U.S. Application Serial No. 88448828 |
International Class(es): 041 |
Owner: Francis TM Holdings LLC |
Docket/Reference No. |
Issue Date: September 4, 2019 |
Your mark is scheduled to publish in the Trademark Official Gazette (TMOG) on September 24, 2019. |
Your mark appears to be entitled to register on the Principal Register upon the acceptance of a statement of use, subject
to any claims of concurrent use. What happens when your mark publishes. Within 30 days of the publication date, any party who believes it will be damaged by the registration of the mark may file a notice of opposition (or extension of time) with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. If no objection is filed, we will issue a Notice of allowance. View your mark in the TMOG after the publication date at http://tmog.gov.uspto.report/ by selecting your publication date in the "issues" field, entering your serial number in the "search by" field, and clicking on the magnifying glass. |
Ensure that the information in the TMOG is correct. If any information is incorrect, promptly request correction using the "Post-Approval/Publication/Post-Notice of Allowance (NOA) Amendment" form at http://teas.gov.uspto.report/office/ppa/. For more information, see http://www.gov.uspto.report/trademark/trademark-updates-and-announcements/procedures-submitting-amendmentscorrections-trademark. |
Direct questions about this notice to the Trademark Assistance Center (TAC)at 1-800-786-9199 (select option 1) or TrademarkAssistanceCenter@uspto.gov. |
Email Address(es): ralph@kranesmith.com |