U.S. Application Serial No. 88272409 |
Docket/Reference No. |
Issue Date: February 18, 2020 |
The application above is abandoned because we did not receive within six months of the Notice of Allowance (NOA) issue date:
(1) A Statement of Use (SOU); or
(2) A Request for Extension of Time to File a Statement of Use (Extension Request). |
If you did not receive the NOA or if the delay in filing your SOU or Extension Request was unintentional, you can file a "petition to
revive" using the Petition to Revive Abandoned Application - Failure to File Timely Statement of Use or Extension Request form. You must
file the petition within two months of the issue date of this notice. The petition must include the following:
(1) A signed statement by someone with firsthand knowledge of the facts, stating that the delay in responding by the due date was unintentional;
(2) A petition fee; and
(3) An SOU or Extension Request and the required fees, including any fees for extension requests that should have been filed if the application had never been abandoned, or,
if you did not receive the NOA, a clear statement of this fact. |
WARNING: We cannot grant a petition to revive if it will result in an SOU being filed more than 36 months after the NOA issue
date. |
If you have proof that the application was abandoned due to USPTO error, you can file a Request for Reinstatement of the application and include the proof (such as a copy of an email
confirmation issued by the USPTO that includes the date of receipt and a summary of the online submission). You must file the request within two months of the issue date of this notice. There
is no fee for this request. |
For more information on filing a petition, see our webpage on petitions.
For questions about this notice, filing a petition, or filing a request for reinstatement, contact the Trademark Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199 (select option 1) or at TrademarkAssistanceCenter@uspto.gov. |