Offc Action Outgoing


Intuit Inc.

U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 90076351 - MINT - N/A

To: Intuit Inc. (
Subject: U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 90076351 - MINT - N/A
Sent: November 13, 2020 04:07:02 PM
Sent As:

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Office Action (Official Letter) About Applicant’s Trademark Application


U.S. Application Serial No. 90076351


Mark:  MINT





Correspondence Address: 



P.O. BOX 488





Applicant:  Intuit Inc.




Reference/Docket No. N/A


Correspondence Email Address:






The USPTO must receive applicant’s response to this letter within six months of the issue date below or the application will be abandoned.  Respond using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).  A link to the appropriate TEAS response form appears at the end of this Office action. 



Issue date:  November 13, 2020


The referenced application has been reviewed by the assigned trademark examining attorney.  Applicant must respond timely and completely to the issue(s) below.  15 U.S.C. §1062(b); 37 C.F.R. §§2.62(a), 2.65(a); TMEP §§711, 718.03.


Search of Office’s Database of Marks


The trademark examining attorney searched the USPTO database of registered and pending marks and found no conflicting marks that would bar registration under Trademark Act Section 2(d).  15 U.S.C. §1052(d); TMEP §704.02.


Summary of Issues:


·         Requirement: Amendment to Identification and/or Classification of Services

o   Advisory: Multiple Class Application Requirements

·         Requirement: Foreign Registration – US Applicant §44(d) with Intent to Perfect §44(e)

o   Advisory: Instructions for Amending to Section 1(a)

o   Advisory: Instructions for Amending to Section 1(b)

·         Requirement: Application Verifications and Declaration


Requirement: Amendment to Identification and/or Classification of Services


Applicant must clarify the wording “philanthropic foundation services” and “charitable campaign sponsorship services” in the identification of services because it is indefinite and too broad.  See 37 C.F.R. §2.32(a)(6); TMEP §§1402.01, 1402.03.  This wording is indefinite because it does not make clear what the services are.  Further, this wording could identify services in more than one international class.  For example, promotional sponsorship services are in International Class 035 and financial sponsorship services are in International Class 036.


Additionally, the wording “promoting economic development in underprivileged, underserved and disadvantaged regions” in the identification of services is indefinite and must be clarified because it does not properly specify a region within which the services are rendered.  See 37 C.F.R. §2.32(a)(6); TMEP §1402.01. 


Similarly, the wording “business collaboration services, including, collaboration with public, private and philanthropic sectors for purposes of job creation, economic development, and creating opportunities for underserved markets; arranging commercial partnerships to promote access to education, career training and careers in traditionally underserved communities” in the identification of services is indefinite and must be clarified because “business collaboration services” and “arranging commercial partnerships”, respectively, are not sufficiently definite as to ascertain the nature of the services.


Suggestions of the aforementioned requirements are incorporated into the proposed wording below in bolded font.  Applicant may adopt the following wording, if accurate:


“Business administration services in the field of programs to promote community development; Promoting economic development in underprivileged, underserved and disadvantaged regions in the _______ {specify state of, county of, country of followed by geographic designation, e.g. state of Maine}; Business collaboration services, namely promoting collaboration within the public, private and philanthropic sectors for purposes of job creation, economic development, and creating opportunities for underserved markets; business management assistance, namely, arranging commercial partnerships to promote access to education, career training and careers in traditionally underserved communities; promotional sponsorship of charitable fundraising campaigns” in International Class 035


“Philanthropic foundation services concerning monetary donations; philanthropic services concerning monetary donations; charitable fundraising; financial sponsorship of charitable fundraising campaigns” in International Class 036


“Philanthropic foundation services in the area of donations of wireless telephones and wireless telephone airtime to victims of domestic violence and domestic violence advocacy groups and organizations” in International Class 038


“Philanthropic foundation services, namely, lending art to art institutions” in International Class 041


Applicant’s services may be clarified or limited, but may not be expanded beyond those originally itemized in the application or as acceptably amended.  See 37 C.F.R. §2.71(a); TMEP §1402.06.  Applicant may clarify or limit the identification by inserting qualifying language or deleting items to result in a more specific identification; however, applicant may not substitute different services or add services not found or encompassed by those in the original application or as acceptably amended.  See TMEP §1402.06(a)-(b).  The scope of the services sets the outer limit for any changes to the identification and is generally determined by the ordinary meaning of the wording in the identification.  TMEP §§1402.06(b), 1402.07(a)-(b).  Any acceptable changes to the services will further limit scope, and once services are deleted, they are not permitted to be reinserted.  TMEP §1402.07(e).


For assistance with identifying and classifying goods and services in trademark applications, please see the USPTO’s online searchable U.S. Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual.  See TMEP §1402.04.


Advisory: Multiple Class Application Requirements


The application identifies services in more than one international class; therefore, applicant must satisfy all the requirements below for each international class based on Trademark Act Section 44:


(1)        List the services by their international class number in consecutive numerical order, starting with the lowest numbered class.


(2)        Submit a filing fee for each international class not covered by the fee already paid (view the USPTO’s current fee schedule).  The application identifies services that are classified in at least four classes; however, applicant submitted a fee sufficient for only two classes.  Applicant must either submit the filing fees for the classes not covered by the submitted fees or restrict the application to the number of classes covered by the fees already paid.


See 37 C.F.R. §2.86(a); TMEP §§1403.01, 1403.02(c).


For an overview of the requirements for a Section 44 multiple-class application and how to satisfy the requirements online using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) form, see the Multiple-class Application webpage.


The fee for adding classes to a TEAS Standard application is $275 per class.  See 37 C.F.R. §2.6(a)(1)(iii).  For more information about adding classes to an application, see the Multiple-class Application webpage.


Requirement: Foreign Registration – US Applicant §44(d) with Intent to Perfect §44(e)


The application specifies Trademark Act Section 44(d) as the sole filing basis and indicates that applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration; however no copy of a foreign registration was provided.  See 15 U.S.C. §1126(d), (e). 


An application with a Section 44(e) basis must include a true copy, photocopy, certification, or certified copy of a foreign registration from an applicant’s country of origin.  15 U.S.C. §1126(e); 37 C.F.R. §2.34(a)(3)(ii); TMEP §§1004, 1004.01, 1016.  In addition, the applicant’s country of origin must be a party to a convention or treaty relating to trademarks to which the United States is also a party, or must extend reciprocal registration rights to nationals of the United States by law.  15 U.S.C. §1126(b); TMEP §§1002.01, 1004.


However, applicant is domiciled in the United States with intent to assert a Trademark Act Section 44(e) filing basis in its application.  See 15 U.S.C. §1126(e); 37 C.F.R. §2.34(a)(3).  An applicant domiciled in the United States is generally not eligible to register a mark under Section 44(e) unless the applicant (1) owns a trademark registration from a foreign country that is a party to a treaty or agreement relating to trademarks to which the United States is also a party or extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the United States, and (2) can establish that the foreign country in which the trademark is registered is the applicant’s country of origin.  15 U.S.C. §1126(b)-(c); see TMEP §§1002.03-.05.  “Country of origin” refers to a country other than the United States in which an applicant has a bona fide and effective industrial or commercial establishment, or if there is no such establishment, the foreign country in which an applicant is domiciled.  15 U.S.C. §1126(c); TMEP §1002.04-.05.


If applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration, applicant must submit the following:


(1)        A true copy, photocopy, certification or certified copy of the foreign trademark registration upon which applicant is relying for U.S. registration, along with an English translation if the foreign registration certificate is not written in English.  See 15 U.S.C. §1126(e); 37 C.F.R. §2.34(a)(3)(ii); TMEP §§1002.05, 1004 et seq.  If applicant submits a copy of the foreign registration, it must be a copy of a document that has been issued to the applicant by or certified by the intellectual property office in the applicant’s country of origin.  TMEP §1004.01; and


(2)        A written statement that applicant has a bona fide and effective industrial or commercial establishment in the foreign country in which its mark is registered.  See 15 U.S.C. §1126(c); TMEP §§1002.01, 1002.04-.05.


If applicant cannot satisfy the requirements of the Section 44(e) basis, applicant may amend the basis to Section 1(a) or 1(b), if applicant can satisfy the requirements for the new basis.  See 15 U.S.C. §§1051(a)-(b), 1126(e); TMEP §806.03.  Please note that, if the U.S. application satisfied the requirements of Section 44(d) as of the U.S. application filing date, applicant may retain the priority filing date under Section 44(d) without perfecting the Section 44(e) basis, provided there is a continuing valid basis for registration.  See 37 C.F.R. §2.35(b)(3)-(4); TMEP §§806.02(f), 806.03(h).


Advisory: Instructions for Amending to Section 1(a)


To amend an application to one based on use of the mark in commerce under Trademark Act Section 1(a), an applicant must provide the following:  (1) a statement that “the mark is in use in commerce and was in use in commerce as of the application filing date;” (2) dates of first use of the mark; (3) a specimen for each class and a statement that “the specimen(s) was in use in commerce at least as early as the application filing date;” and (4) verification, in an affidavit or signed declaration under 37 C.F.R. §2.20, of these two statements and the dates of first use.  See 37 C.F.R. §2.34(a)(1); TMEP §§903, 904.


For more information about Section 1(a) basis requirements, and instructions on how to satisfy them online using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) form, please go to the Basis webpage.


Advisory: Instructions for Amending to Section 1(b)


To amend an application to one based on a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce under Trademark Act Section 1(b), an applicant must provide the following statement, verified with an affidavit or signed declaration under 37 C.F.R. §2.20: Applicant has a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce and had a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce as of the application filing date.”  See 37 C.F.R. §2.34(a)(2).


For more information about Section 1(b) basis requirements, and instructions on how to satisfy them online using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) form, please go to the Basis webpage.


Requirement: Application Verifications and Declaration


The application was unsigned, resulting in the application not being properly verified.  See TMEP §804.  Applicant must properly sign and therefore verify the application in an affidavit or signed declaration under 37 C.F.R. §2.20.  See 37 C.F.R. §§2.2(n), 2.33(a), (b)(2)-(c), 2.34(a)(2), (a)(3)(i), (a)(4)(ii); TMEP §804.02. 


The following statements must be verified:


  • That applicant has a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce and had a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce as of the application filing date;


  • That applicant believes applicant is entitled to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the goods or services specified in the application;


  • That to the best of the signatory’s knowledge and belief, no other persons, except, if applicable, concurrent users, have the right to use the mark in commerce, either in the identical form or in such near resemblance as to be likely, when used on or in connection with the goods/services of such other persons, to cause confusion or mistake, or to deceive; and


  • That the facts set forth in the application are true.


37 C.F.R. §§2.33(b)(2), (c), 2.34(a)(2), (a)(3)(i), (a)(4)(ii). 


For more information about the verified statement and instructions on providing one using the online Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) response form, see the Verified statement webpage.


Response guidelines.  For this application to proceed, applicant must explicitly address each refusal and/or requirement in this Office action.  For a refusal, applicant may provide written arguments and evidence against the refusal, and may have other response options if specified above.  For a requirement, applicant should set forth the changes or statements.  Please see “Responding to Office Actions” and the informational video “Response to Office Action” for more information and tips on responding.


Please call or email the assigned trademark examining attorney with questions about this Office action.  Although an examining attorney cannot provide legal advice, the examining attorney can provide additional explanation about the refusal(s) and/or requirement(s) in this Office action.  See TMEP §§705.02, 709.06. 


The USPTO does not accept emails as responses to Office actions; however, emails can be used for informal communications and are included in the application record.  See 37 C.F.R. §§2.62(c), 2.191; TMEP §§304.01-.02, 709.04-.05. 



How to respond.  Click to file a response to this nonfinal Office action.    



Christopher Hoffman

/Christopher Hoffman/

Trademark Examining Attorney

Law Office 128





  • Missing the response deadline to this letter will cause the application to abandon.  A response or notice of appeal must be received by the USPTO before midnight Eastern Time of the last day of the response period.  TEAS and ESTTA maintenance or unforeseen circumstances could affect an applicant’s ability to timely respond.  




U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 90076351 - MINT - N/A

To: Intuit Inc. (
Subject: U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 90076351 - MINT - N/A
Sent: November 13, 2020 04:07:03 PM
Sent As:

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)




Office Action (Official Letter) has issued

on November 13, 2020 for

U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 90076351


Your trademark application has been reviewed by a trademark examining attorney.  As part of that review, the assigned attorney has issued an official letter that you must respond to by the specified deadline or your application will be abandoned.  Please follow the steps below.


(1)  Read the official letter.


(2)  Direct questions about the contents of the Office action to the assigned attorney below. 



Christopher Hoffman

/Christopher Hoffman/

Trademark Examining Attorney

Law Office 128



Direct questions about navigating USPTO electronic forms, the USPTO website, the application process, the status of your application, and/or whether there are outstanding deadlines or documents related to your file to the Trademark Assistance Center (TAC).


(3)  Respond within 6 months (or earlier, if required in the Office action) from November 13, 2020, using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).  The response must be received by the USPTO before midnight Eastern Time of the last day of the response period.  See the Office action for more information about how to respond





·         Check the status of your application periodically in the Trademark Status & Document Retrieval (TSDR) database to avoid missing critical deadlines.


·         Update your correspondence email address, if needed, to ensure you receive important USPTO notices about your application.


·         Beware of misleading notices sent by private companies about your application.  Private companies not associated with the USPTO use public information available in trademark registrations to mail and email trademark-related offers and notices – most of which require fees.  All official USPTO correspondence will only be emailed from the domain “”

 is an independent third-party trademark research tool that is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or any other governmental organization. The information provided by is based on publicly available data at the time of writing and is intended for informational purposes only.

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information displayed on this site. The use of this site is at your own risk. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

All official trademark data, including owner information, should be verified by visiting the official USPTO website at This site is not intended to replace professional legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for consulting with a legal professional who is knowledgeable about trademark law.

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