Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1478 (Rev 09/2006)
OMB No. 0651-0009 (Exp 02/28/2021)
Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1478 (Rev 09/2006)
OMB No. 0651-0009 (Exp 02/28/2021)
Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register
Serial Number:90452280
Filing Date:01/07/2021
To the Commissioner for Trademarks:
MARK: JR (stylized and/or with design, see mark)
The literal element of the mark consists of JR. The applicant is not claiming color as a feature of the mark. The mark consists of the letters J and R connected over bar.
The applicant, Matthew Huie, a citizen of United States, having an address of
2237 FM 1349
Beeville, Texas 78102
United States
requests registration of the trademark/service mark identified above in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register established by the Act of July 5, 1946 (15 U.S.C.
Section 1051 et seq.), as amended, for the following:
International Class 029: Meat
In International Class 029, the mark was first used by the applicant or the applicant's related company or licensee or predecessor in interest at least as early as 10/11/2020, and first used in
commerce at least as early as 10/11/2020, and is now in use in such commerce. The applicant is submitting one(or more) specimen(s) showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any
item in the class of listed goods/services, consisting of a(n) images from the applicant's web page. JPG file(s): Specimen File1 Specimen File2 Original PDF file: SPE0-1985877196-202101061 80850545623_._Huie_Specim
en_3.pdf Converted PDF file(s) (1 page) Specimen File1
Webpage URL:
Webpage Date of Access: 12/29/2020
The owner's/holder's proposed attorney information: Cline H. White. Other appointed attorneys are Mark H. Miller, William R. Borchers. Recognized Canadian attorney(s)/agent(s) is/are Mark H. Miller,
William R. Borchers. Cline H. White of Jackson Walker LLP, is a member of the XX bar, admitted to the bar in XXXX, bar membership no. XXX, and the attorney(s) is located at
Suite 2400
112 East Pecan
San Antonio, Texas 78205
United States
The docket/reference number is T-158177.2.
Cline H. White submitted the following statement: The attorney of record is an active member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, the District of Columbia, or any U.S.
Commonwealth or territory.
The applicant's current Correspondence Information:
Cline H. White
Requirement for Email and Electronic Filing: I understand that a valid email address must be maintained by the applicant owner/holder and the applicant owner's/holder's attorney, if appointed,
and that all official trademark correspondence must be submitted via the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).
A fee payment in the amount of $350 has been submitted with the application, representing payment for 1 class(es).
Declaration Signature
Signature: /Cline H. White/ Date: 01/06/2021
Signatory's Name: Cline H. White
Signatory's Position: Attorney of record, TX bar member
Signatory's Phone Number: 210-978-7700
Signature method: Sent to third party for signature
Payment Sale Number: 90452280
Payment Accounting Date: 01/07/2021
Serial Number: 90452280
Internet Transmission Date: Thu Jan 07 09:47:04 ET 2021
TEAS Stamp: USPTO/BAS-XXX.XX.XX.XXX-2021010709470464