NVIDIA Corporation

Application Filed: 2019-11-11
Trademark Application Details

Mark For: NVIDIA CLOUDXR™ trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of software featuring libraries for virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality applications; computer graphics software development tools for advanced graphics processing, for managing and implementing virtual desktop infrastructures, for virtual desktops and applications, and for virtualization technology software; software for performing computer graphics operations and improving graphical and video display capabilities; application programming interface (API) for artificial intelligence software applications; application programming interface (API) for computer software for ray tracing and image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; application programming interface (API) for use in building software applications; artificial intelligence computers; artificial intelligence supercomputers; computer game software; computer graphics firmware for enhancement of graphical and video display; computer graphics software for improving display quality; computer hardware and software for professional designers, engineers, and scientists for advanced graphics processing and visual computing; downloadable computer graphics; edge embedded device software to manage edge assets and devices; electronic game software; electronic, computer, interactive and video game software; graphics processing units (GPUS); graphics processing units (GPUs) in the nature of computer hardware for enhancing graphical and video display; graphics software; hardware and software for detecting objects, user gestures and commands; integrated circuit components for graphics and video systems, namely, multimedia accelerators, graphic accelerators and peripheral units; integrated circuits; integrated circuits for enhancing graphical and video display; integrated circuits, semiconductors and computer chipsets; semiconductors; simulation, modeling and data processing software for use in data visualization, data analysis, data mining, data interpretation, predictive analytics, accessing and editing large-scale data, interactive visual computing, design of information graphics, video streaming, maximizing graphics processing and performance; software; software and firmware for developing artificial intelligence applications; software and firmware for enabling electronic devices to share data and communicate with each other; software and hardware that facilitates data transmission, data collection, data analysis, and decision-making; software development kits (SDKs); software development kits (SDKs) consisting of software for ray tracing and image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; software development kits (SDKs) for building software applications software for use in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, high performance computing, image feature extraction, natural language processing, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, predictive analytics, software development, edge computing, fog computing, decentralized computing, Internet of Things, and computer and telecommunications networks; software development tools; software development tools for advanced graphics processing, for managing and implementing virtual desktop infrastructures, for virtual desktops and applications, and for virtualization technology software; software development tools for use in the fields of artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, high performance computing, distributed computing, and data virtualization; software for 3D-visualization, 3D modeling and 3D rendering; software for advanced graphics processing and visual computing; software for artificial intelligence; software for artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics and business intelligence; software for controlling edge devices; software for controlling the operation of audio and video devices; software for data management, analytics and pattern and activity recognition; software for enhancement of graphical and video display; software for enhancing computer performance, for operation of integrated circuits, semiconductors, computer chipsets and micro-processors, and for gaming purposes; software for image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; software for management, storage and network management of digital media, and enhancement of graphical and video display; software for modifying and enabling transmission of images, audio, audio visual and video content and data; software for operating and managing integrated circuit components; software for processing images, graphics, audio, video, and text; software for professional designers, engineers, and scientists for advanced graphics processing and visual computing; software for ray tracing and image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; software for the collection, managing, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, and sharing of data and information; software for the display of digital media; software for use as an application programming interface (API); software, firmware and hardware for use in the fields of edge computing, artificial intelligence, high performance computing, distributed computing, machine learning, automation controls, data collection, data analytics and internet of things; software, namely, an interpretive interface for facilitating interaction between humans and machines; software, namely, knowledge-based artificial intelligence platforms, data analytics platforms, and automation platforms; system-on-chip processors; video game software; software and computer hardware for artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics and business intelligence; software development kits (SDK) comprised of frameworks, tools, APIs, and libraries for use in developing virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality software; software for 3D, virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality simulation; software for use in connection with photographic and video equipment and cameras, namely, software for taking, capturing, processing, operating, viewing, storing, editing, arranging, combining, sharing, manipulating, modifying, transmitting and displaying data, images, videos, multimedia files, and other digital data; software in the fields of artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality for predicting, classifying, collecting, simulating, and optimizing data, for computer gaming, augmented reality gaming, virtual reality gaming, and virtual reality simulation. [all]


2020-01-17 UTC
LIVE APPLICATION Awaiting Examination
The trademark application has been accepted by the Office (has met the minimum filing requirements) and has not yet been assigned to an examiner.

Research OneLook Acronym Finder
Serial Number88688166
Mark Literal ElementsNVIDIA CLOUDXR
Current LocationNEW APPLICATION PROCESSING 2019-11-18
Class StatusACTIVE
Primary US Classes
  • 021: Electrical Apparatus, Machines and Supplies
  • 023: Cutlery, Machinery, Tools and Parts Thereof
  • 026: Measuring and Scientific Appliances
  • 036: Musical Instruments and Supplies
  • 038: Prints and Publications
Primary International Class
  • 009 - Primary Class
  • (Electrical and scientific apparatus) Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus.
Filed UseNo
Current UseNo
Intent To UseYes
Filed ITUYes
44D FiledNo
44E CurrentNo
66A CurrentNo
Current BasisNo
No BasisNo
Attorney NameSally M. Abel, Esq.
Attorney Docket Number25999-70133


2019-11-11Application Filed
2019-11-18Status: Live/Pending
2019-11-18Status: New application will be assigned to an examining attorney approximately 3 months after filing date.
2019-11-22Transaction Date

Trademark Parties (Applicants & Owners)

Party: NVIDIA Corporation
Address2788 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara, CALIFORNIA UNITED STATES 95051
Legal Entity TypeCorporation
Legal Entity StateDELAWARE


TEAS RF New ApplicationMULTI2019-11-11

Attorney of Record


Good, Services, and Codes

IC 009. US 021 023 026 036 038. G & S: software featuring libraries for virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality applications; computer graphics software development tools for advanced graphics processing, for managing and implementing virtual desktop infrastructures, for virtual desktops and applications, and for virtualization technology software; software for performing computer graphics operations and improving graphical and video display capabilities; application programming interface (API) for artificial intelligence software applications; application programming interface (API) for computer software for ray tracing and image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; application programming interface (API) for use in building software applications; artificial intelligence computers; artificial intelligence supercomputers; computer game software; computer graphics firmware for enhancement of graphical and video display; computer graphics software for improving display quality; computer hardware and software for professional designers, engineers, and scientists for advanced graphics processing and visual computing; downloadable computer graphics; edge embedded device software to manage edge assets and devices; electronic game software; electronic, computer, interactive and video game software; graphics processing units (GPUS); graphics processing units (GPUs) in the nature of computer hardware for enhancing graphical and video display; graphics software; hardware and software for detecting objects, user gestures and commands; integrated circuit components for graphics and video systems, namely, multimedia accelerators, graphic accelerators and peripheral units; integrated circuits; integrated circuits for enhancing graphical and video display; integrated circuits, semiconductors and computer chipsets; semiconductors; simulation, modeling and data processing software for use in data visualization, data analysis, data mining, data interpretation, predictive analytics, accessing and editing large-scale data, interactive visual computing, design of information graphics, video streaming, maximizing graphics processing and performance; software; software and firmware for developing artificial intelligence applications; software and firmware for enabling electronic devices to share data and communicate with each other; software and hardware that facilitates data transmission, data collection, data analysis, and decision-making; software development kits (SDKs); software development kits (SDKs) consisting of software for ray tracing and image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; software development kits (SDKs) for building software applications software for use in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, high performance computing, image feature extraction, natural language processing, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, predictive analytics, software development, edge computing, fog computing, decentralized computing, Internet of Things, and computer and telecommunications networks; software development tools; software development tools for advanced graphics processing, for managing and implementing virtual desktop infrastructures, for virtual desktops and applications, and for virtualization technology software; software development tools for use in the fields of artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, high performance computing, distributed computing, and data virtualization; software for 3D-visualization, 3D modeling and 3D rendering; software for advanced graphics processing and visual computing; software for artificial intelligence; software for artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics and business intelligence; software for controlling edge devices; software for controlling the operation of audio and video devices; software for data management, analytics and pattern and activity recognition; software for enhancement of graphical and video display; software for enhancing computer performance, for operation of integrated circuits, semiconductors, computer chipsets and micro-processors, and for gaming purposes; software for image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; software for management, storage and network management of digital media, and enhancement of graphical and video display; software for modifying and enabling transmission of images, audio, audio visual and video content and data; software for operating and managing integrated circuit components; software for processing images, graphics, audio, video, and text; software for professional designers, engineers, and scientists for advanced graphics processing and visual computing; software for ray tracing and image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; software for the collection, managing, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, and sharing of data and information; software for the display of digital media; software for use as an application programming interface (API); software, firmware and hardware for use in the fields of edge computing, artificial intelligence, high performance computing, distributed computing, machine learning, automation controls, data collection, data analytics and internet of things; software, namely, an interpretive interface for facilitating interaction between humans and machines; software, namely, knowledge-based artificial intelligence platforms, data analytics platforms, and automation platforms; system-on-chip processors; video game software; software and computer hardware for artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics and business intelligence; software development kits (SDK) comprised of frameworks, tools, APIs, and libraries for use in developing virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality software; software for 3D, virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality simulation; software for use in connection with photographic and video equipment and cameras, namely, software for taking, capturing, processing, operating, viewing, storing, editing, arranging, combining, sharing, manipulating, modifying, transmitting and displaying data, images, videos, multimedia files, and other digital data; software in the fields of artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality for predicting, classifying, collecting, simulating, and optimizing data, for computer gaming, augmented reality gaming, virtual reality gaming, and virtual reality simulation
IC 042. US 100 101. G & S: providing streaming libraries for virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality applications; non-downloadable software featuring libraries for virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality applications; providing non-downloadable software for 3D, virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality simulation; non-downloadable software; advanced product research in the field of artificial intelligence; application service provider (ASP) services featuring application programming interface (API) software for ray tracing and image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; computer programming services for customers that enable the customers' digital and handheld devices to download and utilize games and entertainment related content; computer programming in the field of artificial intelligence; computer software design, computer programming, or maintenance of computer software; consulting services in the field of gaming technology and graphics software; design and development of computer hardware and software; design and development of computer hardware and software in the fields of machine learning, deep learning, and deep neural networks; design and development of edge computing systems, platforms, gateways, and devices; design of computer hardware, software and peripherals for others; design, development, customization, integration, support and maintenance of computer software; design, development, customization, integration, support and maintenance of computer software; design, programming and maintenance of artificial intelligence software; designing and developing computer game software and video game software; designing of machines, apparatus, instruments, including their parts, or systems composed of such machines, apparatus and instruments; development of computer software; electronic and interactive multimedia game development services; fog and edge computing services; fog and edge computing services featuring software for artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and deep learning; platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for artificial intelligence applications; platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for natural language processing, machine learning, voice command and recognition, converting speech to text, data analytics, and artificial intelligence; platform as a service (PaaS) featuring knowledge-based artificial intelligence computer software platforms, data analytics software platforms, and automation software platforms; providing application programming interface (API) software for use in transmission of audio, video, images, text, content and data; providing artificial intelligence computer programs on data networks; providing computer programs on data networks; providing computer software technical support services, technical information and technical support regarding software patches, upgrades and updates; providing non-downloadable computer software for enhancing computer performance, for operation of integrated circuits, semiconductors, computer chipsets and micro-processors, and for gaming purposes; providing non-downloadable electronic game software; providing non-downloadable interactive entertainment software; providing non-downloadable software for 3D-visualization, 3D modeling and 3D rendering; providing non-downloadable software for artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and deep neural networks; providing non-downloadable software for artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics and business intelligence; providing non-downloadable software for artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics and business intelligence; providing non-downloadable software for computer graphics; providing non-downloadable software for data management, analytics and pattern and activity recognition; providing non-downloadable software for detecting objects, user gestures and commands; providing non-downloadable software for enhancing computer performance, for operation of integrated circuits, semiconductors, computer chipsets and micro-processors, and for gaming purposes; providing non-downloadable software for facilitating interaction between humans and machines; providing non-downloadable software for image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; providing non-downloadable software for object tracking, motion control and content visualization; providing non-downloadable software for operating sensor devices; providing non-downloadable software for processing images, graphics, audio, video, and text; providing non-downloadable software for ray tracing and image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; providing non-downloadable software for sharing, receiving, downloading, interacting with and transferring content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works; providing non-downloadable software for streaming multimedia entertainment content; providing non-downloadable software for use as application programming interfaces (API); providing non-downloadable software for use in visual, voice, audio, motion, eye and gesture tracking and recognition; providing non-downloadable software for virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality applications and environments; providing non-downloadable simulation, modeling and data processing software for use in data visualization, data analysis, data mining, data interpretation, predictive analytics, accessing and editing large-scale data, interactive visual computing, design of information graphics, video streaming, maximizing graphics processing and performance; providing non-downloadable software for artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics and business intelligence; providing non-downloadable software for artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and deep neural networks; providing non-downloadable software for computer graphics; providing non-downloadable software for enhancing computer performance, for operation of integrated circuits, semiconductors, computer chipsets and micro-processors, and for gaming purposes; providing non-downloadable software for the collection, managing, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, and sharing of data and information; providing software technological support services and consultation in the fields of software, development and use of computer hardware; software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software platforms for natural language processing, machine learning, voice command and recognition, converting speech to text, data analytics, and artificial intelligence; software design in the field of artificial intelligence; software development in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning; software platform for software development featuring software development kits (SDKs); platform as a service to enable access to a decentralized supercomputer consisting of a pool of devices connected to the internet; providing non-downloadable software for use in connection with photographic and video equipment and cameras, namely, software for taking, capturing, processing, operating, viewing, storing, editing, arranging, combining, sharing, manipulating, modifying, transmitting and displaying data, images, videos, multimedia files, and other digital data; software as a service (SaaS) services featuring software in the fields of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality, for predicting, classifying, collecting, simulating, and optimizing data, for virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality simulation

International Codes:9
U.S. Codes:021,023,026,036,038
International Codes:42
U.S. Codes:100,101
Type CodeType
GS0091software featuring libraries for virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality applications; computer graphics software development tools for advanced graphics processing, for managing and implementing virtual desktop infrastructures, for virtual desktops and applications, and for virtualization technology software; software for performing computer graphics operations and improving graphical and video display capabilities; application programming interface (API) for artificial intelligence software applications; application programming interface (API) for computer software for ray tracing and image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; application programming interface (API) for use in building software applications; artificial intelligence computers; artificial intelligence supercomputers; computer game software; computer graphics firmware for enhancement of graphical and video display; computer graphics software for improving display quality; computer hardware and software for professional designers, engineers, and scientists for advanced graphics processing and visual computing; downloadable computer graphics; edge embedded device software to manage edge assets and devices; electronic game software; electronic, computer, interactive and video game software; graphics processing units (GPUS); graphics processing units (GPUs) in the nature of computer hardware for enhancing graphical and video display; graphics software; hardware and software for detecting objects, user gestures and commands; integrated circuit components for graphics and video systems, namely, multimedia accelerators, graphic accelerators and peripheral units; integrated circuits; integrated circuits for enhancing graphical and video display; integrated circuits, semiconductors and computer chipsets; semiconductors; simulation, modeling and data processing software for use in data visualization, data analysis, data mining, data interpretation, predictive analytics, accessing and editing large-scale data, interactive visual computing, design of information graphics, video streaming, maximizing graphics processing and performance; software; software and firmware for developing artificial intelligence applications; software and firmware for enabling electronic devices to share data and communicate with each other; software and hardware that facilitates data transmission, data collection, data analysis, and decision-making; software development kits (SDKs); software development kits (SDKs) consisting of software for ray tracing and image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; software development kits (SDKs) for building software applications software for use in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, high performance computing, image feature extraction, natural language processing, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, predictive analytics, software development, edge computing, fog computing, decentralized computing, Internet of Things, and computer and telecommunications networks; software development tools; software development tools for advanced graphics processing, for managing and implementing virtual desktop infrastructures, for virtual desktops and applications, and for virtualization technology software; software development tools for use in the fields of artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, high performance computing, distributed computing, and data virtualization; software for 3D-visualization, 3D modeling and 3D rendering; software for advanced graphics processing and visual computing; software for artificial intelligence; software for artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics and business intelligence; software for controlling edge devices; software for controlling the operation of audio and video devices; software for data management, analytics and pattern and activity recognition; software for enhancement of graphical and video display; software for enhancing computer performance, for operation of integrated circuits, semiconductors, computer chipsets and micro-processors, and for gaming purposes; software for image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; software for management, storage and network management of digital media, and enhancement of graphical and video display; software for modifying and enabling transmission of images, audio, audio visual and video content and data; software for operating and managing integrated circuit components; software for processing images, graphics, audio, video, and text; software for professional designers, engineers, and scientists for advanced graphics processing and visual computing; software for ray tracing and image rendering, modeling, and image manipulation and processing; software for the collection, managing, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, and sharing of data and information; software for the display of digital media; software for use as an application programming interface (API); software, firmware and hardware for use in the fields of edge computing, artificial intelligence, high performance computing, distributed computing, machine learning, automation controls, data collection, data analytics and internet of things; software, namely, an interpretive interface for facilitating interaction between humans and machines; software, namely, knowledge-based artificial intelligence platforms, data analytics platforms, and automation platforms; system-on-chip processors; video game software; software and computer hardware for artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics and business intelligence; software development kits (SDK) comprised of frameworks, tools, APIs, and libraries for use in developing virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality software; software for 3D, virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality simulation; software for use in connection with photographic and video equipment and cameras, namely, software for taking, capturing, processing, operating, viewing, storing, editing, arranging, combining, sharing, manipulating, modifying, transmitting and displaying data, images, videos, multimedia files, and other digital data; software in the fields of artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality for predicting, classifying, collecting, simulating, and optimizing data, for computer gaming, augmented reality gaming, virtual reality gaming, and virtual reality simulation

Trademark Filing History

DescriptionDateProceeding Number

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