitoring and controlling factory manufacturing processes; Recorded interactive software for providing real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface; Recorded interactive software for users to build, edit, and execute unique visual dashboards of operational data, including but not limited, to time series signals of operating values like temperatures, pressures, computed signals; Recorded interactive software for users to access cloud-based tools to analyze and configure reports from such data across their companies; Computer software platforms, recorded, for visualizing detailed manufacturing or process data to build and import 2D, 3D files from digital twin or plant CAD models; Computer software platforms, recorded, for providing immediate access to critical, dynamic process information, enabling insight for performance optimization and decision support; Recorded computer programs for providing real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface

Use in Commerce: The applicant is using the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services. The applicant attaches, or will later submit, one specimen as a JPG/PDF image file showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in the class of listed goods/services, regardless of whether the mark itself is in the standard character format or is a stylized or design mark. The specimen image file may be in color, and the image must be in color if color is being claimed as a feature of the mark.

In International Class 009, the mark was first used by the applicant or the applicant's related company or licensee predecessor in interest at least as early as 02/01/2021, and first used in commerce at least as early as 06/01/2021, and is now in use in such commerce. The applicant is submitting one(or more) specimen(s) showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in the class of listed goods/services, consisting of a(n) IOTA Overview fact sheet used as marketing piece given to potential clients at trade shows and in person meetings explaining how IOTA offers recorded computer software designed to be deployed on web servers for collection and systemization of manufacturing business data to increase the efficiency of the storage and transmission of time-series data.

Original PDF file:
SPE0-452379-2023050405152 5566648_._IOTA-Overview-F actsheet.pdf
Converted PDF file(s) (9 pages)
Specimen File1
Specimen File2
Specimen File3
Specimen File4
Specimen File5
Specimen File6
Specimen File7
Specimen File8
Specimen File9

Webpage URL: None Provided
Webpage Date of Access: None Provided

For informational purposes only, applicant's website address is: www.iotasoft.com
The owner's/holder's proposed attorney information: Maureen Doherty. Maureen Doherty of Doherty Legal, is a member of the XX bar, admitted to the bar in XXXX, bar membership no. XXX, is located at
      PO Box 2145
      Cypress, Texas 77410
      United States
The docket/reference number is IOTA Logo 09.
Maureen Doherty submitted the following statement: The attorney of record is an active member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, the District of Columbia, or any U.S. Commonwealth or territory.

The applicant's current Correspondence Information:
      Maureen Doherty
       PRIMARY EMAIL FOR CORRESPONDENCE: mdoherty@dohertylegal.com
       SECONDARY EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) (COURTESY COPIES): trademarks@dohertylegal.com; modohertylegal@gmail.com

Requirement for Email and Electronic Filing: I understand that a valid email address must be maintained by the applicant owner/holder and the applicant owner's/holder's attorney, if appointed, and that all official trademark correspondence must be submitted via the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).
A fee payment in the amount of $250 has been submitted with the application, representing payment for 1 class(es).


Declaration Signature

Signature: /maureen doherty/   Date: 05/16/2023
Signatory's Name: Maureen Doherty
Signatory's Position: Attorney of record, CA and TX bar member
Signatory's Phone Number: 281-859-6300
Signature method: Signed directly within the form
Payment Sale Number: 97939331
Payment Accounting Date: 05/16/2023

Serial Number: 97939331
Internet Transmission Date: Tue May 16 17:26:47 ET 2023
TEAS Stamp: USPTO/FTK-XX.XX.X.X-20230516172648876429

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TEAS Plus New Application [image/jpeg]

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TEAS Plus New Application [image/jpeg]

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