


Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1478 (Rev 09/2006)
OMB No. 0651-0009 (Exp 02/28/2021)

Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

Serial Number: 90384693
Filing Date: 12/15/2020

The table below presents the data as entered.

Input Field
MARK STATEMENT The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style, size, or color.
REGISTER Principal
*MAILING ADDRESS 44 Montgomery Street
*CITY San Francisco
(Required for U.S. applicants)
(Required for U.S. and certain international addresses)
TYPE limited liability company
*IDENTIFICATION Downloadable computer software for use in selecting, combining and pairing music, songs, audio and sounds with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software that allows users to select, combine and pair music, songs, audio and sounds with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for use in searching for music, songs, audio, sounds, artists, lyrics, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software that allows users to search for music, songs, audio, sounds, artists, lyrics, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for use in downloading, uploading and sharing videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers featuring music, songs, audio or sounds; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software that allows users to select, download, upload and share videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers featuring music, songs, audio or sounds; downloadable computer software for use in recommending music, songs, audio and sounds to pair with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software that recommends music, songs, audio and sounds to pair with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for editing, shortening, enhancing, and altering files with effects, words, duration and sounds for music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software for editing, shortening, enhancing, and altering files with effects, words, duration and sounds for music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for use in creating and saving combinations of music, songs and audio, with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software for creating and saving combinations of music, songs and audio, with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for use in categorizing, organizing, sorting and reporting music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software for categorizing, organizing, sorting and reporting music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for use in creating and running challenges, contests and puzzles, using music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software for creating and running challenges, contests and puzzles, using music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for use in analyzing, collecting and reporting data on user searches, selections, and sharing; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to analyze, collect and report data on user searches, selections, and sharing; downloadable ring tones, audio, videos, photos, graphics, images and multimedia audio and video files provided via a website and wireless devices; computer software; downloadable application programming interface (API) software;
*IDENTIFICATION Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in selecting, combining and pairing music, songs, audio and sounds with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in searching for music, songs, audio, sounds, artists, lyrics, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in downloading, uploading and sharing videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers featuring music, songs, audio or sounds; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in recommending music, songs, audio and sounds to pair with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for editing, shortening, enhancing, and altering files with effects, words, duration and sounds for music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in creating and saving combinations of music, songs and audio, with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in categorizing, organizing, sorting and reporting music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in creating and running challenges, contests and puzzles, using music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in analyzing, collecting and reporting data on user searches, selections, and sharing; providing a website featuring a search engine to allow users to search for music, songs, audio, sounds, artists, lyrics, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing a website featuring technology to allow users to upload, download and share music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing and updating a searchable database of licensed and meta-tagged audio, music, or songs; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software; computer software consulting services; computer software design and development services; providing consulting services;
NAME Joi A. White
STREET 120 Constitution Drive
CITY Menlo Park
STATE California
PHONE 650-812-3400
FAX 650-812-3444
OTHER APPOINTED ATTORNEY Jefferson F. Scher and all other attorneys of the Firm
NAME Joi A. White
SIGNATURE /Dominick Tolipani/
SIGNATORY'S NAME Dominick Tolipani
DATE SIGNED 12/15/2020

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1478 (Rev 09/2006)
OMB No. 0651-0009 (Exp 02/28/2021)

Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

Serial Number: 90384693
Filing Date: 12/15/2020

To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

MARK: SONGCLIP (Standard Characters, see mark)
The literal element of the mark consists of SONGCLIP. The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style, size, or color.
The applicant, AUDIOBYTE LLC, a limited liability company legally organized under the laws of Delaware, having an address of
      44 Montgomery Street
      San Francisco, California 94104
      United States

requests registration of the trademark/service mark identified above in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register established by the Act of July 5, 1946 (15 U.S.C. Section 1051 et seq.), as amended, for the following:

International Class 009:  Downloadable computer software for use in selecting, combining and pairing music, songs, audio and sounds with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software that allows users to select, combine and pair music, songs, audio and sounds with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for use in searching for music, songs, audio, sounds, artists, lyrics, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software that allows users to search for music, songs, audio, sounds, artists, lyrics, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for use in downloading, uploading and sharing videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers featuring music, songs, audio or sounds; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software that allows users to select, download, upload and share videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers featuring music, songs, audio or sounds; downloadable computer software for use in recommending music, songs, audio and sounds to pair with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software that recommends music, songs, audio and sounds to pair with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for editing, shortening, enhancing, and altering files with effects, words, duration and sounds for music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software for editing, shortening, enhancing, and altering files with effects, words, duration and sounds for music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for use in creating and saving combinations of music, songs and audio, with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software for creating and saving combinations of music, songs and audio, with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for use in categorizing, organizing, sorting and reporting music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software for categorizing, organizing, sorting and reporting music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for use in creating and running challenges, contests and puzzles, using music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to develop software for creating and running challenges, contests and puzzles, using music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; downloadable computer software for use in analyzing, collecting and reporting data on user searches, selections, and sharing; application programming interface (API) software for use by others to analyze, collect and report data on user searches, selections, and sharing; downloadable ring tones, audio, videos, photos, graphics, images and multimedia audio and video files provided via a website and wireless devices; computer software; downloadable application programming interface (API) software;
Intent to Use: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services.

International Class 042:  Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in selecting, combining and pairing music, songs, audio and sounds with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in searching for music, songs, audio, sounds, artists, lyrics, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in downloading, uploading and sharing videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers featuring music, songs, audio or sounds; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in recommending music, songs, audio and sounds to pair with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for editing, shortening, enhancing, and altering files with effects, words, duration and sounds for music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in creating and saving combinations of music, songs and audio, with videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in categorizing, organizing, sorting and reporting music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in creating and running challenges, contests and puzzles, using music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in analyzing, collecting and reporting data on user searches, selections, and sharing; providing a website featuring a search engine to allow users to search for music, songs, audio, sounds, artists, lyrics, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing a website featuring technology to allow users to upload, download and share music, songs, audio, videos, photos, GIF files, graphics, images, animations, multimedia files, visual assets, augmented reality files, virtual reality files, holograms, and digital stickers; providing and updating a searchable database of licensed and meta-tagged audio, music, or songs; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software; computer software consulting services; computer software design and development services; providing consulting services;
Intent to Use: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services.

The owner's/holder's proposed attorney information: Joi A. White. Other appointed attorneys are Jefferson F. Scher and all other attorneys of the Firm. Joi A. White, is a member of the XX bar, admitted to the bar in XXXX, bar membership no. XXX, and the attorney(s) is located at
      120 Constitution Drive
      Menlo Park, California 94025
      United States
The docket/reference number is T-4384/2 US.
Joi A. White submitted the following statement: The attorney of record is an active member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, the District of Columbia, or any U.S. Commonwealth or territory.
The applicant's current Correspondence Information:
      Joi A. White

Requirement for Email and Electronic Filing: I understand that a valid email address must be maintained by the applicant owner/holder and the applicant owner's/holder's attorney, if appointed, and that all official trademark correspondence must be submitted via the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).
A fee payment in the amount of $550 has been submitted with the application, representing payment for 2 class(es).


Declaration Signature

Signature: /Dominick Tolipani/   Date: 12/15/2020
Signatory's Name: Dominick Tolipani
Signatory's Position: Creative Director
Payment Sale Number: 90384693
Payment Accounting Date: 12/15/2020

Serial Number: 90384693
Internet Transmission Date: Tue Dec 15 22:07:44 ET 2020
TEAS Stamp: USPTO/BAS-XXX.XXX.XXX.XX-202012152207449

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