Amazon Technologies, Inc.

Application Filed: 2021-09-28
Trademark Application Details

Mark For: ALEXA TOGETHER™ trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of downloadable or recorded software providing for the transmission of alerts, reminders, and health, safety and wellness information among multiple designated users; downloadable or recorded software allowing designated users, namely, care providers, to remote manage and create an automated routines for a care recipient's home automation hub for controlling networked devices in the internet of things (IoT), operating internet-enabled and connected lighting apparatus, and home security alarms; downloadable software and mobile applications which allows designated users, namely, care providers, to monitor the health, safety, and activities of care recipient; downloadable or recorded software in the nature of a mobile application to provide designated users, namely, care providers, customizable alerts and alert notifications concerning care recipient's health, safety, and wellbeing; downloadable or recorded software, namely, a personal emergency response system comprised of a voice-activated command and recognition software which contacts a designated emergency contact when prompted to in an emergency; downloadable or recorded software in the field of health, safety, and wellness for transmission of messages, alerts, and reminders among designated users, namely, care providers and care recipient; downloadable or recorded software that collects, manages, integrates, analyzes, monitors, and tracks a care recipient's activities in their own homes, and electronically transmits information to designated care providers; downloadable or recorded software for video telephony; downloadable or recorded software to automatedly detect anomalies within a care recipient's home and notify and alert designated users, namely, care providers; wireless handheld devices, namely, voice-controlled information devices comprised of cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers with virtual personal assistant capabilities; computer peripheral devices; wireless controllers to monitor and control the functioning of other electronic devices; downloadable or recorded voice command and recognition software; downloadable or recorded search engine software; downloadable or recorded computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video, and multimedia content, games, software applications, software application marketplaces; downloadable or recorded speech to text conversion software; downloadable or recorded voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; downloadable or recorded wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; downloadable or recorded computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information; downloadable computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; downloadable or recorded computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices via wireless networks; downloadable or recorded computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; downloadable or recorded software for providing access to telemedicine healthcare providers; downloadable or recorded software for providing health and wellness information and content; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software. [all]


2021-10-02 UTC
LIVE APPLICATION Awaiting Examination
The trademark application has been accepted by the Office (has met the minimum filing requirements) and has not yet been assigned to an examiner.

Research OneLook Acronym Finder
Serial Number97049053
Mark Literal ElementsALEXA TOGETHER
Current LocationNEW APPLICATION PROCESSING 2021-10-01
Class StatusACTIVE
Primary US Classes
  • 021: Electrical Apparatus, Machines and Supplies
  • 023: Cutlery, Machinery, Tools and Parts Thereof
  • 026: Measuring and Scientific Appliances
  • 036: Musical Instruments and Supplies
  • 038: Prints and Publications
Primary International Class
  • 009 - Primary Class
  • (Electrical and scientific apparatus) Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus.
Filed UseNo
Current UseNo
Intent To UseYes
Filed ITUYes
44D FiledNo
44E CurrentNo
66A CurrentNo
Current BasisNo
No BasisNo
Attorney NameJ. Robert LeBlanc
Attorney Docket Number43603.A TOGE


2021-09-28Application Filed
2021-10-01Status: Live/Pending
2021-10-01Status: New application will be assigned to an examining attorney approximately 6 months after filing date.
2021-10-01Transaction Date

Trademark Parties (Applicants & Owners)

Party: Amazon Technologies, Inc.
Address410 Terry Avenue North Seattle, WASHINGTON UNITED STATES 98109
Legal Entity TypeCorporation
Legal Entity StateNEVADA



Attorney of Record

DALLAS, TX 75219

Good, Services, and Codes

IC 009. US 021 023 026 036 038. G & S: Downloadable or recorded software providing for the transmission of alerts, reminders, and health, safety and wellness information among multiple designated users; downloadable or recorded software allowing designated users, namely, care providers, to remote manage and create an automated routines for a care recipient's home automation hub for controlling networked devices in the internet of things (IoT), operating internet-enabled and connected lighting apparatus, and home security alarms; downloadable software and mobile applications which allows designated users, namely, care providers, to monitor the health, safety, and activities of care recipient; downloadable or recorded software in the nature of a mobile application to provide designated users, namely, care providers, customizable alerts and alert notifications concerning care recipient's health, safety, and wellbeing; downloadable or recorded software, namely, a personal emergency response system comprised of a voice-activated command and recognition software which contacts a designated emergency contact when prompted to in an emergency; downloadable or recorded software in the field of health, safety, and wellness for transmission of messages, alerts, and reminders among designated users, namely, care providers and care recipient; downloadable or recorded software that collects, manages, integrates, analyzes, monitors, and tracks a care recipient's activities in their own homes, and electronically transmits information to designated care providers; downloadable or recorded software for video telephony; downloadable or recorded software to automatedly detect anomalies within a care recipient's home and notify and alert designated users, namely, care providers; wireless handheld devices, namely, voice-controlled information devices comprised of cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers with virtual personal assistant capabilities; computer peripheral devices; wireless controllers to monitor and control the functioning of other electronic devices; downloadable or recorded voice command and recognition software; downloadable or recorded search engine software; downloadable or recorded computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video, and multimedia content, games, software applications, software application marketplaces; downloadable or recorded speech to text conversion software; downloadable or recorded voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; downloadable or recorded wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; downloadable or recorded computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information; downloadable computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; downloadable or recorded computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices via wireless networks; downloadable or recorded computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; downloadable or recorded software for providing access to telemedicine healthcare providers; downloadable or recorded software for providing health and wellness information and content; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software
IC 035. US 100 101 102. G & S: Management and operation of voice-activated professional emergency helpline for care recipient
IC 038. US 100 101 104. G & S: Telecommunication access services; delivery of messages by electronic transmission; electronic transmission of information and data; telecommunications services, namely, transmission of text, images, audio, and video, and data via telecommunications networks, wireless communications networks, and the internet; monitoring and answering signals from subscribers using personal emergency response systems comprised of a voice-activated smart device and relaying messages to designated recipients; telecommunication services, namely, providing electronic message alerts via the internet
IC 042. US 100 101. G & S: Software as a service (SaaS) featuring software for emergency notification; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring software for notifying designated emergency contacts when a care recipient requests help; software as a service (SaaS) that automatedly detects anomalies within a care recipient's home and notifies designated users; software as a service (SaaS) featuring software for fall detection; software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; software as a service (SaaS) featuring software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices via wireless network; software as a service (SaaS) featuring software allowing designated users the capability of remotely connecting, operating, controlling, and managing networked care recipient's consumer electronic devices via wireless networks; software as a service (SaaS) allowing designated users, namely, care provider(s), to remotely manage and create automated routines for a care recipient's home automation hub; software as a service (SaaS) for controlling networked devices in the internet of things (IoT), operating internet-enabled and connected lighting apparatus, and home security alarms; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart consumer electronic devices and electronic personal assistant devices; software as a service (SaaS) featuring software enabling synchronous and asynchronous communication and for connection of care recipient and designated third party; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software
IC 044. US 100 101. G & S: Provision of alert services, namely, providing reminders and information regarding medication; providing information in the fields of health and wellness
IC 045. US 100 101. G & S: Personal security services in the nature of medical alarm monitoring; professional emergency response monitoring services, namely, monitoring user signals for the notification of care providers; monitoring of alarm signals related to potential falls; automated monitoring of anomalies within a care recipient's home; automated alerts of anomalies within a care recipient's home transmitted to designated users; support services for adults, namely, geriatric care management services in the nature of the coordination of services for older individuals

International Codes:9
U.S. Codes:021,023,026,036,038
International Codes:35
U.S. Codes:100,101,102
International Codes:38
U.S. Codes:100,101,104
International Codes:42
U.S. Codes:100,101
International Codes:44
U.S. Codes:100,101
International Codes:45
U.S. Codes:100,101
Type CodeType
GS0091Downloadable or recorded software providing for the transmission of alerts, reminders, and health, safety and wellness information among multiple designated users; downloadable or recorded software allowing designated users, namely, care providers, to remote manage and create an automated routines for a care recipient's home automation hub for controlling networked devices in the internet of things (IoT), operating internet-enabled and connected lighting apparatus, and home security alarms; downloadable software and mobile applications which allows designated users, namely, care providers, to monitor the health, safety, and activities of care recipient; downloadable or recorded software in the nature of a mobile application to provide designated users, namely, care providers, customizable alerts and alert notifications concerning care recipient's health, safety, and wellbeing; downloadable or recorded software, namely, a personal emergency response system comprised of a voice-activated command and recognition software which contacts a designated emergency contact when prompted to in an emergency; downloadable or recorded software in the field of health, safety, and wellness for transmission of messages, alerts, and reminders among designated users, namely, care providers and care recipient; downloadable or recorded software that collects, manages, integrates, analyzes, monitors, and tracks a care recipient's activities in their own homes, and electronically transmits information to designated care providers; downloadable or recorded software for video telephony; downloadable or recorded software to automatedly detect anomalies within a care recipient's home and notify and alert designated users, namely, care providers; wireless handheld devices, namely, voice-controlled information devices comprised of cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers with virtual personal assistant capabilities; computer peripheral devices; wireless controllers to monitor and control the functioning of other electronic devices; downloadable or recorded voice command and recognition software; downloadable or recorded search engine software; downloadable or recorded computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video, and multimedia content, games, software applications, software application marketplaces; downloadable or recorded speech to text conversion software; downloadable or recorded voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; downloadable or recorded wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; downloadable or recorded computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information; downloadable computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; downloadable or recorded computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices via wireless networks; downloadable or recorded computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; downloadable or recorded software for providing access to telemedicine healthcare providers; downloadable or recorded software for providing health and wellness information and content; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software
GS0091Downloadable and recorded software providing for the transmission of alerts, reminders, and health, safety and wellness information among multiple designated users; downloadable and recorded software allowing designated users, namely, care providers, to remote manage and create automated routines for a care recipient's home automation hub for controlling networked devices, namely, digital personal assistant devices, communications devices for voice and data transmissions, wireless and wired controllers, and controlled devices, for HVAC systems, security and safety systems, appliances, temperature control systems, humidity sensors, smoke sensors, door and window sensors, and cameras in the internet of things (IoT), operating internet-enabled and connected lighting apparatus, and operating home security alarms; downloadable software and mobile applications which allows designated users, namely, care providers, to monitor the health, safety, and activities of care recipient; downloadable and recorded software in the nature of a mobile application to provide designated users, namely, care providers, customizable alerts and alert notifications concerning care recipient's health, safety, and wellbeing; downloadable and recorded software, namely, a personal emergency response system comprised of a voice-activated command and recognition software which contacts a designated emergency contact when prompted to in an emergency; downloadable and recorded software in the field of health, safety, and wellness for transmission of messages, alerts, and reminders among designated users, namely, care providers and care recipient; downloadable and recorded software that collects, manages, integrates, analyzes, monitors, and tracks a care recipient's activities in their own homes, and electronically transmits information to designated care providers; downloadable and recorded software for video telephony; downloadable and recorded software to automatedly detect anomalies within a care recipient's home and notify and alert designated users, namely, care providers; downloadable and recorded voice command and recognition software; downloadable and recorded search engine software; downloadable and recorded computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video, and multimedia content, games, software applications, software application marketplaces; downloadable and recorded speech to text conversion software; downloadable and recorded voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; downloadable and recorded wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; downloadable and recorded computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information; downloadable computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (IoT) electronic devices, namely, home automation hubs, digital personal assistant devices, communications devices for voice and data transmissions, and wireless and wired controllers, and controlled devices, for HVAC systems, security and safety systems, lighting systems, appliances, temperature control systems, humidity sensors, smoke sensors, door and window sensors, and cameras; downloadable and recorded computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, namely, home automation hubs, digital personal assistant devices, communications devices for voice and data transmissions, and wireless and wired controllers, and controlled devices, for HVAC systems, security and safety systems, lighting systems, appliances, temperature control systems, humidity sensors, smoke sensors, door and window sensors, and cameras, via wireless networks; downloadable and recorded computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; downloadable and recorded software for providing health and wellness information and content; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software

Trademark Filing History

DescriptionDateProceeding Number
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