Offc Action Outgoing


The Hive Strategic Marketing Inc.

U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 88500038 - VALUABLE ENCOUNTERS - 7272-147258

To: The Hive Strategic Marketing Inc. (
Subject: U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 88500038 - VALUABLE ENCOUNTERS - 7272-147258
Sent: September 28, 2019 08:35:18 AM
Sent As:

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Office Action (Official Letter) About Applicant’s Trademark Application


U.S. Application Serial No. 88500038







Correspondence Address: 




SUITE 2100




Applicant:  The Hive Strategic Marketing Inc.




Reference/Docket No. 7272-147258


Correspondence Email Address:






The USPTO must receive applicant’s response to this letter within six months of the issue date below or the application will be abandoned.  Respond using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).  A link to the appropriate TEAS response form appears at the end of this Office action. 



Issue date:  September 28, 2019




The following are the open application issues that the applicant must address in order to have a complete response to this Office action:


-Refusal to Register Under Trademark Act Section 1(a) –Requirement for Submission of an Acceptable Specimen of Use Unmet


-Requirement for Submission of a Certified Copy of Foreign Registration


-Requirement for Clarification and Proper Classification of Identification Language


-Requirement for Submission of Additional Fees or Restriction of Identification Language



The referenced application has been reviewed by the assigned trademark examining attorney.  Applicant must respond timely and completely to the issues below.  15 U.S.C. §1062(b); 37 C.F.R. §§2.62(a), 2.65(a); TMEP §§711, 718.03.



The trademark examining attorney has searched the Office’s database of registered and pending marks and has found no conflicting marks that would bar registration under Trademark Act Section 2(d).  TMEP §704.02; see 15 U.S.C. §1052(d). In order to pursue registration, however, the applicant must respond to the following requirements.



REFUSAL to Register Under Trademark Act Section 1(a) –Requirement for Submission of an Acceptable Specimen of Use Unmet


Registration is refused because the specimen does not show use in commerce of the applied-for mark with the identified services in any International Class.  Trademark Act Sections 1 and 45, 15 U.S.C. §§1051, 1127; 37 C.F.R. §§2.34(a)(1)(iv), 2.56(a); TMEP §§904, 904.07(a), 1301.04(f)(ii), (g)(i).  Specifically, the specimen fails to show the mark used in a way that would create in the minds of potential consumers a sufficient nexus or direct association between the mark and the services being offered.  In re Universal Oil Prods. Co., 476 F.2d 653, 655, 177 USPQ 456, 457 (C.C.P.A. 1973); TMEP §1301.04(f)(ii); see also In re JobDiva, Inc., 843 F.3d 936, 942, 121 USPQ2d 1122, 1126 (Fed. Cir. 2016); In re Adver. & Mktg. Dev., Inc., 821 F.2d 614, 620, 2 USPQ2d 2010, 2014 (Fed. Cir. 1987). 


An application based on Trademark Act Section 1(a) must include a specimen showing the applied-for mark in use in commerce for each international class of services identified in the application or amendment to allege use.  15 U.S.C. §1051(a)(1); 37 C.F.R. §§2.34(a)(1)(iv), 2.56(a); TMEP §§904, 904.07(a).  A service mark is used in commerce “when it is used or displayed in the sale or advertising of services.”  See 15 U.S.C. § 1127; 37 C.F.R. §2.56(b)(2). 


When determining whether a mark is used in connection with the services in the application, a key consideration is the perception of the user.  In re JobDiva, Inc., 843 F.3d at 942, 121 USPQ2d at 1126 (citing, Inc. v. 1-800 Contacts, Inc., 686 F.3d 1376, 1381-82, 103 USPQ2d 1672, 1676 (Fed Cir. 2012)).  A specimen must show the mark used in a way that would create in the minds of potential consumers a sufficient nexus or direct association between the mark and the services being offered.  In re Universal Oil Prods. Co., 476 F.2d at 655, 177 USPQ2d at 457; TMEP §1301.04(f)(ii); see also In re JobDiva, Inc., 843 F.3d at 942, 121 USPQ2d at 1126; In re Adver. & Mktg. Dev., Inc., 821 F.2d at 620, 2 USPQ2d at 2014. 


To show a direct association, specimens consisting of advertising or promotional materials must (1) explicitly reference the services and (2) show the mark used to identify the services and their source.  In re WAY Media, Inc., 118 USPQ2d at 1698 (quoting In re Osmotica Holdings, Corp., 95 USPQ2d 1666, 1668 (TTAB 2010)); TMEP §1301.04(f)(ii).  Although the exact nature of the services does not need to be specified in the specimen, there must be something which creates in the mind of the purchaser an association between the mark and the services.  In re Adair, 45 USPQ2d 1211, 1215 (TTAB 1997) (quoting In re Johnson Controls Inc., 33 USPQ2d 1318, 1320 (TTAB 1994)). 


In the present case, the specimen does not show a direct association between the mark and services in that the mark is not used in association with any of the identified services. The specimen of use documentation of record is described by the applicant as an “advertisement.” The specimen documentation consists of twenty-one (21) pages wherein the mark sought in this application appears only twice –once by itself with no other wording on page 4 and once as part of a sentence [“The hive is a creative solutions company delivering valuable encounters.”]. Neither page shows the mark in use in association with any reference to any type of discernible services, thus both fail to show use of the mark in commerce for the services of record for this application.


Applicant may respond to this refusal by satisfying one of the following for each applicable international class:


(1)       Submit a different specimen (a verified “substitute” specimen) that (a) was in actual use in commerce at least as early as the filing date of the application or prior to the filing of an amendment to allege use and (b) shows the mark in actual use in commerce for the services identified in the application or amendment to allege use.  A “verified substitute specimen” is a specimen that is accompanied by the following statement made in a signed affidavit or supported by a declaration under 37 C.F.R. §2.20:  “The substitute (or new, or originally submitted, if appropriate) specimen(s) was/were in use in commerce at least as early as the filing date of the application or prior to the filing of the amendment to allege use.”  The substitute specimen cannot be accepted without this statement.


(2)       Amend the filing basis to intent to use under Section 1(b), for which no specimen is required.  This option will later necessitate additional fee(s) and filing requirements such as providing a specimen.


For an overview of the response options above and instructions on how to satisfy them using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) response form, see the Specimen webpage.




REQUIREMENT for Submission of a Certified Copy of Foreign Registration


The application specifies both a use in commerce basis under Trademark Act Section 1(a) and a claim of priority under Section 44(d) based on a foreign application.  See 15 U.S.C. §§1051(a), 1126(d); 37 C.F.R. §2.34(a)(1), (a)(4).  However, no copy of a foreign registration has been provided even though the application indicates applicant’s intent to rely on Section 44(e) as an additional basis for registration.  See 15 U.S.C. §1126(e).


An application with a Section 44(e) basis must include a true copy, photocopy, certification, or certified copy of a foreign registration from an applicant’s country of origin.  15 U.S.C. §1126(e); 37 C.F.R. §2.34(a)(3)(ii); TMEP §§1004, 1004.01, 1016.  In addition, an applicant’s country of origin must be a party to a convention or treaty relating to trademarks to which the United States is also a party, or must extend reciprocal registration rights to nationals of the United States by law.  15 U.S.C. §1126(b); TMEP §§1002.01, 1004.


Therefore, applicant must provide a copy of the foreign registration from applicant’s country of origin when it becomes available.  TMEP §1003.04(a).  A copy of a foreign registration must consist of a document issued to an applicant by, or certified by, the intellectual property office in applicant’s country of origin.  TMEP §1004.01.  If applicant’s country of origin does not issue registrations or Madrid Protocol certificates of extension of protection, applicant may submit a copy of the Madrid Protocol international registration that shows that protection of the international registration has been extended to applicant’s country of origin.  TMEP §1016.  In addition, applicant must also provide an English translation if the foreign registration is not written in English.  37 C.F.R. §2.34(a)(3)(ii); TMEP §1004.01(a)-(b).  The translation should be signed by the translator.  TMEP §1004.01(b).


If the foreign registration has not yet issued, or applicant requires additional time to procure a copy of the foreign registration (and English translation, as appropriate), applicant should so inform the trademark examining attorney and request that the U.S. application be suspended until a copy of the foreign registration is available.  TMEP §§716.02(b), 1003.04(b).


If applicant cannot satisfy the requirements of a Section 44(e) basis, applicant may request that the mark be approved for publication based solely on the Section 1(a) basis.  See 15 U.S.C. §§1051(a), 1126(e); 37 C.F.R. §2.35(b)(1); TMEP §§806.02(f), 806.04(b), 1003.04(b).  Please note that, if the U.S. application satisfied the requirements of Section 44(d) as of the U.S. application filing date, applicant may retain the priority filing date under Section 44(d) without perfecting the Section 44(e) basis, provided there is a continuing valid basis for registration.  See 37 C.F.R. §2.35(b)(3)-(4); TMEP §§806.02(f), 806.04(b).



REQUIREMENT for Clarification and Proper Classification of Identification Language


The following bolded wording in the identification of services language is indefinite and must be clarified as to the intended use, purpose and field of use for the services: 


“Advertising and promotion of the wares and services of others namely, conceiving, preparing, directing, and carrying out marketing promotions for others and conceiving, preparing, directing and carrying out advertising campaigns for others namely, conceiving, preparing, directing and carrying out events, meetings, and travel for others, advertising and promotion of wares and services of others, namely, mailings and printed matter for direct mail, print advertising, and outdoor media, dissemination on the internet, production of advertising messages for radio, television and the internet, copywriting, art direction, concept generation, plan development, marketing and strategic consultation, creating and selecting brand names and logos, event planning and execution, sports and entertainment programs, development and execution of promotion contests, winner fulfillment, arranging celebrity and entertainment appearances, design and execution of mobile marketing teams, disseminating samples, arranging interactive brand experiences, point of sale design and execution, preparing and executing sales incentive, reward and recognition programs, preparing and executing sales meetings and conferences, preparing and executing programming to motivate and educate sales staff, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and consumers, media planning consultation, consumer and sales data collection and management, and strategic oversight thereof.” See 37 C.F.R. §2.32(a)(6); TMEP §1402.01. 


The following identification of services language is classified incorrectly in International Class 035: packaging design”. The applicant must amend the application to classify the services in International Class 042. See 37 C.F.R. §§2.32(a)(7), 2.85; TMEP §§1401.02(a), 1401.03(b).


Applicant’s services may be clarified or limited, but may not be expanded beyond those originally itemized in the application or as acceptably amended.  See 37 C.F.R. §2.71(a); TMEP §1402.06.  Applicant may clarify or limit the identification by inserting qualifying language or deleting items to result in a more specific identification; however, applicant may not substitute different services or add services not found or encompassed by those in the original application or as acceptably amended.  See TMEP §1402.06(a)-(b).  The scope of the services sets the outer limit for any changes to the identification and is generally determined by the ordinary meaning of the wording in the identification.  TMEP §§1402.06(b), 1402.07(a)-(b).  Any acceptable changes to the services will further limit scope, and once services are deleted, they are not permitted to be reinserted.  TMEP §1402.07(e).


The applicant may clarify by substituting some or all of the following suggested amended wording, if accurate:


International Class 035


Advertising and promotion of the wares and services of others namely, conceiving, preparing, directing, and carrying out marketing promotions for others; Developing promotional campaigns for business, namely, conceiving, preparing, directing and carrying out advertising campaigns for others; Organization, planning and conducting of exhibitions, meetings and events for commercial or advertising purposes; Providing travel business management services for others  in the field of corporate travel to exhibitions, meetings and events for commercial or advertising purposes; Advertising and promoting the goods and services of others, namely, direct mail advertising services, print media advertising, and outdoor media advertising and advertising on the internet for others; Radio advertising in the nature of the production of advertising messages for radio; Television advertising; Dissemination of advertising of others via the Internet; Copy writing for advertising and promotional purposes; Advertising art direction; Design of advertising materials for others, namely, advertisement concept generation, plan development, marketing and strategic consultation; Brand concept and brand development services namely, creating and selecting brand names and logos for corporate and individual clients; Special event planning for business purposes; Arranging and conducting special events for business purposes; Arranging and conducting marketing promotional events for others; Promoting the goods and services of others by arranging for sponsors to affiliate their goods and services with sports competitions; Promoting the sale of goods and services of others by development and execution of promotion contests; Online advertising and mobile marketing services in the field of {specify field or type of goods/services, e.g., dentistry, dental equipment} via wireless networks for display on mobile devices; Disseminating samples, namely, distribution of samples for publicity purposes; Advertising services, namely, promoting the brands of other by arranging interactive brand experiences; Promoting the sale of goods and services of others by means of contests and incentive reward and recognition programs; Arranging and conducting business sales conferences and business sales meetings; Providing consulting services in the field of facilitating the planning, buying, and selling of media; Business information management services, namely, strategic oversight in the collection of consumer and business sales data.



International Class 039


Travel planning for individuals, families, and groups attending commercial exhibitions, meetings and events; Provision of travel information for attendees of commercial meetings and events; Booking of seats for travel for attendees of commercial meetings and events; Booking of tickets for air travel for attendees of commercial meetings and events.



International Class 041


Special event planning for social entertainment purposes; Arranging and conducting special events for social entertainment purposes; Entertainment services in the nature of arranging social entertainment events;     Entertainment services, namely, personal appearances by a {specify, e.g., celebrity, musical band, movie star, sports celebrity};  Educational services, namely, providing motivational and educational speakers in the field of self- and personal improvement for business sales staff, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and consumers.



International Class 042


Packaging design; Design of point of sale {specify what is being designed, e.g., terminals for making contactless payments, electronic point-of-sale systems}.




Please note that parentheses are not acceptable in the identification. See TMEP Section 1402.12. Where the wording “{specify …}” appears in this Office Action, the examining attorney has merely suggested ways to cure the indefiniteness of the identification. The applicant must list the services without parentheses.


For assistance with identifying and classifying goods and services in trademark applications, please see the USPTO’s online searchable U.S. Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual.  See TMEP §1402.04.



REQUIREMENT for Submission of Additional Class Fee or Restriction of Identification Language


The application identifies services that are classified in at least four (4) classes; however, applicant submitted a fee sufficient for only one (1) class.  In a multiple-class application, a fee for each class is required.  37 C.F.R. §2.86(a)(2), (b)(2); TMEP §§810.01, 1403.01.


Therefore, applicant must either (1) restrict the application to the number of classes covered by the fees already paid, or (2) submit the fees for each additional class.


The application references goods and/or services based on use in commerce in more than one international class; therefore, applicant must satisfy all the requirements below for each international class:


(1)       List the goods and/or services by their international class number in consecutive numerical order, starting with the lowest numbered class (for example, International Class 3: perfume; International Class 18: cosmetic bags sold empty).


(2)       Submit a filing fee for each international class not covered by the fee already paid (view the USPTO’s current fee schedule).  Specifically, the application identifies goods and/or services based on use in commerce that are classified in at least four (4) classes; however, applicant submitted a fee sufficient for only one (1) class.  Applicant must either (a) submit the filing fees for the classes not covered by the submitted fees or (b) restrict the application to the number of classes covered by the fees already paid.


(3)       Submit verified dates of first use of the mark anywhere and in commerce for each international class.  See more information about verified dates of use.


(4)       Submit a specimen for each international class.  The current specimen is not acceptable for any international class.  See more information about specimens.


            Examples of specimens for services include advertising and marketing materials, brochures, photographs of business signage and billboards, and website printouts that show the mark used in the actual sale, rendering, or advertising of the services. 


(5)       Submit a verified statement that “The specimen was in use in commerce on or in connection with the goods and/or services listed in the application at least as early as the filing date of the application.  See more information about verification.


See 15 U.S.C. §§1051(a), 1112; 37 C.F.R. §§2.32(a)(6)-(7), 2.34(a)(1), 2.86(a); TMEP §§904, 1403.01, 1403.02(c).


See an overview of the requirements for a Section 1(a) multiple-class application and how to satisfy the requirements online using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) form.




ADVISORY –Response Guidelines for TEAS-Plus Applications


TEAS PLUS OR TEAS REDUCED FEE (TEAS RF) APPLICANTS – TO MAINTAIN LOWER FEE, ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET, INCLUDING SUBMITTING DOCUMENTS ONLINE:  Applicants who filed their application online using the lower-fee TEAS Plus or TEAS RF application form must (1) file certain documents online using TEAS, including responses to Office actions (see TMEP §§819.02(b), 820.02(b) for a complete list of these documents); (2) maintain a valid e-mail correspondence address; and (3) agree to receive correspondence from the USPTO by e-mail throughout the prosecution of the application.  See 37 C.F.R. §§2.22(b), 2.23(b); TMEP §§819, 820.  TEAS Plus or TEAS RF applicants who do not meet these requirements must submit an additional processing fee of $125 per class of goods and/or services.  37 C.F.R. §§2.6(a)(1)(v), 2.22(c), 2.23(c); TMEP §§819.04, 820.04.  However, in certain situations, TEAS Plus or TEAS RF applicants may respond to an Office action by authorizing an examiner’s amendment by telephone or e-mail without incurring this additional fee.  



How to respond:  Click to file a response to this nonfinal Office action  



/Amy Kean/

Trademark Attorney, Law Office 112

Phone: 571-272-8854







  • Missing the response deadline to this letter will cause the application to abandon.  A response or notice of appeal must be received by the USPTO before midnight Eastern Time of the last day of the response period.  TEAS and ESTTA maintenance or unforeseen circumstances could affect an applicant’s ability to timely respond.  




U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 88500038 - VALUABLE ENCOUNTERS - 7272-147258

To: The Hive Strategic Marketing Inc. (
Subject: U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 88500038 - VALUABLE ENCOUNTERS - 7272-147258
Sent: September 28, 2019 08:35:19 AM
Sent As:

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)




Office Action (Official Letter) has issued

on September 28, 2019 for

U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 88500038


Your trademark application has been reviewed by a trademark examining attorney.  As part of that review, the assigned attorney has issued an official letter that you must respond to by the specified deadline or your application will be abandoned.  Please follow the steps below.


(1)  Read the official letter.


(2)  Direct questions about the contents of the Office action to the assigned attorney below. 



/Amy Kean/

Trademark Attorney, Law Office 112

Phone: 571-272-8854





Direct questions about navigating USPTO electronic forms, the USPTO website, the application process, the status of your application, and/or whether there are outstanding deadlines or documents related to your file to the Trademark Assistance Center (TAC).


(3)  Respond within 6 months (or earlier, if required in the Office action) from September 28, 2019, using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).  The response must be received by the USPTO before midnight Eastern Time of the last day of the response period.  See the Office action for more information about how to respond.





·       Check the status of your application periodically in the Trademark Status & Document Retrieval (TSDR) database to avoid missing critical deadlines.


·       Update your correspondence email address, if needed, to ensure you receive important USPTO notices about your application.


·       Beware of misleading notices sent by private companies about your application.  Private companies not associated with the USPTO use public information available in trademark registrations to mail and email trademark-related offers and notices – most of which require fees.  All official USPTO correspondence will only be emailed from the domain “”

 is an independent third-party trademark research tool that is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or any other governmental organization. The information provided by is based on publicly available data at the time of writing and is intended for informational purposes only.

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information displayed on this site. The use of this site is at your own risk. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

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