Response to Office Action


Hubbell Incorporated

Response to Office Action

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1957 (Rev 10/2011)
OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 09/20/2020)

Response to Office Action

The table below presents the data as entered.

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MARK STATEMENT The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style, size or color.

The Examining Attorney has preliminarily refused registration of Applicant’s PREVENT application covering “lighting fixtures,” citing a likelihood of confusion with the following registrations:

  1. PREVENTA (Reg. No. 3799772) owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS; and

  2. PREVENT & Design (Reg. No. 2899905) owned by Permatron Corporation (collectively, the “Cited Registrations”).  


    For the reasons detailed below, Applicant respectfully requests that the Examining Attorney remove these registrations as obstacles to registration and approve Applicant’s PREVENT application for publication on the Principal Register.


    For a finding of likelihood of confusion, the Examining Attorney must consider whether the goods of the respective parties are related, and whether the activities surrounding the marketing of the respective goods are such that confusion as to source is likely. In re August Storck KG, 218 U.S.P.Q. 823 (T.T.A.B. 1983). A number of contextual factors weigh against a finding of likelihood of confusion in this case. Most importantly, Applicant stresses (1) the difference between Applicant’s products and those covered by the Cited Registrations; and (2) the third party marks currently coexisting on the register with the Cited Registrations, indicating tolerance for further coexistence and demonstrating the narrow scope of protection afforded to the Cited Registrations.


    The Products Covered by Schneider’s PREVENTA Registration in Class 7 and Class 9 are Distinguishable from Applicant’s Lighting Fixtures in Class 11

Schneider’s registration includes the following products in Classes 7 and 9:

Class 7:  Devices for controlling machines or electric motors particularly for safety purposes with regard to said machines or electric motors, namely, motor starters, starter alternators, servo-motors, servo-drives, variable speed drives; systems for controlling machines or electric motors particularly for safety purposes with regard to said machines or electric motors, namely, motor starters, starter alternators, servo-motors, servo-drives, variable speed drives.

Class 9:  Electric or electronic checking and monitoring, protection and safety apparatus, namely, electrical programmable logic controllers, electric controllers, electric safety modules, electrical switches, magnetic switches, electrical position switches, electric push-button switches, electric foot switches, electric switch disconnectors, electric circuit breakers, light indicators, terminal blocks, electric control stations; electric detection apparatus, namely, photoelectric sensors, transmitters and receivers for electric signals; safety devices, namely, safety light curtains, safety mats

Schneider produces “machine safety products” for “emergency stop and switch monitoring” under its PREVENTA mark. Applicant directs the Examining Attorney’s attention to Exhibit A, which includes copies of certain pages of Schneider’s website that provide further context about its PREVENTA line of safety products. Schneider describes its PREVENTA branded products as used in connection with “all potentially dangerous machines requiring protection for both the operator and the machine.” These products include safety on and off switches, emergency “stop” disconnectors, and sensors to determine the presence or absence of an object or human.

The products covered by each respective application or registration are sold to different consumers in different channels of trade – Schneider’s products are likely sold to safety compliance managers and others involved in the manufacturing process to ensure that machinery has the proper safeguards. These products prevent workplace injuries and are likely purchased by sophisticated consumers after careful consideration of the risk, evaluation of the potential dangers to employees, and employer obligations from a statutory or regulatory perspective.

Schneider’s safety products are drastically different from Applicant’s outdoor and indoor lighting fixtures. Applicant’s lighting products are installed inside or outside of buildings and are designed to be vandal resistant. Applicant’s products are also categorized by the Trademark Office into an entirely different Class.

Contrary to the Examining Attorney’s assertion, just because third parties happen to sell “electric or electronic goods such as electric switch disconnectors, electric circuit breakers, and photoelectric sensors” and “lighting fixtures” on the same website does not automatically dictate a finding of likelihood of confusion. The practical differences in product types, channels of trade, and consumers, must also be analyzed. In this case, these factors weigh against a finding of likelihood of confusion.

The Products Covered by Permatron’s PREVENT Registration are Distinguishable from Applicant’s Lighting Fixtures

Permatron’s PREVENT & Design registration covers “air filters and screens for air intake grills for commercial, residential, and industrial uses.” Its PREVENT branded products appear to fall squarely within the HVAC industry. This is supported by the evidence attached at Exhibit B, which includes a copy of the specimens submitted by Permatron to obtain and renew its registration and copies of certain pages of Permatron’s website.

In the specimens submitted to the Trademark Office on May 7, 2010, Permatron describes its products as a “wrap-around style air conditioner filter.” Permatron’s website also describes its product as stopping “airborne debris before it ever gets inside your HVAC coils and fins.”

Permatron’s products are highly distinct from Applicant’s lighting fixtures, are purchased by different consumers (i.e., those looking to improve the functioning of their HVAC and air conditioning systems), and are sold in entirely different channels of trade. Just because both “lighting fixtures” and “air filters and screens” are offered for sale on the same website does not establish that consumer confusion is likely.

To further illustrate this point, Applicant directs the Examining Attorney to the following third party registrations. The Trademark Office has allowed identical or nearly identical marks covering lighting products and air filters to coexist on the Register, including the following (status and title copies of TESS printouts are attached at Exhibit C):  


Reg. No.





Class 11: Electric lanterns; LED lanterns; LED flashlights; electrical beverage warmers in the nature of mugs; motion sensor lights; flashlights; camera lighting tripod; utility flashlights; candle lamps namely candle lamps with built-in timers, candle lamps with built-in fountain; portable lighting products, namely, LED headlamps; cap light clip on, LED puck lights; compact refrigerators; compact freezers; combination compact refrigerators/freezers; microwave ovens; portable ice making machines, among other goods in Classes 8, 9, 14, 21, and 28

Emerson Radio Corp.


Class 11: Air filters for domestic use; ceiling fan accessories, namely, fan blades, fan lighting fixtures, shades for fan lighting fixtures, fan controls, and fan downrods; dampers, namely, control devices used in air ducts to regulate the flow of air… among other goods in Classes 6, 7, 9, and 20.

Emerson Electric Co.



Class 11: Solar light fixtures, namely, indoor and outdoor solar powered lighting units and fixtures

Prashant Shewa



Class 11: Air filters for domestic, industrial, and commercial use, namely, air filters for use in connection with HVAC systems and used inside the grilles of the return air ducts in such systems

Clarcor Air Filtration Products, Inc.

The above third party EMERSON marks are identical and the above third party SYNERGY/CYNERGY marks are phonetically identical. In each pair, one registration covers lighting fixtures and the other covers air filters. If these marks can coexist on the Register, then Applicant’s PREVENT and the cited PREVENT & Design can also coexist without consumer confusion.

Coexistence of Additional Third Party PREVENT Registrations with the Cited Registrations

Applicant respectfully notes that Schneider’s PREVENTA registration in Class 7 and Class 9 is currently coexisting with the following third party registration in Class 7 and Class 9 that include the term “PREVENT,” namely (status and title copies of TESS printouts are attached at Exhibit C):


Reg. No.





Class 9: Printed circuits; printed circuit boards; integrated circuits; electronic components for integrated circuit cards; electronic components in the nature of capacitors, connectors, filters, oscillators, relays, switches, transformers, resistors, semiconductors, integrated circuits, rectifiers, transistors, among services in Classes 40 and 42.

Preventpcb SA

The above referenced PREVENTPCB registration covers various types of electronic components, like switches and circuits that are identical to Schneider’s PREVENTA branded electronic products. Comparatively, the above third party registration is far more similar to Schneider’s PREVENTA than Applicant’s mark. The goods covered by the PREVENTPCB and PREVENTA registrations directly overlap. The dominant portion of each registered mark is also phonetically equivalent and, when taken as a whole, the marks only differ by three letters (PREVENTPCB vs. PREVENTA). If these marks can coexist on the Register, then Applicant’s PREVENT and the Cited Registration for PREVENTA can also coexist without consumer confusion.

Finally, Applicant notes that Permatron’s Cited Registration for PREVENT & Design covering air filters in Class 11 is currently coexisting with the following third party registration namely (status and title copies of TESS printouts are attached at Exhibit C):


Reg. No.





Class 11: Parts and fittings to be used with HVAC systems, namely, air filters, filter racks, protective coil guards, motorized power exhaust fans, air side economizers, and mixing boxes for use in air handling units, among other goods in Classes 6 and 9.

Air Distribution Technologies IP, LLC

Applicant respectfully notes that this PROVENT registration covers HVAC air filters (among other HVAC products) that are identical to Permatron’s PREVENT air filters. Comparatively, this third party registration is far more similar to Permatron’s PREVENT than Applicant’s mark. This is particularly the case because the products listed in each registration directly overlap. In addition, both registered marks are phonetic and visual equivalents, as they only differ by one letter (PROVENT vs. PREVENT). The potential for consumer confusion is far greater between these two registrations, yet the Trademark Office has allowed each mark to coexist. In light of the fact that lighting fixtures are entirely distinct from air filters, Applicant’s mark should also be allowed to coexist.



In light of the above arguments now made of record, Applicant respectfully requests that the Examining Attorney approve Applicant’s mark for publication on the Principal Register.

       ORIGINAL PDF FILE evi_747853135-20190619203242220889_._Exhibit_A_-_Prevent.pdf
       (7 pages)
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE evi_747853135-20190619203242220889_._Exhibit_B_-_Prevent.pdf
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       ORIGINAL PDF FILE evi_747853135-20190619203242220889_._Exhibit_C-_Prevent.pdf
       (28 pages)
DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE FILE Applicant's Exhibit A, B, and C
SIGNATORY'S POSITION Attorney of Record, Maine Bar Member
DATE SIGNED 06/19/2019
SUBMIT DATE Wed Jun 19 21:15:39 EDT 2019

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1957 (Rev 10/2011)
OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 09/20/2020)

Response to Office Action

To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

Application serial no. 88103294 PREVENT(Standard Characters, see has been amended as follows:

In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the following:

The Examining Attorney has preliminarily refused registration of Applicant’s PREVENT application covering “lighting fixtures,” citing a likelihood of confusion with the following registrations:

  1. PREVENTA (Reg. No. 3799772) owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS; and

  2. PREVENT & Design (Reg. No. 2899905) owned by Permatron Corporation (collectively, the “Cited Registrations”).  


    For the reasons detailed below, Applicant respectfully requests that the Examining Attorney remove these registrations as obstacles to registration and approve Applicant’s PREVENT application for publication on the Principal Register.


    For a finding of likelihood of confusion, the Examining Attorney must consider whether the goods of the respective parties are related, and whether the activities surrounding the marketing of the respective goods are such that confusion as to source is likely. In re August Storck KG, 218 U.S.P.Q. 823 (T.T.A.B. 1983). A number of contextual factors weigh against a finding of likelihood of confusion in this case. Most importantly, Applicant stresses (1) the difference between Applicant’s products and those covered by the Cited Registrations; and (2) the third party marks currently coexisting on the register with the Cited Registrations, indicating tolerance for further coexistence and demonstrating the narrow scope of protection afforded to the Cited Registrations.


    The Products Covered by Schneider’s PREVENTA Registration in Class 7 and Class 9 are Distinguishable from Applicant’s Lighting Fixtures in Class 11

Schneider’s registration includes the following products in Classes 7 and 9:

Class 7:  Devices for controlling machines or electric motors particularly for safety purposes with regard to said machines or electric motors, namely, motor starters, starter alternators, servo-motors, servo-drives, variable speed drives; systems for controlling machines or electric motors particularly for safety purposes with regard to said machines or electric motors, namely, motor starters, starter alternators, servo-motors, servo-drives, variable speed drives.

Class 9:  Electric or electronic checking and monitoring, protection and safety apparatus, namely, electrical programmable logic controllers, electric controllers, electric safety modules, electrical switches, magnetic switches, electrical position switches, electric push-button switches, electric foot switches, electric switch disconnectors, electric circuit breakers, light indicators, terminal blocks, electric control stations; electric detection apparatus, namely, photoelectric sensors, transmitters and receivers for electric signals; safety devices, namely, safety light curtains, safety mats

Schneider produces “machine safety products” for “emergency stop and switch monitoring” under its PREVENTA mark. Applicant directs the Examining Attorney’s attention to Exhibit A, which includes copies of certain pages of Schneider’s website that provide further context about its PREVENTA line of safety products. Schneider describes its PREVENTA branded products as used in connection with “all potentially dangerous machines requiring protection for both the operator and the machine.” These products include safety on and off switches, emergency “stop” disconnectors, and sensors to determine the presence or absence of an object or human.

The products covered by each respective application or registration are sold to different consumers in different channels of trade – Schneider’s products are likely sold to safety compliance managers and others involved in the manufacturing process to ensure that machinery has the proper safeguards. These products prevent workplace injuries and are likely purchased by sophisticated consumers after careful consideration of the risk, evaluation of the potential dangers to employees, and employer obligations from a statutory or regulatory perspective.

Schneider’s safety products are drastically different from Applicant’s outdoor and indoor lighting fixtures. Applicant’s lighting products are installed inside or outside of buildings and are designed to be vandal resistant. Applicant’s products are also categorized by the Trademark Office into an entirely different Class.

Contrary to the Examining Attorney’s assertion, just because third parties happen to sell “electric or electronic goods such as electric switch disconnectors, electric circuit breakers, and photoelectric sensors” and “lighting fixtures” on the same website does not automatically dictate a finding of likelihood of confusion. The practical differences in product types, channels of trade, and consumers, must also be analyzed. In this case, these factors weigh against a finding of likelihood of confusion.

The Products Covered by Permatron’s PREVENT Registration are Distinguishable from Applicant’s Lighting Fixtures

Permatron’s PREVENT & Design registration covers “air filters and screens for air intake grills for commercial, residential, and industrial uses.” Its PREVENT branded products appear to fall squarely within the HVAC industry. This is supported by the evidence attached at Exhibit B, which includes a copy of the specimens submitted by Permatron to obtain and renew its registration and copies of certain pages of Permatron’s website.

In the specimens submitted to the Trademark Office on May 7, 2010, Permatron describes its products as a “wrap-around style air conditioner filter.” Permatron’s website also describes its product as stopping “airborne debris before it ever gets inside your HVAC coils and fins.”

Permatron’s products are highly distinct from Applicant’s lighting fixtures, are purchased by different consumers (i.e., those looking to improve the functioning of their HVAC and air conditioning systems), and are sold in entirely different channels of trade. Just because both “lighting fixtures” and “air filters and screens” are offered for sale on the same website does not establish that consumer confusion is likely.

To further illustrate this point, Applicant directs the Examining Attorney to the following third party registrations. The Trademark Office has allowed identical or nearly identical marks covering lighting products and air filters to coexist on the Register, including the following (status and title copies of TESS printouts are attached at Exhibit C):  


Reg. No.





Class 11: Electric lanterns; LED lanterns; LED flashlights; electrical beverage warmers in the nature of mugs; motion sensor lights; flashlights; camera lighting tripod; utility flashlights; candle lamps namely candle lamps with built-in timers, candle lamps with built-in fountain; portable lighting products, namely, LED headlamps; cap light clip on, LED puck lights; compact refrigerators; compact freezers; combination compact refrigerators/freezers; microwave ovens; portable ice making machines, among other goods in Classes 8, 9, 14, 21, and 28

Emerson Radio Corp.


Class 11: Air filters for domestic use; ceiling fan accessories, namely, fan blades, fan lighting fixtures, shades for fan lighting fixtures, fan controls, and fan downrods; dampers, namely, control devices used in air ducts to regulate the flow of air… among other goods in Classes 6, 7, 9, and 20.

Emerson Electric Co.



Class 11: Solar light fixtures, namely, indoor and outdoor solar powered lighting units and fixtures

Prashant Shewa



Class 11: Air filters for domestic, industrial, and commercial use, namely, air filters for use in connection with HVAC systems and used inside the grilles of the return air ducts in such systems

Clarcor Air Filtration Products, Inc.

The above third party EMERSON marks are identical and the above third party SYNERGY/CYNERGY marks are phonetically identical. In each pair, one registration covers lighting fixtures and the other covers air filters. If these marks can coexist on the Register, then Applicant’s PREVENT and the cited PREVENT & Design can also coexist without consumer confusion.

Coexistence of Additional Third Party PREVENT Registrations with the Cited Registrations

Applicant respectfully notes that Schneider’s PREVENTA registration in Class 7 and Class 9 is currently coexisting with the following third party registration in Class 7 and Class 9 that include the term “PREVENT,” namely (status and title copies of TESS printouts are attached at Exhibit C):


Reg. No.





Class 9: Printed circuits; printed circuit boards; integrated circuits; electronic components for integrated circuit cards; electronic components in the nature of capacitors, connectors, filters, oscillators, relays, switches, transformers, resistors, semiconductors, integrated circuits, rectifiers, transistors, among services in Classes 40 and 42.

Preventpcb SA

The above referenced PREVENTPCB registration covers various types of electronic components, like switches and circuits that are identical to Schneider’s PREVENTA branded electronic products. Comparatively, the above third party registration is far more similar to Schneider’s PREVENTA than Applicant’s mark. The goods covered by the PREVENTPCB and PREVENTA registrations directly overlap. The dominant portion of each registered mark is also phonetically equivalent and, when taken as a whole, the marks only differ by three letters (PREVENTPCB vs. PREVENTA). If these marks can coexist on the Register, then Applicant’s PREVENT and the Cited Registration for PREVENTA can also coexist without consumer confusion.

Finally, Applicant notes that Permatron’s Cited Registration for PREVENT & Design covering air filters in Class 11 is currently coexisting with the following third party registration namely (status and title copies of TESS printouts are attached at Exhibit C):


Reg. No.





Class 11: Parts and fittings to be used with HVAC systems, namely, air filters, filter racks, protective coil guards, motorized power exhaust fans, air side economizers, and mixing boxes for use in air handling units, among other goods in Classes 6 and 9.

Air Distribution Technologies IP, LLC

Applicant respectfully notes that this PROVENT registration covers HVAC air filters (among other HVAC products) that are identical to Permatron’s PREVENT air filters. Comparatively, this third party registration is far more similar to Permatron’s PREVENT than Applicant’s mark. This is particularly the case because the products listed in each registration directly overlap. In addition, both registered marks are phonetic and visual equivalents, as they only differ by one letter (PROVENT vs. PREVENT). The potential for consumer confusion is far greater between these two registrations, yet the Trademark Office has allowed each mark to coexist. In light of the fact that lighting fixtures are entirely distinct from air filters, Applicant’s mark should also be allowed to coexist.



In light of the above arguments now made of record, Applicant respectfully requests that the Examining Attorney approve Applicant’s mark for publication on the Principal Register.

Evidence in the nature of Applicant's Exhibit A, B, and C has been attached.
Original PDF file:
Converted PDF file(s) ( 7 pages)
Original PDF file:
Converted PDF file(s) ( 16 pages)
Original PDF file:
Converted PDF file(s) ( 28 pages)

Response Signature
Signature: /KAD/     Date: 06/19/2019
Signatory's Name: Kelly A. Donahue
Signatory's Position: Attorney of Record, Maine Bar Member

The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, which includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the owner's/holder's attorney or an associate thereof; and to the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian attorney/agent not currently associated with his/her company/firm previously represented the owner/holder in this matter: (1) the owner/holder has filed or is concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior representative to withdraw; (3) the owner/holder has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the owner's/holder's appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.

Serial Number: 88103294
Internet Transmission Date: Wed Jun 19 21:15:39 EDT 2019
TEAS Stamp: USPTO/ROA-XX.XX.XX.XXX-20190619211539471

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