Response to Office Action



Response to Office Action

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1957 (Rev 10/2011)
OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 07/31/2017)

Response to Office Action

The table below presents the data as entered.

Input Field
MARK STATEMENT The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style, size or color.
Applicant's Response to the Non-Final Office Action Dated July 18, 2016

A Non-Final Office Action has issued in this case regarding the issue of a section 2(d) refusal. Applicant addresses this issue below.

Applicant’s mark is VANISH claiming “cosmetics; fragrances.” U.S. Trademark Registration Number 4,966,038 (“the ‘038 Registration”) for the mark VANISH has been cited against Applicant under section 2(d). The cited registration covers “indoor and outdoor non-medicated skin tanning preparations.” The section 2(d) refusal has been made based on the allegations of similarity of the marks, similarity of the goods and similarity of the respective channels of trade.


I.                    The Respective Goods and Channels of Trade Are Not So Similar as to Cause a Likelihood of Confusion


Applicant has amended its listing of goods to more specifically cover “Cosmetic foundation, highlighters, concealers and primers.” Applicant respectfully asserts that the goods as amended are not so related with the goods of the ‘038 Registration as to cause a likelihood of confusion between the marks and that such amendment obviates the refusal under section 2(d). The owner of the ‘038 Registration’s goods are skin tanning preparations for providing a user with a synthetic or “fake” tan wherein such goods would be sold with other tanning products (e.g., at tanning salons). In contrast, Applicant’s goods are specifically identified cosmetics that would be sold at a cosmetics counter at a department store or in the same channel as other similar cosmetics brands. For this reason, it is unlikely that the goods of the ‘038 Registration would be marketed in such a way that they would be encountered at the same locations by persons seeking to purchase Applicant’s cosmetics. “[I]f the goods or services in question are not related or marketed in such a way that they would be encountered by the same persons in situations that would create the incorrect assumption that they originate from the same source, then, even if the marks are identical, confusion is not likely.” TMEP §1207.01(a)(i). Even if there is  a possibility of confusion, the possibility of confusion is not the standard—a likelihood of confusion is the standard. See In re Hughes Aircraft Company, 222 U.S.P.Q. 263, 264 (TTAB 1984) ("the Trademark Act does not preclude registration of a mark where there is a possibility of confusion as to source or origin, only where such confusion is likely") (emphasis added). Here, because of the differences in the goods under each mark and the differences in the channels of trade, there is no such likelihood as is required.





U.S. Trademark Registration Number 3,534,605 (“the ‘605 Registration”) for the mark VANISH COLOR CORRECTOR is a live, incontestable registration wherein the phrase “Color Corrector” has been disclaimed, leaving the term VANISH as the prominent feature of the mark. This registration covers “Hair care products, namely, hair color remover, hair dye remover, and hair color and dye corrector” in class 3—the same class as the ‘038 Registration. Such product involves the color of the hair whereas the ‘038 Registration involves the color of the skin. The ‘038 Registration and the ‘605 Registration coexist on the Principal Register despite the fact that they are in the same class and both include “VANISH” as the prominent feature of the marks. In the same manner, Applicant should be allowed to register its mark at least because of the differences between Applicant’s goods and the goods listed in the ‘038 Registration mentioned in Section I above.



III.                Coexistence of the COMPLEXION Marks


The mark COMPLEXION (Reg. No. 4,544,675, hereinafter “the ‘675 Registration”) is currently registered covering “Indoor and outdoor non-medicated skin tanning preparations” in class 3—precisely the same goods as those of the ‘038 Registration for VANISH. In fact, the ‘675 Registration is owned by the same company that owns the ‘038 Registration—Australian Gold, LLC. The mark FRESH COMPLEXION (Reg. No. 1,779,953, hereinafter “the ‘953 Registration”) is currently registered on the Principal Register to a different company wherein the ‘953 Registration covers “cosmetics, namely, foundation”—the same goods under Applicant’s application. So, there are two marks on the Principal Register that include the same prominent term (i.e., COMPLEXION) and that cover the same goods as the owner of the ‘038 Registration and Applicant, respectively. More specifically, there is precedent for one mark to cover tanning preparations while another very similar mark covers cosmetic foundation and for such marks to coexist on the Principal Register. In the same way that the ‘675 Registration and the ‘953 Registration coexist, Applicant should be allowed to register its mark and coexist with the owner of the ‘038 Registration at least because of the differences between Applicant’s goods and the goods listed in the ‘038 Registration mentioned in Section I above.  


IV.                Coexistence of the BELLEZZA Marks


The mark BELLEZZA (Reg. No. 3,842,038, hereinafter “the BELLEZZA Registration”) is currently registered covering “Indoor skin tanning preparations” in class 3—precisely the same goods as those of the ‘038 Registration for VANISH. The mark MIA BELLEZZA (Reg. No. 4,192,363, hereinafter “the ‘363 Registration”) is currently registered on the Principal Register to a different company wherein the ‘363 Registration covers, inter alia, “cosmetics”—the same goods under Applicant’s application. So, here again as a second example, there are two marks on the Principal Register that include the same prominent term (i.e., BELLEZZA) and that cover the same goods as the owner of the ‘038 Registration and Applicant, respectively. As yet another example, there is precedent for one mark to cover tanning preparations while another very similar mark covers cosmetics and for such marks to coexist on the Principal Register. In the same way that the BELLEZZA Registration and the ‘363 Registration coexist, Applicant should be allowed to register its mark and coexist with the owner of the ‘038 Registration at least because of the differences between Applicant’s goods and the goods listed in the ‘038 Registration mentioned in Section I above.  


V.                  Conclusion


Applicant asserts that on information and belief, it has fully addressed all of the issues raised by the Examining Attorney in the recent Office Action. In light thereof and based on the traversal set forth above, Applicant respectfully requests that this application be moved forward to publication for Applicant’s goods as amended.
DESCRIPTION Cosmetics; Fragrances
FILING BASIS Section 1(b)
Cosmetics; Cosmetic foundation, highlighters, concealers and primers; Fragrances
FINAL DESCRIPTION Cosmetic foundation, highlighters, concealers and primers
FILING BASIS Section 1(b)
RESPONSE SIGNATURE /michaelerobinson/
SIGNATORY'S NAME Michael E. Robinson
SIGNATORY'S POSITION Attorney of record, Tennessee bar member
DATE SIGNED 01/17/2017
SUBMIT DATE Tue Jan 17 12:05:28 EST 2017

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1957 (Rev 10/2011)
OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 07/31/2017)

Response to Office Action

To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

Application serial no. 86955235 VANISH(Standard Characters, see has been amended as follows:

In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the following:

Applicant's Response to the Non-Final Office Action Dated July 18, 2016

A Non-Final Office Action has issued in this case regarding the issue of a section 2(d) refusal. Applicant addresses this issue below.

Applicant’s mark is VANISH claiming “cosmetics; fragrances.” U.S. Trademark Registration Number 4,966,038 (“the ‘038 Registration”) for the mark VANISH has been cited against Applicant under section 2(d). The cited registration covers “indoor and outdoor non-medicated skin tanning preparations.” The section 2(d) refusal has been made based on the allegations of similarity of the marks, similarity of the goods and similarity of the respective channels of trade.


I.                    The Respective Goods and Channels of Trade Are Not So Similar as to Cause a Likelihood of Confusion


Applicant has amended its listing of goods to more specifically cover “Cosmetic foundation, highlighters, concealers and primers.” Applicant respectfully asserts that the goods as amended are not so related with the goods of the ‘038 Registration as to cause a likelihood of confusion between the marks and that such amendment obviates the refusal under section 2(d). The owner of the ‘038 Registration’s goods are skin tanning preparations for providing a user with a synthetic or “fake” tan wherein such goods would be sold with other tanning products (e.g., at tanning salons). In contrast, Applicant’s goods are specifically identified cosmetics that would be sold at a cosmetics counter at a department store or in the same channel as other similar cosmetics brands. For this reason, it is unlikely that the goods of the ‘038 Registration would be marketed in such a way that they would be encountered at the same locations by persons seeking to purchase Applicant’s cosmetics. “[I]f the goods or services in question are not related or marketed in such a way that they would be encountered by the same persons in situations that would create the incorrect assumption that they originate from the same source, then, even if the marks are identical, confusion is not likely.” TMEP §1207.01(a)(i). Even if there is  a possibility of confusion, the possibility of confusion is not the standard—a likelihood of confusion is the standard. See In re Hughes Aircraft Company, 222 U.S.P.Q. 263, 264 (TTAB 1984) ("the Trademark Act does not preclude registration of a mark where there is a possibility of confusion as to source or origin, only where such confusion is likely") (emphasis added). Here, because of the differences in the goods under each mark and the differences in the channels of trade, there is no such likelihood as is required.





U.S. Trademark Registration Number 3,534,605 (“the ‘605 Registration”) for the mark VANISH COLOR CORRECTOR is a live, incontestable registration wherein the phrase “Color Corrector” has been disclaimed, leaving the term VANISH as the prominent feature of the mark. This registration covers “Hair care products, namely, hair color remover, hair dye remover, and hair color and dye corrector” in class 3—the same class as the ‘038 Registration. Such product involves the color of the hair whereas the ‘038 Registration involves the color of the skin. The ‘038 Registration and the ‘605 Registration coexist on the Principal Register despite the fact that they are in the same class and both include “VANISH” as the prominent feature of the marks. In the same manner, Applicant should be allowed to register its mark at least because of the differences between Applicant’s goods and the goods listed in the ‘038 Registration mentioned in Section I above.



III.                Coexistence of the COMPLEXION Marks


The mark COMPLEXION (Reg. No. 4,544,675, hereinafter “the ‘675 Registration”) is currently registered covering “Indoor and outdoor non-medicated skin tanning preparations” in class 3—precisely the same goods as those of the ‘038 Registration for VANISH. In fact, the ‘675 Registration is owned by the same company that owns the ‘038 Registration—Australian Gold, LLC. The mark FRESH COMPLEXION (Reg. No. 1,779,953, hereinafter “the ‘953 Registration”) is currently registered on the Principal Register to a different company wherein the ‘953 Registration covers “cosmetics, namely, foundation”—the same goods under Applicant’s application. So, there are two marks on the Principal Register that include the same prominent term (i.e., COMPLEXION) and that cover the same goods as the owner of the ‘038 Registration and Applicant, respectively. More specifically, there is precedent for one mark to cover tanning preparations while another very similar mark covers cosmetic foundation and for such marks to coexist on the Principal Register. In the same way that the ‘675 Registration and the ‘953 Registration coexist, Applicant should be allowed to register its mark and coexist with the owner of the ‘038 Registration at least because of the differences between Applicant’s goods and the goods listed in the ‘038 Registration mentioned in Section I above.  


IV.                Coexistence of the BELLEZZA Marks


The mark BELLEZZA (Reg. No. 3,842,038, hereinafter “the BELLEZZA Registration”) is currently registered covering “Indoor skin tanning preparations” in class 3—precisely the same goods as those of the ‘038 Registration for VANISH. The mark MIA BELLEZZA (Reg. No. 4,192,363, hereinafter “the ‘363 Registration”) is currently registered on the Principal Register to a different company wherein the ‘363 Registration covers, inter alia, “cosmetics”—the same goods under Applicant’s application. So, here again as a second example, there are two marks on the Principal Register that include the same prominent term (i.e., BELLEZZA) and that cover the same goods as the owner of the ‘038 Registration and Applicant, respectively. As yet another example, there is precedent for one mark to cover tanning preparations while another very similar mark covers cosmetics and for such marks to coexist on the Principal Register. In the same way that the BELLEZZA Registration and the ‘363 Registration coexist, Applicant should be allowed to register its mark and coexist with the owner of the ‘038 Registration at least because of the differences between Applicant’s goods and the goods listed in the ‘038 Registration mentioned in Section I above.  


V.                  Conclusion


Applicant asserts that on information and belief, it has fully addressed all of the issues raised by the Examining Attorney in the recent Office Action. In light thereof and based on the traversal set forth above, Applicant respectfully requests that this application be moved forward to publication for Applicant’s goods as amended.

Applicant proposes to amend the following class of goods/services in the application:
Current: Class 003 for Cosmetics; Fragrances
Original Filing Basis:
Filing Basis: Section 1(b), Intent to Use: For a trademark or service mark application: As of the application filing date, the applicant had a bona fide intention, and was entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services in the application. For a collective trademark, collective service mark, or collective membership mark application: As of the application filing date, the applicant had a bona fide intention, and was entitled, to exercise legitimate control over the use of the mark in commerce by members on or in connection with the identified goods/services/collective membership organization. For a certification mark application: As of the application filing date, the applicant had a bona fide intention, and was entitled, to exercise legitimate control over the use of the mark in commerce by authorized users in connection with the identified goods/services, and the applicant will not engage in the production or marketing of the goods/services to which the mark is applied, except to advertise or promote recognition of the certification program or of the goods/services that meet the certification standards of the applicant.

Tracked Text Description: Cosmetics; Cosmetic foundation, highlighters, concealers and primers; FragrancesClass 003 for Cosmetic foundation, highlighters, concealers and primers
Filing Basis: Section 1(b), Intent to Use: For a trademark or service mark application: As of the application filing date, the applicant had a bona fide intention, and was entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services in the application. For a collective trademark, collective service mark, or collective membership mark application: As of the application filing date, the applicant had a bona fide intention, and was entitled, to exercise legitimate control over the use of the mark in commerce by members on or in connection with the identified goods/services/collective membership organization. For a certification mark application: As of the application filing date, the applicant had a bona fide intention, and was entitled, to exercise legitimate control over the use of the mark in commerce by authorized users in connection with the identified goods/services, and the applicant will not engage in the production or marketing of the goods/services to which the mark is applied, except to advertise or promote recognition of the certification program or of the goods/services that meet the certification standards of the applicant.

Response Signature
Signature: /michaelerobinson/     Date: 01/17/2017
Signatory's Name: Michael E. Robinson
Signatory's Position: Attorney of record, Tennessee bar member

Signatory's Phone Number: 865-978-6480

The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, which includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the owner's/holder's attorney or an associate thereof; and to the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian attorney/agent not currently associated with his/her company/firm previously represented the owner/holder in this matter: (1) the owner/holder has filed or is concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior representative to withdraw; (3) the owner/holder has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the owner's/holder's appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.

Serial Number: 86955235
Internet Transmission Date: Tue Jan 17 12:05:28 EST 2017
TEAS Stamp: USPTO/ROA-XX.XX.XX.XX-201701171205287779
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