Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. PTO Form 2201 (Rev 05/2006) |
OMB No. 0651-0056 (Exp 11/30/2020) |
Input Field |
Entered |
SERIAL NUMBER | 88238244 |
MARK | JR (stylized and/or with design, see http://uspto.report/TM/88238244/mark.png) |
REASON TEXT | All of the services for which the client engaged the firm in this matter have been rendered. |
WITHDRAWAL STATEMENT | (1) I have notified the owner/holder of my withdrawal from employment and the filing of this request for withdrawal with the USPTO. |
WITHDRAWAL STATEMENT | (2) I have delivered to the owner/holder all documents and property in any file concerning the application, registration, or proceeding to which the owner/holder is entitled. |
WITHDRAWAL STATEMENT | (3) I have notified the owner/holder of any response that may be due and the deadline for his/her response. |
WITHDRAWAL STATEMENT | (4) I have notified the owner/holder that the owner/holder must provide a valid email address to the USPTO for official communication and keep that email address current. |
WITHDRAWAL STATEMENT | (5) I have given the owner/holder notice of my withdrawal from employment at least two (2) months prior to the expiration of the response period, if applicable; OR, notice of my withdrawal from employment was not required because the owner/holder terminated representation when less than two (2) months remained in the response period. |
WITHDRAWAL STATEMENT | (6) I have notified the foreign-domiciled owner/holder that they are required to be represented by a U.S.-licensed attorney before the USPTO in their application/registration (if applicable). |
NAME | Michael Markos |
PRIMARY EMAIL ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE | trademarks@legalforcelaw.com |
NAME | Merritt, Jonathan |
SIGNATURE | /Michael Markos/ |
SIGNATORY NAME | Markos, Michael |
SIGNATORY DATE | 07/02/2020 |
SIGNATORY POSITION | Attorney of record |
SIGNATURE METHOD | Sent to third party for signature |
SUBMIT DATE | Thu Jul 02 13:57:55 ET 2020 |
TEAS STAMP | USPTO/WOA-XXX.XXX.XX.XXX- 20200702135755950406-8823 8244-710d962a9bd846afac47 8bdb6b42e96ab9866259ad382 0849789a5c33be4192ac8-N/A -N/A-20200702070029778035 |
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. PTO Form 2201 (Rev 05/2006) |
OMB No. 0651-0056 (Exp 11/30/2020) |
MARK: JR (stylized and/or with design, see http://uspto.report/TM/88238244/mark.png) SERIAL NUMBER: 88238244 I request to withdraw as the Attorney of Record or update the USPTO's database after a power of attorney has ended for the serial number(s) identified above, for the following reason(s): All of the services for which the client engaged the firm in this matter have been rendered. (1) I have notified the owner/holder of my withdrawal from employment and the filing of this request for withdrawal with the USPTO. (2) I have delivered to the owner/holder all documents and property in any file concerning the application, registration, or proceeding to which the owner/holder is entitled. (3) I have notified the owner/holder of any response that may be due and the deadline for his/her response. (4) I have notified the owner/holder that the owner/holder must provide a valid email address to the USPTO for official communication and keep that email address current. (5) I have given the owner/holder notice of my withdrawal from employment at least two (2) months prior to the expiration of the response period, if applicable; OR, notice of my withdrawal from employment was not required because the owner/holder terminated representation when less than two (2) months remained in the response period. (6) I have notified the foreign-domiciled owner/holder that they are required to be represented by a U.S.-licensed attorney before the USPTO in their application/registration (if applicable). Correspondence Information (current): Michael Markos PRIMARY EMAIL FOR CORRESPONDENCE: trademarks@legalforcelaw.com SECONDARY EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) (COURTESY COPIES): NOT PROVIDED The docket/reference number is 1132507. Correspondence Information (proposed): Merritt, Jonathan PRIMARY EMAIL FOR CORRESPONDENCE: jonathanlmerritt@gmail.com SECONDARY EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) (COURTESY COPIES): NOT PROVIDED Requirement for Email and Electronic Filing: I understand that a valid email address must be maintained by the applicant owner/holder and the applicant owner's/holder's attorney, if appointed, and that all official trademark correspondence must be submitted via the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS). Declaration The signatory being warned that willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001, and that such willful false statements and the like may jeopardize the validity of this submission, declares that all statements made of his/her own knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true. Signature: /Michael Markos/ Date: 07/02/2020 Signatory's Name: Markos, Michael Signatory's Position: Attorney of record Signature method: Sent to third party for signature |