TEAS Plus New Application


Fitzpatrick, Brian

Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

PTO- 1478
Approved for use through 10/31/2024. OMB 0651-0009
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number

Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

TEAS Plus Application

Serial Number: 97314046
Filing Date: 03/15/2022

NOTE: Data fields with the * are mandatory under TEAS Plus. The wording "(if applicable)" appears where the field is only mandatory under the facts of the particular application.

The table below presents the data as entered.

Input Field
*MARK \\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1 \ FTK0002.JPG
(If applicable)
(and Color Location, if applicable)
The mark consists of the word REVEL all capitalized. The R and second E after the V are backwards. The V is taller than the other letters. The top of the V flattens out and stretches over the E before and after the V.
PIXEL COUNT 929 x 481
REGISTER Principal
*OWNER OF MARK Fitzpatrick, Brian
*MAILING ADDRESS 695 North Kays Drive Suite 7
*CITY Kaysville
(Required for U.S. applicants)
(Required for U.S. and certain international addresses)
*IDENTIFICATION Digital media hubs; Digital media receivers; Digital media servers; Digital signage; Digital signage display panels; Digital signage monitors; Downloadable enterprise software for enterprise media and digital signage, and for enterprise media experiences for businesses; Electronic apparatus, namely, electronic display boards, plasma display boards, electronic display screens; Electronic apparatus, namely, plasma display panels; Electronic LED signs; Interactive computer kiosk systems comprised primarily of computers, computer hardware, computer peripherals, and computer touchscreens for use in car repair shops, corporate businesses, dental offices, schools, banks, grocery stores, hospitals; LCD large-screen displays; LED monitors; Plasma display panel (PDP) televisions; Electronic displays, namely, digital signage
       FIRST USE ANYWHERE DATE At least as early as 04/01/2010
       FIRST USE IN COMMERCE DATE At least as early as 04/01/2010
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_1.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0003.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_2.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0004.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_3.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0005.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_4.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0006.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_5.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0007.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_6.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0008.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_7.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0009.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_8.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0010.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_9.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0011.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_10.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0012.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_11.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0013.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_12.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0014.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_13.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0015.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_14.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0016.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_15.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0017.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_16.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0018.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_17.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0019.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_18.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0020.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_19.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0021.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_20.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0022.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_21.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0023.JPG
       SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION Specimen 1: Screenshot bearing mark on a digital screen display. Specimen 2: Screenshot bearing mark on a pamphlet. Specimen 3: Screenshot bearing mark on the home page of the website. Specimen 4: Screenshot bearing mark and different solutions the business provides. Specimen 5: Screenshot bearing mark and different industries that business does work for. Specimen 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of enterprise media. 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a digital menu board. Specimen 7: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of an interactive kiosk. Specimen 8: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of corporate digital signage. Specimen 9: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 10: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 11: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of large format LED screen. Specimen 12: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in an automotive setting. Specimen 13: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a corporate setting. Specimen 14: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a dental office. Specimen 15: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a school setting. Specimen 16: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a bank setting. Specimen 17: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a grocery store. Specimen 18: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a healthcare setting. Specimen 19: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a restaurant. Specimen 20: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a retail store. Specimen 21: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a public venue
        WEBPAGE URL None Provided
        WEBPAGE DATE OF ACCESS None Provided
*IDENTIFICATION Advertising and business services, namely, securing airtime on all forms of media communications stations, systems, networks, and services for the purpose of promoting the goods and services of others; Media buying advice, namely, advising the client how much media time, and at what times the client should be purchasing advertising; Media monitoring services, namely, monitoring print media, television, radio, and other media for customer-specified topics, gathering relevant content on those topics, and providing documentation and analysis of that media content to others for business purposes; On-line customer-based social media brand marketing services; Organisation of promotions using audiovisual media; Preparation and realization of media and advertising plans and concepts; Promotional marketing services using audiovisual media; Providing advertising, marketing and promotional services, namely, development of advertising campaigns for businesses; Providing consulting services in the field of facilitating the planning, buying, and selling of media; Social media strategy and marketing consultancy focusing on helping clients create and extend their product and brand strategies by building virally engaging marketing solutions; Development, operation and administration of digital signage systems and digital advertising systems for others, namely, providing advertising space by electronic means and global computer information networks
       FIRST USE ANYWHERE DATE At least as early as 04/01/2010
       FIRST USE IN COMMERCE DATE At least as early as 04/01/2010
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_1.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0024.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_2.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0025.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_3.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0026.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_4.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0027.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_5.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0028.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_6.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0029.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_7.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0030.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_8.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0031.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_9.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0032.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_10.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0033.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_11.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0034.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_12.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0035.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_13.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0036.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_14.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0037.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_15.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0038.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_16.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0039.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_17.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0040.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_18.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0041.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_19.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0042.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_20.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0043.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_21.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0044.JPG
       SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION Specimen 1: Screenshot bearing mark on a digital screen display. Specimen 2: Screenshot bearing mark on a pamphlet. Specimen 3: Screenshot bearing mark on the home page of the website. Specimen 4: Screenshot bearing mark and different solutions the business provides. Specimen 5: Screenshot bearing mark and different industries that business does work for. Specimen 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of enterprise media. 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a digital menu board. Specimen 7: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of an interactive kiosk. Specimen 8: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of corporate digital signage. Specimen 9: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 10: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 11: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of large format LED screen. Specimen 12: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in an automotive setting. Specimen 13: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a corporate setting. Specimen 14: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a dental office. Specimen 15: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a school setting. Specimen 16: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a bank setting. Specimen 17: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a grocery store. Specimen 18: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a healthcare setting. Specimen 19: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a restaurant. Specimen 20: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a retail store. Specimen 21: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a public venue
        WEBPAGE URL None Provided
        WEBPAGE DATE OF ACCESS None Provided
*IDENTIFICATION Installation and maintenance of digital signage and audio visual products sold therewith; Installation and repair of LED displays; Installation, maintenance and repair of LED lighting apparatus
       FIRST USE ANYWHERE DATE At least as early as 04/01/2010
       FIRST USE IN COMMERCE DATE At least as early as 04/01/2010
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_1.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0045.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_2.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0046.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_3.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0047.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_4.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0048.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_5.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0049.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_6.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0050.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_7.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0051.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_8.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0052.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_9.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0053.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_10.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0054.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_11.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0055.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_12.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0056.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_13.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0057.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_14.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0058.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_15.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0059.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_16.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0060.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_17.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0061.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_18.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0062.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_19.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0063.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_20.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0064.JPG
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_21.pdf
       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0065.JPG
       SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION Specimen 1: Screenshot bearing mark on a digital screen display. Specimen 2: Screenshot bearing mark on a pamphlet. Specimen 3: Screenshot bearing mark on the home page of the website. Specimen 4: Screenshot bearing mark and different solutions the business provides. Specimen 5: Screenshot bearing mark and different industries that business does work for. Specimen 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of enterprise media. 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a digital menu board. Specimen 7: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of an interactive kiosk. Specimen 8: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of corporate digital signage. Specimen 9: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 10: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 11: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of large format LED screen. Specimen 12: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in an automotive setting. Specimen 13: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a corporate setting. Specimen 14: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a dental office. Specimen 15: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a school setting. Specimen 16: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a bank setting. Specimen 17: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a grocery store. Specimen 18: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a healthcare setting. Specimen 19: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a restaurant. Specimen 20: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a retail store. Specimen 21: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a public venue
        WEBPAGE URL None Provided
        WEBPAGE DATE OF ACCESS None Provided
*IDENTIFICATION Broadcasting services, namely, transmission of advertising programs and media advertising communications via digital communications networks; Mobile media services in the nature of electronic transmission of entertainment media content; Transmission of messages over electronic media
       FIRST USE ANYWHERE DATE At least as early as 04/01/2010
       FIRST USE IN COMMERCE DATE At least as early as 04/01/2010
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE SPE0-3-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_1.pdf
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       (1 page)
\\TICRS\EXPORT18\IMAGEOUT 18\973\140\97314046\xml1\ FTK0086.JPG
       SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION Specimen 1: Screenshot bearing mark on a digital screen display. Specimen 2: Screenshot bearing mark on a pamphlet. Specimen 3: Screenshot bearing mark on the home page of the website. Specimen 4: Screenshot bearing mark and different solutions the business provides. Specimen 5: Screenshot bearing mark and different industries that business does work for. Specimen 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of enterprise media. 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a digital menu board. Specimen 7: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of an interactive kiosk. Specimen 8: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of corporate digital signage. Specimen 9: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 10: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 11: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of large format LED screen. Specimen 12: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in an automotive setting. Specimen 13: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a corporate setting. Specimen 14: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a dental office. Specimen 15: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a school setting. Specimen 16: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a bank setting. Specimen 17: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a grocery store. Specimen 18: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a healthcare setting. Specimen 19: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a restaurant. Specimen 20: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a retail store. Specimen 21: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a public venue
        WEBPAGE URL None Provided
        WEBPAGE DATE OF ACCESS None Provided
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
NAME Devin Miller
STREET 1186 E. 4600 S., Suite #240
CITY Ogden
EMAIL ADDRESS devin@milleripl.com
NAME Devin Miller
SECONDARY EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) (COURTESY COPIES) sara@milleripl.com; docketing@milleripl.com
* SIGNATURE /Devin Miller/
* SIGNATORY'S POSITION Attorney of record, Utah Bar member
* DATE SIGNED 03/15/2022
SIGNATURE METHOD Sent to third party for signature

PTO- 1478
Approved for use through 10/31/2024. OMB 0651-0009
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number

Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

TEAS Plus Application

Serial Number: 97314046
Filing Date: 03/15/2022

To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

MARK: REVEL (stylized and/or with design, see mark)
The literal element of the mark consists of REVEL. The mark consists of the word REVEL all capitalized. The R and second E after the V are backwards. The V is taller than the other letters. The top of the V flattens out and stretches over the E before and after the V.
The applicant, Brian Fitzpatrick, a citizen of United States, having an address of
      695 North Kays Drive Suite 7
      Kaysville, Utah 84037
      United States

requests registration of the trademark/service mark identified above in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register established by the Act of July 5, 1946 (15 U.S.C. Section 1051 et seq.), as amended, for the following:

For specific filing basis information for each item, you must view the display within the Input Table.
International Class 009:  Digital media hubs; Digital media receivers; Digital media servers; Digital signage; Digital signage display panels; Digital signage monitors; Downloadable enterprise software for enterprise media and digital signage, and for enterprise media experiences for businesses; Electronic apparatus, namely, electronic display boards, plasma display boards, electronic display screens; Electronic apparatus, namely, plasma display panels; Electronic LED signs; Interactive computer kiosk systems comprised primarily of computers, computer hardware, computer peripherals, and computer touchscreens for use in car repair shops, corporate businesses, dental offices, schools, banks, grocery stores, hospitals; LCD large-screen displays; LED monitors; Plasma display panel (PDP) televisions; Electronic displays, namely, digital signage

Use in Commerce: The applicant is using the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services. The applicant attaches, or will later submit, one specimen as a JPG/PDF image file showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in the class of listed goods/services, regardless of whether the mark itself is in the standard character format or is a stylized or design mark. The specimen image file may be in color, and the image must be in color if color is being claimed as a feature of the mark.

In International Class 009, the mark was first used by the applicant or the applicant's related company or licensee predecessor in interest at least as early as 04/01/2010, and first used in commerce at least as early as 04/01/2010, and is now in use in such commerce. The applicant is submitting one(or more) specimen(s) showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in the class of listed goods/services, consisting of a(n) Specimen 1: Screenshot bearing mark on a digital screen display. Specimen 2: Screenshot bearing mark on a pamphlet. Specimen 3: Screenshot bearing mark on the home page of the website. Specimen 4: Screenshot bearing mark and different solutions the business provides. Specimen 5: Screenshot bearing mark and different industries that business does work for. Specimen 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of enterprise media. 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a digital menu board. Specimen 7: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of an interactive kiosk. Specimen 8: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of corporate digital signage. Specimen 9: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 10: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 11: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of large format LED screen. Specimen 12: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in an automotive setting. Specimen 13: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a corporate setting. Specimen 14: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a dental office. Specimen 15: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a school setting. Specimen 16: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a bank setting. Specimen 17: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a grocery store. Specimen 18: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a healthcare setting. Specimen 19: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a restaurant. Specimen 20: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a retail store. Specimen 21: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a public venue.

Original PDF file:
SPE0-26011c2f0092b61c713b ea419fd5c-202203151558343 15358_._Specimen_1.pdf
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Specimen File1

Webpage URL: None Provided
Webpage Date of Access: None Provided

For specific filing basis information for each item, you must view the display within the Input Table.
International Class 035:  Advertising and business services, namely, securing airtime on all forms of media communications stations, systems, networks, and services for the purpose of promoting the goods and services of others; Media buying advice, namely, advising the client how much media time, and at what times the client should be purchasing advertising; Media monitoring services, namely, monitoring print media, television, radio, and other media for customer-specified topics, gathering relevant content on those topics, and providing documentation and analysis of that media content to others for business purposes; On-line customer-based social media brand marketing services; Organisation of promotions using audiovisual media; Preparation and realization of media and advertising plans and concepts; Promotional marketing services using audiovisual media; Providing advertising, marketing and promotional services, namely, development of advertising campaigns for businesses; Providing consulting services in the field of facilitating the planning, buying, and selling of media; Social media strategy and marketing consultancy focusing on helping clients create and extend their product and brand strategies by building virally engaging marketing solutions; Development, operation and administration of digital signage systems and digital advertising systems for others, namely, providing advertising space by electronic means and global computer information networks

Use in Commerce: The applicant is using the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services. The applicant attaches, or will later submit, one specimen as a JPG/PDF image file showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in the class of listed goods/services, regardless of whether the mark itself is in the standard character format or is a stylized or design mark. The specimen image file may be in color, and the image must be in color if color is being claimed as a feature of the mark.

In International Class 035, the mark was first used by the applicant or the applicant's related company or licensee predecessor in interest at least as early as 04/01/2010, and first used in commerce at least as early as 04/01/2010, and is now in use in such commerce. The applicant is submitting one(or more) specimen(s) showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in the class of listed goods/services, consisting of a(n) Specimen 1: Screenshot bearing mark on a digital screen display. Specimen 2: Screenshot bearing mark on a pamphlet. Specimen 3: Screenshot bearing mark on the home page of the website. Specimen 4: Screenshot bearing mark and different solutions the business provides. Specimen 5: Screenshot bearing mark and different industries that business does work for. Specimen 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of enterprise media. 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a digital menu board. Specimen 7: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of an interactive kiosk. Specimen 8: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of corporate digital signage. Specimen 9: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 10: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 11: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of large format LED screen. Specimen 12: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in an automotive setting. Specimen 13: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a corporate setting. Specimen 14: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a dental office. Specimen 15: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a school setting. Specimen 16: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a bank setting. Specimen 17: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a grocery store. Specimen 18: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a healthcare setting. Specimen 19: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a restaurant. Specimen 20: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a retail store. Specimen 21: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a public venue.

Original PDF file:
SPE0-1-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_1.pdf
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Specimen File1
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Converted PDF file(s) (1 page)
Specimen File1

Webpage URL: None Provided
Webpage Date of Access: None Provided

For specific filing basis information for each item, you must view the display within the Input Table.
International Class 037:  Installation and maintenance of digital signage and audio visual products sold therewith; Installation and repair of LED displays; Installation, maintenance and repair of LED lighting apparatus

Use in Commerce: The applicant is using the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services. The applicant attaches, or will later submit, one specimen as a JPG/PDF image file showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in the class of listed goods/services, regardless of whether the mark itself is in the standard character format or is a stylized or design mark. The specimen image file may be in color, and the image must be in color if color is being claimed as a feature of the mark.

In International Class 037, the mark was first used by the applicant or the applicant's related company or licensee predecessor in interest at least as early as 04/01/2010, and first used in commerce at least as early as 04/01/2010, and is now in use in such commerce. The applicant is submitting one(or more) specimen(s) showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in the class of listed goods/services, consisting of a(n) Specimen 1: Screenshot bearing mark on a digital screen display. Specimen 2: Screenshot bearing mark on a pamphlet. Specimen 3: Screenshot bearing mark on the home page of the website. Specimen 4: Screenshot bearing mark and different solutions the business provides. Specimen 5: Screenshot bearing mark and different industries that business does work for. Specimen 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of enterprise media. 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a digital menu board. Specimen 7: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of an interactive kiosk. Specimen 8: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of corporate digital signage. Specimen 9: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 10: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 11: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of large format LED screen. Specimen 12: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in an automotive setting. Specimen 13: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a corporate setting. Specimen 14: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a dental office. Specimen 15: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a school setting. Specimen 16: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a bank setting. Specimen 17: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a grocery store. Specimen 18: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a healthcare setting. Specimen 19: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a restaurant. Specimen 20: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a retail store. Specimen 21: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a public venue.

Original PDF file:
SPE0-2-26011c2f0092b61c71 3bea419fd5c-2022031515583 4315358_._Specimen_1.pdf
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Webpage URL: None Provided
Webpage Date of Access: None Provided

For specific filing basis information for each item, you must view the display within the Input Table.
International Class 038:  Broadcasting services, namely, transmission of advertising programs and media advertising communications via digital communications networks; Mobile media services in the nature of electronic transmission of entertainment media content; Transmission of messages over electronic media

Use in Commerce: The applicant is using the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services. The applicant attaches, or will later submit, one specimen as a JPG/PDF image file showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in the class of listed goods/services, regardless of whether the mark itself is in the standard character format or is a stylized or design mark. The specimen image file may be in color, and the image must be in color if color is being claimed as a feature of the mark.

In International Class 038, the mark was first used by the applicant or the applicant's related company or licensee predecessor in interest at least as early as 04/01/2010, and first used in commerce at least as early as 04/01/2010, and is now in use in such commerce. The applicant is submitting one(or more) specimen(s) showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in the class of listed goods/services, consisting of a(n) Specimen 1: Screenshot bearing mark on a digital screen display. Specimen 2: Screenshot bearing mark on a pamphlet. Specimen 3: Screenshot bearing mark on the home page of the website. Specimen 4: Screenshot bearing mark and different solutions the business provides. Specimen 5: Screenshot bearing mark and different industries that business does work for. Specimen 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of enterprise media. 6: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a digital menu board. Specimen 7: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of an interactive kiosk. Specimen 8: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of corporate digital signage. Specimen 9: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 10: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of a video wall. Specimen 11: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of large format LED screen. Specimen 12: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in an automotive setting. Specimen 13: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a corporate setting. Specimen 14: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a dental office. Specimen 15: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a school setting. Specimen 16: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a bank setting. Specimen 17: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a grocery store. Specimen 18: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a healthcare setting. Specimen 19: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a restaurant. Specimen 20: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a retail store. Specimen 21: Screenshot bearing mark and an example of use in a public venue.

Original PDF file:
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Specimen File1

Webpage URL: None Provided
Webpage Date of Access: None Provided

The owner's/holder's proposed attorney information: Devin Miller. Other appointed attorneys are Darrin Burnham. Devin Miller of Miller IP Law LLC, is a member of the XX bar, admitted to the bar in XXXX, bar membership no. XXX, and the attorney(s) is located at
      1186 E. 4600 S., Suite #240
      Ogden, Utah 84403
      United States
The docket/reference number is Revel.402.
Devin Miller submitted the following statement: The attorney of record is an active member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, the District of Columbia, or any U.S. Commonwealth or territory.

The applicant's current Correspondence Information:
      Devin Miller
       PRIMARY EMAIL FOR CORRESPONDENCE: devin@milleripl.com
       SECONDARY EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) (COURTESY COPIES): sara@milleripl.com; docketing@milleripl.com

Requirement for Email and Electronic Filing: I understand that a valid email address must be maintained by the applicant owner/holder and the applicant owner's/holder's attorney, if appointed, and that all official trademark correspondence must be submitted via the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).
A fee payment in the amount of $1000 has been submitted with the application, representing payment for 4 class(es).


Declaration Signature

Signature: /Devin Miller/   Date: 03/15/2022
Signatory's Name: Devin Miller
Signatory's Position: Attorney of record, Utah Bar member
Signatory's Phone Number: 801-829-8446
Signature method: Sent to third party for signature
Payment Sale Number: 97314046
Payment Accounting Date: 03/15/2022

Serial Number: 97314046
Internet Transmission Date: Tue Mar 15 22:52:51 ET 2022

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uspto.report is an independent third-party trademark research tool that is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or any other governmental organization. The information provided by uspto.report is based on publicly available data at the time of writing and is intended for informational purposes only.

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information displayed on this site. The use of this site is at your own risk. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

All official trademark data, including owner information, should be verified by visiting the official USPTO website at www.uspto.gov. This site is not intended to replace professional legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for consulting with a legal professional who is knowledgeable about trademark law.

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