TEAS RF New Application


Verisure Sàrl

Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1478 (Rev 09/2006)
OMB No. 0651-0009 (Exp 02/28/2021)

Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

Serial Number: 88705453
Filing Date: 11/25/2019

The table below presents the data as entered.

Input Field
MARK STATEMENT The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style, size, or color.
REGISTER Principal
*OWNER OF MARK Verisure Sàrl
*STREET Chemin Jean-Baptiste Vandelle 3/3 A
*CITY Versoix
*COUNTRY Switzerland
(Required for U.S. and certain international addresses)
TYPE limited liability company
*IDENTIFICATION Doors, gates, windows, and window coverings of metal; locks and keys, of metal; key tubes of metal; metal security lock cylinders; security shutters of metal; vaults and safes, of metal.
European Union Trademark - EUTM
       FOREIGN FILING DATE 09/12/2019
       INTENT TO
       PERFECT 44(d)
At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.
*IDENTIFICATION Artificial smoke generating machines.
European Union Trademark - EUTM
       FOREIGN FILING DATE 09/12/2019
       INTENT TO
       PERFECT 44(d)
At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.
*IDENTIFICATION Safety, security, protection and signaling devices; protective and safety equipment; alarm signaling receivers and transmitters; alarms and warning equipment; alarms; alarm installations; anti-intrusion and anti-theft alarms; electric alarms for fire and smoke; fire-extinguishing apparatus; life-saving apparatus and instruments; electronic personal alarm devices; electric and electronic doorbells; security alarms; personal security alarms; alarm systems, safety alarms and security alarm systems; alarm central units; alarm display units; alarm monitoring systems; alarm panels; control panels and keypads for security alarms; wireless control panels and keypads for security alarms; security control and security surveillance apparatus; security warning apparatus; electric and electronic security apparatus and instruments; access control devices; electronic and biometric apparatus and installations for access control; automatic and electric access control units; sound recording apparatus; identity checking units; identity checking units, namely, encoded identity cards, magnetic identity cards, fingerprint readers, face and voice recognition apparatus, PIN-code readers, electronic tags and electronic security tags; data storage devices and access control devices, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; cards encoded with security features for identification purposes, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; inductive readers, card readers, inductive carriers and data carriers, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; automatic access security apparatus; electric access security apparatus; automatic security barriers; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; electrical devices to prevent jamming; detection apparatus; warning indicating apparatus, other than for vehicles; communications apparatus; artificial intelligence apparatus; global positioning systems; sensors and detectors; wireless sensors; electric, electrical and electronic sensors; digital sensors; infrared sensors, active and passive infra-red sensors; alarm sensors; heat sensors; smoke sensors; fire sensors; temperature sensors; gas sensors; light sensors; motion sensors; movement sensors; position sensors; pressure sensors; photoelectric sensors; object detecting sensors; LED position sensors; microwave type intruder sensors; optical sensors; motion sensors for security lights; smoke detectors; fire detecting apparatus; fire-protection installations; heat detectors; motion detectors; leak detectors; laser detectors; infrared detectors, active and passive infrared detectors; intruder detection apparatus; door opening and closing detecting sensors; telecommunications apparatus and mobile and digital telecommunications apparatus, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; intercommunications apparatus; instruments and signal processing apparatus, audio devices and audio receivers, video devices and video receivers, and optical apparatus and instruments for monitoring, remote control, and alarm purposes; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of machine-network communication; television, video, telephone and radar units; radar systems, apparatus and displays; electrical cells and batteries; plug-in connectors and plug-in electrical connectors; cameras; digital cameras; infrared cameras; security cameras; surveillance cameras; motion-activated cameras; network monitoring cameras; intelligent gateways for real-time data analysis; devices and apparatus for remote control of electronic and electrical apparatus and household appliances; systems for downloading and updating of software to and from electronic and electrical apparatus and household appliances; application software; mobile application software; software applications for use with mobile devices; security software; computer software for the remote control of security apparatus; software to control building environmental, access and security systems; software for alarm management, data logging, remote monitoring and remote control; remote monitoring units, remote monitoring apparatus; software for remote control of electronic and electrical apparatus and household appliances; fire detecting software; intrusion detection system software; software for communications in machine-networks, software for safe communications in machine-networks, software development tools for machine communication and electronic communication; home automation software; building automation software; servers for home automation; artificial intelligence software; all of the above software only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; electric and electronic locks.
European Union Trademark - EUTM
       FOREIGN FILING DATE 09/12/2019
       INTENT TO
       PERFECT 44(d)
At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.
*IDENTIFICATION Anti-theft, security and safety devices and equipment for vehicles; security alarms and security alarm systems for vehicles; alarms for land vehicles.
European Union Trademark - EUTM
       FOREIGN FILING DATE 09/12/2019
       INTENT TO
       PERFECT 44(d)
At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.
*IDENTIFICATION Insurance; insurance advice; insurance information, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage, and theft.
European Union Trademark - EUTM
       FOREIGN FILING DATE 09/12/2019
       INTENT TO
       PERFECT 44(d)
At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.
*IDENTIFICATION Installation, repair, servicing and maintenance of security and safety equipment, security systems and vehicle security devices, and telecommunications and intercommunications equipment; advisory services relating to the installation and maintenance of security and safety equipment and systems, vehicle security devices, and telecommunications and intercommunications equipment.
European Union Trademark - EUTM
       FOREIGN FILING DATE 09/12/2019
       INTENT TO
       PERFECT 44(d)
At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.
*IDENTIFICATION Telecommunications services; information services relating to telecommunications; advisory services relating to telecommunications; technical advice and consultancy services in the field of telecommunications; computer aided transmission of messages and images; electronic mail; message sending; communications by mobile telephone, computer terminal and telephone; communication services for the delivery of emergency messages; sending of emergency messages; paging services (radio, telephone, satellite or other electronic communication); satellite transmission; rental of message sending apparatus; rental of modems and other telecommunications equipment, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft.
European Union Trademark - EUTM
       FOREIGN FILING DATE 09/12/2019
       INTENT TO
       PERFECT 44(d)
At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.
*IDENTIFICATION Global positioning system navigation services; position finding services for vehicles and goods.
European Union Trademark - EUTM
       FOREIGN FILING DATE 09/12/2019
       INTENT TO
       PERFECT 44(d)
At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.
*IDENTIFICATION Engineering services; software development, programming and implementation, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; designing of electronic systems; design and development of electronic security systems; testing, analysis and evaluation of alarm equipment, alarm operations and methods for the purpose of certification, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; certification of services and products which fulfill prescribed standard.
European Union Trademark - EUTM
       FOREIGN FILING DATE 09/12/2019
       INTENT TO
       PERFECT 44(d)
At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.
*IDENTIFICATION Safety, rescue, security and enforcement services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; monitoring and alarm monitoring services, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; security monitoring services; electronic monitoring services for security purposes; monitoring of security systems, burglar and security alarms; security consultancy, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; alarm response and verification services; monitoring services relating to security, including on-line, including in the form of action management and feedback; security guarding for facilities, guarding of departures and arrivals of individuals; missing persons and pets location information; position finding services of individuals and pets; rental of alarms and other security equipment; security marking of goods; tracking of stolen property; information services regarding safety, rescue, security and enforcement services, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; personal body guard services; legal services.
European Union Trademark - EUTM
       FOREIGN FILING DATE 09/12/2019
       INTENT TO
       PERFECT 44(d)
At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.
NAME Charles P. Guarino
FIRM NAME Moser Taboada
STREET 1030 Broad Street - Suite 203
CITY Shrewsbury
STATE New Jersey
COUNTRY United States
PHONE 732-935-7100
FAX 732-935-7122
EMAIL ADDRESS docket@mtiplaw.com
OTHER APPOINTED ATTORNEY Alan Taboada; Leonard P. Linardakis; Eileen M. Hansen
NAME Charles P. Guarino
FIRM NAME Moser Taboada
STREET 1030 Broad Street - Suite 203
CITY Shrewsbury
STATE New Jersey
COUNTRY United States
PHONE 732-935-7100
FAX 732-935-7122
*EMAIL ADDRESS docket@mtiplaw.com; cguarino@mtiplaw.com
SIGNATURE /Charles P. Guarino/
SIGNATORY'S NAME Charles P. Guarino
SIGNATORY'S POSITION Attorney for Applicant, NJ Bar Member, Associate of Moser Taboada
DATE SIGNED 11/25/2019

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1478 (Rev 09/2006)
OMB No. 0651-0009 (Exp 02/28/2021)

Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

Serial Number: 88705453
Filing Date: 11/25/2019

To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

MARK: VERISURE (Standard Characters, see mark)
The literal element of the mark consists of VERISURE. The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style, size, or color.
The applicant, Verisure Sàrl, a limited liability company legally organized under the laws of Switzerland, having an address of
      Chemin Jean-Baptiste Vandelle 3/3 A
      Versoix CH-1290

requests registration of the trademark/service mark identified above in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register established by the Act of July 5, 1946 (15 U.S.C. Section 1051 et seq.), as amended, for the following:

International Class 006:  Doors, gates, windows, and window coverings of metal; locks and keys, of metal; key tubes of metal; metal security lock cylinders; security shutters of metal; vaults and safes, of metal.

Priority based on foreign filing: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services and asserts a claim of priority based on European Union Trademark - EUTM application number 018124435, filed 09/12/2019.
INTENT TO PERFECT 44(d) : At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.

International Class 007:  Artificial smoke generating machines.

Priority based on foreign filing: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services and asserts a claim of priority based on European Union Trademark - EUTM application number 018124435, filed 09/12/2019.
INTENT TO PERFECT 44(d) : At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.

International Class 009:  Safety, security, protection and signaling devices; protective and safety equipment; alarm signaling receivers and transmitters; alarms and warning equipment; alarms; alarm installations; anti-intrusion and anti-theft alarms; electric alarms for fire and smoke; fire-extinguishing apparatus; life-saving apparatus and instruments; electronic personal alarm devices; electric and electronic doorbells; security alarms; personal security alarms; alarm systems, safety alarms and security alarm systems; alarm central units; alarm display units; alarm monitoring systems; alarm panels; control panels and keypads for security alarms; wireless control panels and keypads for security alarms; security control and security surveillance apparatus; security warning apparatus; electric and electronic security apparatus and instruments; access control devices; electronic and biometric apparatus and installations for access control; automatic and electric access control units; sound recording apparatus; identity checking units; identity checking units, namely, encoded identity cards, magnetic identity cards, fingerprint readers, face and voice recognition apparatus, PIN-code readers, electronic tags and electronic security tags; data storage devices and access control devices, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; cards encoded with security features for identification purposes, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; inductive readers, card readers, inductive carriers and data carriers, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; automatic access security apparatus; electric access security apparatus; automatic security barriers; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; electrical devices to prevent jamming; detection apparatus; warning indicating apparatus, other than for vehicles; communications apparatus; artificial intelligence apparatus; global positioning systems; sensors and detectors; wireless sensors; electric, electrical and electronic sensors; digital sensors; infrared sensors, active and passive infra-red sensors; alarm sensors; heat sensors; smoke sensors; fire sensors; temperature sensors; gas sensors; light sensors; motion sensors; movement sensors; position sensors; pressure sensors; photoelectric sensors; object detecting sensors; LED position sensors; microwave type intruder sensors; optical sensors; motion sensors for security lights; smoke detectors; fire detecting apparatus; fire-protection installations; heat detectors; motion detectors; leak detectors; laser detectors; infrared detectors, active and passive infrared detectors; intruder detection apparatus; door opening and closing detecting sensors; telecommunications apparatus and mobile and digital telecommunications apparatus, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; intercommunications apparatus; instruments and signal processing apparatus, audio devices and audio receivers, video devices and video receivers, and optical apparatus and instruments for monitoring, remote control, and alarm purposes; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of machine-network communication; television, video, telephone and radar units; radar systems, apparatus and displays; electrical cells and batteries; plug-in connectors and plug-in electrical connectors; cameras; digital cameras; infrared cameras; security cameras; surveillance cameras; motion-activated cameras; network monitoring cameras; intelligent gateways for real-time data analysis; devices and apparatus for remote control of electronic and electrical apparatus and household appliances; systems for downloading and updating of software to and from electronic and electrical apparatus and household appliances; application software; mobile application software; software applications for use with mobile devices; security software; computer software for the remote control of security apparatus; software to control building environmental, access and security systems; software for alarm management, data logging, remote monitoring and remote control; remote monitoring units, remote monitoring apparatus; software for remote control of electronic and electrical apparatus and household appliances; fire detecting software; intrusion detection system software; software for communications in machine-networks, software for safe communications in machine-networks, software development tools for machine communication and electronic communication; home automation software; building automation software; servers for home automation; artificial intelligence software; all of the above software only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; electric and electronic locks.

Priority based on foreign filing: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services and asserts a claim of priority based on European Union Trademark - EUTM application number 018124435, filed 09/12/2019.
INTENT TO PERFECT 44(d) : At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.

International Class 012:  Anti-theft, security and safety devices and equipment for vehicles; security alarms and security alarm systems for vehicles; alarms for land vehicles.

Priority based on foreign filing: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services and asserts a claim of priority based on European Union Trademark - EUTM application number 018124435, filed 09/12/2019.
INTENT TO PERFECT 44(d) : At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.

International Class 036:  Insurance; insurance advice; insurance information, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage, and theft.

Priority based on foreign filing: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services and asserts a claim of priority based on European Union Trademark - EUTM application number 018124435, filed 09/12/2019.
INTENT TO PERFECT 44(d) : At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.

International Class 037:  Installation, repair, servicing and maintenance of security and safety equipment, security systems and vehicle security devices, and telecommunications and intercommunications equipment; advisory services relating to the installation and maintenance of security and safety equipment and systems, vehicle security devices, and telecommunications and intercommunications equipment.

Priority based on foreign filing: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services and asserts a claim of priority based on European Union Trademark - EUTM application number 018124435, filed 09/12/2019.
INTENT TO PERFECT 44(d) : At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.

International Class 038:  Telecommunications services; information services relating to telecommunications; advisory services relating to telecommunications; technical advice and consultancy services in the field of telecommunications; computer aided transmission of messages and images; electronic mail; message sending; communications by mobile telephone, computer terminal and telephone; communication services for the delivery of emergency messages; sending of emergency messages; paging services (radio, telephone, satellite or other electronic communication); satellite transmission; rental of message sending apparatus; rental of modems and other telecommunications equipment, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft.

Priority based on foreign filing: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services and asserts a claim of priority based on European Union Trademark - EUTM application number 018124435, filed 09/12/2019.
INTENT TO PERFECT 44(d) : At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.

International Class 039:  Global positioning system navigation services; position finding services for vehicles and goods.

Priority based on foreign filing: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services and asserts a claim of priority based on European Union Trademark - EUTM application number 018124435, filed 09/12/2019.
INTENT TO PERFECT 44(d) : At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.

International Class 042:  Engineering services; software development, programming and implementation, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; designing of electronic systems; design and development of electronic security systems; testing, analysis and evaluation of alarm equipment, alarm operations and methods for the purpose of certification, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; certification of services and products which fulfill prescribed standard.

Priority based on foreign filing: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services and asserts a claim of priority based on European Union Trademark - EUTM application number 018124435, filed 09/12/2019.
INTENT TO PERFECT 44(d) : At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.

International Class 045:  Safety, rescue, security and enforcement services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; monitoring and alarm monitoring services, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; security monitoring services; electronic monitoring services for security purposes; monitoring of security systems, burglar and security alarms; security consultancy, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; alarm response and verification services; monitoring services relating to security, including on-line, including in the form of action management and feedback; security guarding for facilities, guarding of departures and arrivals of individuals; missing persons and pets location information; position finding services of individuals and pets; rental of alarms and other security equipment; security marking of goods; tracking of stolen property; information services regarding safety, rescue, security and enforcement services, only regarding protection against burglary, fire, assaults, physical damage and theft; personal body guard services; legal services.

Priority based on foreign filing: The applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services and asserts a claim of priority based on European Union Trademark - EUTM application number 018124435, filed 09/12/2019.
INTENT TO PERFECT 44(d) : At this time, the applicant intends to rely on Section 44(e) as a basis for registration and requests that the application be suspended to await the submission of the foreign registration. If ultimately the applicant does not rely on §44(e) as a basis for registration, a valid claim of priority may be retained.

The applicant hereby appoints Charles P. Guarino. Other appointed attorneys are Alan Taboada; Leonard P. Linardakis; Eileen M. Hansen. Charles P. Guarino of Moser Taboada, is a member of the XX bar, admitted to the bar in XXXX, bar membership no. XXX, and the attorney(s) is located at
      1030 Broad Street - Suite 203
      Shrewsbury, New Jersey 07702
      United States
      docket@mtiplaw.com (authorized).
The attorney docket/reference number is AWA_TM078.
Charles P. Guarino submitted the following statement: The attorney of record is an active member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, the District of Columbia, or any U.S. Commonwealth or territory.
The applicant's current Correspondence Information:
      Charles P. Guarino
      Moser Taboada
      1030 Broad Street - Suite 203
      Shrewsbury, New Jersey 07702
      docket@mtiplaw.com; cguarino@mtiplaw.com (authorized).

Email Authorization: I authorize the USPTO to send email correspondence concerning the application to the applicant, the applicant's attorney, or the applicant's domestic representative at the email address provided in this application. I understand that a valid email address must be maintained and that the applicant or the applicant's attorney must file the relevant subsequent application-related submissions via the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS). Failure to do so will result in the loss of TEAS Reduced Fee status and a requirement to submit an additional processing fee of $125 per international class of goods/services.

A fee payment in the amount of $2750 has been submitted with the application, representing payment for 10 class(es).


Declaration Signature

Signature: /Charles P. Guarino/   Date: 11/25/2019
Signatory's Name: Charles P. Guarino
Signatory's Position: Attorney for Applicant, NJ Bar Member, Associate of Moser Taboada
Payment Sale Number: 88705453
Payment Accounting Date: 11/25/2019

Serial Number: 88705453
Internet Transmission Date: Mon Nov 25 13:52:40 EST 2019
TEAS Stamp: USPTO/BAS-XXX.XXX.XXX.XX-201911251352403

TEAS RF New Application [image/jpeg]

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