To: | Snap Entertainment Systems Inc. ( |
Subject: | U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 90070459 - SNAP - MOMA-0900 |
Sent: | May 17, 2021 08:19:56 PM |
Sent As: | |
Attachments: |
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Office Action (Official Letter) About Applicant’s Trademark Application
U.S. Application Serial No. 90070459
Mark: SNAP
Correspondence Address: |
Applicant: Snap Entertainment Systems Inc.
Reference/Docket No. MOMA-0900
Correspondence Email Address: |
The USPTO must receive applicant’s response to this letter within six months of the issue date below or the application will be abandoned. Respond using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) and/or Electronic System for Trademark Trials and Appeals (ESTTA). A link to the appropriate TEAS response form and/or to ESTTA for an appeal appears at the end of this Office action.
Issue date: May 17, 2021
This Office action is in response to applicant’s communication filed on 5/13/2021.
The trademark examining attorney notes that the following requirement(s) have been satisfied:
See TMEP §§713.02, 714.04.
The following requirements are now made FINAL:
See 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b).
The identification of goods is indefinite and must be clarified because it lacks specificity. See 37 C.F.R. §2.32(a)(6); TMEP §1402.01. Applicant must amend the identification to specify the common commercial or generic name of the goods. See TMEP §1402.01. If the goods have no common commercial or generic name, applicant must describe the product, its main purpose, and its intended uses. See id.
Applicant may adopt the following wording, if accurate:
Class 9: {Computer software must be specified as “downloadable”
and/or “recorded” to clarify the nature of the goods} software platform for {indicate purpose of platforms, e.g., application development, web hosting, database management, or
for example, use as an electronic gaming and financial platform, etc.} for use in promoting electronic games, namely, {applicant must clarify what is intended by “promoting
electronic games”, for example, advertising games?} that promotes electronic games and <calculating? tracking? monitoring?> and a related point sales system in the nature of accrued game points that you can apply for can be applied to in-store purchases and discounts
For assistance with identifying and classifying goods and services in trademark applications, please see the USPTO’s online searchable U.S. Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual at See TMEP §1402.04.
How to respond. Click to file a request for reconsideration of this final Office action that fully resolves all outstanding requirements and refusals and/or click to file a timely appeal to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) with the required filing fee(s).
The USPTO does not accept emails as responses to Office actions; however, emails can be used for informal communications and are included in the application record. See 37 C.F.R. §§2.62(c), 2.191; TMEP §§304.01-.02, 709.04-.05.
To expedite prosecution of the application, applicant is encouraged to file its response to this Office action online via the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), which is available at If applicant has technical questions about the TEAS response to Office action form, applicant can review the electronic filing tips available online at and email technical questions to
/Ronald E. DelGizzi/
Trademark Examining Attorney
Law Office 107
Phone - (571) 272-2754